Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 200 Shrek Academy “Resurrection”

Chapter 200 Shrek Academy “Resurrection”

In the blink of an eye, the first round of preliminaries was over.

However, one more resurrection match is required before the remaining winners advance to the second round.

That is, Shrek Academy was defeated by the Tiandou Royal Academy, Elephant Academy was instantly defeated by the Star Luo Royal Academy, and Star Crown Academy was finally defeated by the Spirit Hall Academy.

Teams that lose to the three teams that were sent to the finals need to participate in the resurrection game to qualify for the second round.

In the same way, in the second round, the teams that lost to the three teams that were sent to the finals will also participate in a resurrection game to enter the third round.

Shrek Academy, Elephant Academy, and Star Crown Academy.

Among these three academies, the one that left the worst impression on the audience was naturally Shrek. Apart from the others, the main reason was that Oscar's martial arts and skills were too vulgar.

Although the battle between soul masters is not to ascend to some elegant hall, it cannot be so vulgar. It is simply tearing off the fig leaf and trampling it underfoot.

Everyone thinks that Shrek Academy will be eliminated first.

Without him.

Because there is nothing outstanding about Shrek Academy.

Before the final resurrection match started, Yu Xiaogang also approached Bibi Dong, hoping that she could change the corresponding rules.

"Why?" Bibi Dong looked at the man she once admired, her tone was extremely calm, without any emotion.

Sensing the attitude of rejecting others thousands of miles away, Yu Xiaogang felt very uncomfortable in his heart, and just said: "This is unfair to the three academies of Shrek, Elephant Armor, and Star Crown."

Although Shrek has the strength to win the championship, he should not be eliminated in the first round.

However, Yu Xiaogang also understood that he could not only consider Shrek, but also needed to bring the other two academies with him.

"Then why didn't they send someone to propose? Or can you represent three colleges at the same time?" Bibi Dong asked.

"Of course you can't." Yu Xiaogang sighed, "It's just that this is unfair to these three colleges. Their strength should not stop at the first round."

"Is there any difference? If they meet other strong teams, they will still be eliminated." Bibi Dong insisted, "Moreover, in different arenas, you can also see the performance of different people. You don't have to have a high ranking to be able to Show your strength and wisdom.”

"They just have bad luck..." Yu Xiaogang was a little dumbfounded, but still said it bravely.

"Don't you often say that luck is also a part of strength?"

Somehow, facing the somewhat careless Yu Xiaogang, Bibi Dong compared him with Tang San, and suddenly felt that he seemed to be the same thing. Was it because too much time had passed?
"Also, the rules of the competition were agreed upon by me and the emperors of the two empires. It's useless if you only come to me alone."

"I can talk to you so much just because of our past friendship."

"Let's go. If you really want to prove yourself, just like Tang San, look through the information you have written down. If you can summarize something useful, it can be regarded as a kind of proof for yourself."

Hearing the word "Tang San", Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but clenched his fists——

It is him again!
That guy took everything from him!
After being silent for a while, Yu Xiaogang turned around and left without saying a word, but before finally leaving, he said lightly: "Bibi Dong, we may not meet again in the future, but at least I loved you."

After saying that, Yu Xiaogang strode out of the Pope's Palace, his back looking extremely chic.

Bibi Dong squeezed the scepter in her hand tightly, feeling angry for no reason, not because of the words "I will never meet again", but because of "at least I loved you"——

This is the world of the strong!

Weak people are not worthy of saying such things!

Compared with Bibi Dong in the original work, who has always missed Yu Xiaogang, now Bibi Dong has read a lot of theories about Tang San's writing, and will unconsciously compare with Yu Xiaogang.

In the past, I could still intercede for Yu Xiaogang in my heart.

But now, Yu Xiaogang's attitude made her completely understand why the name of Master was a joke to him.

Weak people can also be proud, but at least they have the confidence to become strong.

Yu Xiaogang’s ten theories are not confidence, they are just jokes...

The Easter match adopts a melee system, that is, three parties compete on the same stage.

This is also to save time.

The conditions for the decisive victory are also simple. Either the two sides surrender, or everyone on both sides loses the ability to fight. It is not much different from an ordinary one-on-one team spirit match.

After the three parties came on stage, Ju Douluo began to draw the venue——

ice and snow.

As the ice and snow field rose, Tang San, as a spectator, finally understood how the ice and snow field was made.

There are four icebergs on the four sides of the site, with cylindrical soul guides inside. There are countless small holes on them, which can release white cold air.

The cold air comes out from the opening on the top of the icicle and can merge with each other to form an artificial cloud, which can drop ice and snow and blow the cold wind.

"It seems that I guessed it right. Ice and snow venues are really made with soul guides."

Tang San looked at the four icicles thoughtfully, "Moreover, the cold air coming out can condense together, which is obviously similar to the structure of the soul power circulation route in the soul ring."

"I have to say, Brother Tang, the civilization of your world may have been more developed than the Holy Demon Continent a long time ago. Perhaps it has experienced some catastrophe, so it has declined." Electrolux can release ice and snow through that He saw something about the soul guide, "That thing is much more advanced than the soul guide you and Guang Ling studied, and the flow pattern of soul power is also extremely complicated."

"Who can explain things in ancient times clearly?" Tang San looked inexplicably, and then asked Elex a question, "If gods need faith, brother Eli, do you think it is better for mortals to be ignorant or intelligent? ?”

"Of course it is ignorance." Electrolux blurted out, and then he was stunned and thought about it, "So, is it caused by gods? After all, the wisdom of mortals is not inferior to gods. The difference is only in strength...ignorance, Birth Faith.”

"This is a guess. We still don't know the details, so we can't be too arbitrary." Tang San changed the subject and looked at the field. At this moment, the resurrection match had begun.

For ice and snow venues, among the three teams, the Elephant Academy is the most adaptable. After all, mammoths mostly live in ice and snow areas, and the Diamond Mammoths have good cold tolerance.

As for the other two teams, no one from Shrek Academy could adapt to the cold climate. Even Jiangzhu put on a thicker cotton jacket before learning that the competition venue was ice and snow.

As an auxiliary system, she needs to be ready to treat her teammates at all times, but she cannot use excess soul power to resist the frost and needs to save it.

As for Star Crown Academy, not many people could keep out the cold, and they were all wearing thick clothes.

Following Ju Douluo's order.

All three parties have activated their martial spirits.

Hu Yanzhuo, the captain of the Elephant Academy, didn't take the Shrek team seriously at all. He just asked the three team members to be wary of their sneak attacks. He took the remaining three people and rushed directly to the Star Crown Academy team.

After all, the performance of Star Crown Academy is so impressive. After Xu Xing received the soul power starlight from other team members, he went straight to Soul Saint, and even had a domain-type skill. Even the Soul Fusion of the Soul Palace team's Contra level The means are difficult to combine.

If Xu Xing's soul power hadn't been exhausted in the end, the Wuhundian team would have been eliminated.

Therefore, Hu Yanzhuo's first target is Xu Xing.

After all, this guy himself is not strong, he is just a soul master. He only needs to take three people with him to disperse their team and prevent them from using the seven-in-one martial soul fusion skill.

The Star Crown Team really does not dare to go head-to-head with the Elephant Armor Academy. In terms of hard power, the members of the Star Crown Team are all weapon souls, and their bodies are not as strong as the muscular men like the Elephant Armor Team.

Moreover, the speed at which mammoths collide is not slow.

Therefore, four VS seven, the Star Crown team was instantly dispersed. Hu Yanzhuo even pushed straight towards Xu Xing, completely ignoring the attacks of others. He relied on the Diamond Mammoth Martial Spirit to resist and quickly arrived in front of Xu Xing.

One punch!
Xu Xing suddenly arched his back and his eyes protruded.

As a disciple of the Xingguan Sect, he is naturally skilled in both hands and feet, but compared to a thick-skinned and thick-skinned man like Hu Yanzhuo, he is really weak, and Hu Yanzhuo has higher soul power than him.The body is strong, the soul power is high, and the straight line speed is fast.

In addition, the ice and snow field is not a weakening for the soul master with the diamond mammoth martial spirit.

In terms of individual strength, Xu Xing also had an advantage over Hu Yanzhuo in terms of flexibility, but because he wore warm clothes, his flexibility decreased, and this advantage was also weakened.

After being hit by Hu Yanzhuo's punch, Xu Xing was naturally unable to get up again.

"Ha, I thought you were so powerful, but it turns out you are just a silver gun and a candle, useless." Hu Yanzhuo mocked, "The reason why the Wuhundian team was pushed to that level was because of their great support. I will not give you the time to use your martial soul fusion skills."

Holding Xu Xing's hair, Hu Yanzhuo picked it up with one hand, made a fist with the other hand, and punched the opponent in the abdomen again, and at the same time released the hand holding Xu Xing's hair.

Suddenly, Xu Xing flew upside down for more than 30 meters and lost his ability to fight.

"You have a good martial spirit, but that's just a good martial spirit." Tang San shook his head secretly in his heart, "My own combat ability is too poor. Real combat is not a turn-based game of soul skills versus bombardment..." ·Having said that, the Star Crown Sect mainly attacks and assists, supplemented by control. The sect probably does not have any relatively powerful offensive self-created soul skills, which is in line with the concept of this era - based on the main function of the martial soul. .”

"However, although the Star Crown Sect is gone, the Elephant Armor Sect may not be able to qualify for 'resurrection'..."

Just because the three soul masters from the Elephant Academy team who were wary of the Shrek team have been defeated.

One of them was defeated by Dai Mubai. After all, he was a Soul Sect with higher soul power. Even though the Diamond Mammoth had rough skin and thick flesh, those three were all Soul Sects and had a soul power gap with Dai Mubai.

But even so, Dai Mubai broke through his defense and was still a little out of breath.

As for the remaining two, Mu Tian and Oscar defeated them together, with Oscar as the main attacker. After all, he possesses the Eight Spider Spears and has the poison of the Man-Faced Spider. The Diamond Mammoth has strong vitality, but its resistance to poison. It's not very high either.

As for how to poison?

As long as he touches the Eight Spider Spears, Oscar doesn't need to deliberately control it. The toxins from the Eight Spider Spears can invade the opponent's skin.

Upon seeing this, Hu Yanzhuo ignored the rest of the Star Crown Team and rushed directly to Shrek's side, facing Ma Hongjun's Phoenix line of fire, aiming directly at Oscar.

But with the Eight Spider Spears, his agility was far beyond what Xu Xing could match. He instantly dodged Hu Yanzhuo's punch and quickly retreated. When he passed Ma Hongjun, he didn't forget to give him a recovery sausage. .

However, Ma Hongjun didn't really want to eat it at this time - after experiencing the incident of being "trapped" by Oscar's third soul skill, when he saw Oscar's first soul skill, he felt that this thing was very improper.

Even though I wasn’t serious before...

In the end, Ma Hongjun swallowed it in one gulp.

After all, the most troublesome Star Crown Team has been eliminated, so the next step is to deal with the Elephant Armor Team.

These rough-skinned guys are extremely difficult to deal with.

Especially Hu Yanzhuo, even Dai Mubai may not be able to handle him. If he wants to win, he can only rely on Oscar's poison.


Under Mu Tian's control, Haoyue ran towards Hu Yanzhuo and spit out balls of flames towards him.

Hu Yanzhuo still chose to bear it.

A punch hit one of Haoyue's heads, and the other two heads came over and bit into his shoulders.

"Ah! Asshole!"

Haoyue's teeth were still extremely sharp, biting through the diamond mammoth's defense and piercing his flesh and blood. Hu Yanzhuo roared in pain and was about to raise his arms to clamp Haoyue's neck.

However, at this moment, Oscar relied on the movement speed of the Eight Spider Spears to arrive behind Hu Yanzhuo, and the two spider spears pierced his skin, injecting poison.

"Huh? It's really hard, it just pierced the skin!" Oscar felt the shock from the Eight Spider Spears, and while being frightened by Hu Yanzhuo's defense, he immediately backed away.

Although it only pierced the skin and penetrated into the muscle, the toxin had already entered and it was only a matter of time before Hu Yanzhuo collapsed.

However, in order to restrain Hu Yanzhuo's actions, Oscar used his third soul skill: "I have a mushroom sausage!"

When the second soul skill is not used, the third soul skill is to directly create a "ZWB intestine", the length of which is not as exaggerated as shown in the first scene.


Still unsightly.


With the blessing of soul power, the sausage that was created began to expand, and then shot out balls of white silk threads, like a spider preying on prey, binding Hu Yanzhuo tightly.

Mu Tian controlled Haoyue to breathe fire, and Ma Hongjun also found the right opportunity to use Phoenix Fire Line on it.

As the fire burned, Hu Yanzhuo felt pain, and the silk thread in Oscar's third soul skill also contained toxins. In the flames, it turned into smoke and was inhaled by Hu Yanzhuo, aggravating the explosion of toxins in his body.

"Ah!" Hu Yanzhuo shouted and threw himself into the ice and snow.

However, the heat and the cold were so exciting that he fainted.

"team leader!"

The remaining three members of the Elephant Armor Team were shocked and wanted to check the situation, but they were entangled by the six members of the Star Crown Team.

It's not that the Star Crown Team and the Shrek Team have a tacit understanding, but they both know that when Xu Xing loses his fighting ability, the Elephant Team is the most difficult to deal with and must be kicked out first.

After Shrek Team eliminated Hu Yanzhuo, except for Ma Hongjun and Huang Yuan who stayed to protect Jiangzhu, the rest launched indiscriminate attacks on the remaining three members of the Elephant Team and the six members of the Star Crown Team. .

"The fourth soul skill: White Tiger Meteor Shower!" Dai Mubai used his fourth soul skill and launched a long-range range of firepower output, carpet bombing the nine people.

This move worked as expected. The intensive bombing attack caused one more person from the Elephant Armor Team to go offline, while three people from the Star Crown Team had no time to evade, or were attacked by the aftermath of the explosion and lost their ability to fight.

After all, this is an ice and snow venue, with ice and snow.

The energy attacks of the White Tiger Meteor Shower can be avoided, but the secondary attack caused by these attacks falling on the ice and snow - the ice splash is not so easy to avoid (refer to the grenade, the main range of damage is not an explosion, but an explosion of sputtered debris).

At this moment, all members of Shrek were present, and the Elephant Armor Team and the Star Crown Team totaled four people.

So, these four people united to deal with Shrek...
"The battle has been decided." Huo Wu knew that there was no suspense in this resurrection match, and Shrek would be "resurrected" again and enter the second round of preliminaries.

To be honest, Huo Wu thought this resurrection match was quite funny.

The Star Crown Team was immediately targeted by the Elephant Armor Sect, which resulted in Xu Xing being unable to borrow the soul power of his team members for strengthening. He was the first to lose his fighting ability - his Star Crown Spirit should have undergone some kind of mutation and was extremely powerful. But his actual combat ability is not strong.

Without the seven-in-one martial soul fusion skills, Star Crown Team has lost the possibility of winning.

Shrek was able to win entirely because of Oscar. The Eight Spider Spears were so weird that they could not only move him flexibly, but also inject poison.

The Elephant Armored Team did not have any means to restrain the poison, so they were naturally extremely passive.

Moreover, with Shrek's cooperation in the end, Mu Tian asked Haoyue and Hu Yanzhuo to use their strength to carry out preliminary control, Oscar sneaked in, poisoned, tied up, and finally Ma Hongjun and Mu Tian used fire attacks together. The whole process was almost done in one go, and it was obviously discussed in advance.

In addition, Dai Mubai used the White Tiger Meteor Shower to catch the Star Crown Team and the Elephant Armor Team off guard, allowing Shrek to find a chance to win.

"Those people from Shrek cooperate quite well. As long as they don't encounter the four major element academies, Canghui Academy and the three main teams in the second round, they can basically advance to the third round." Yu Tianheng also launched an analysis. Then he looked at Tang San, "After the first round, we will have a day off. The competition will start tomorrow. Which team do you think we will be matched with?"

"How do I know this?" Tang San shrugged, not caring, "Don't think too much of me, I don't have the ability to predict the future."

"However, the arrangement of the competing teams is definitely not a completely fair and just draw."

Yu Tianheng nodded: "It makes sense, and it is reasonable to operate in secret. It is a common problem of big forces... But we are strong, no matter what kind of opponent we encounter, we can win!"

(End of this chapter)

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