Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 203 Humans transform into soul beasts?

Chapter 203 Humans transform into soul beasts?
Facing the noisy jeers from the audience, Huo Yuhao turned a deaf ear and only had one person in his eyes, and that was Tang San in front of him.

In terms of cultivation, he was indeed no match, but Dou Yimeng, Dou Ertianmeng, and Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion also analyzed that the Tang San in front of them should be more disciplined in the competition.

In Huo Yuhao's view, this is even more hypocritical.

Therefore, he can use all his means, but the other party cannot really kill him.

Being famous has its benefits.

But the disadvantage is that once you do something out of the ordinary, you will be criticized and the world will not be able to silence you.

Whether before or after time travel, Huo Yuhao is very sure of one thing, that is, there is an extremely large group of mentally retarded people in the world.

This is also Tang San's fault, who asked him and that Guang Ling to create things like the mother-child soul-guiding photography ball?

"Come here, mother." The Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion's voice sounded in Huo Yuhao's mind, and then he took control of Huo Yuhao's body in an instant, and he lay on the ground.

From the perspective of Tang San and the other major audiences, Huo Yuhao looked like a real scorpion at this moment, with his teeth bared, his hands turning into ice crystal pincers, and the scorpion tail protruding from his waist.

An Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion would naturally not be able to achieve this level. However, with the spiritual blessing of two Tianmeng Ice Silkworms, the 38-year-old soul ring and soul bone have reached the same level as Huo Yuhao's body. The extremely perfect level made him seem to have really turned into an ice jade scorpion.

So much so that, in Tang San's eyes, the Huo Yuhao in front of him was no longer a human being, but an... ice jade scorpion - the kind that had been transformed for 10 years.

Tang San grinned and said to himself: "You are so smart! Scorpions and insects have lived for more than 30 or millions of years. Is that this kind of wisdom? Facts have proved that living a long time has little to do with whether you are smart or not. No contact with people, that’s all.”

"By the way, when I was making the sacrifice, I should have seen Huo Yuhao's memory... That's right. This guy who doesn't care about right and wrong and judges a person based on his personal preferences, what useful things does he have in his memory?"

Why did Tang San say that the other party was smart?

Because at this time, Huo Yuhao, in the eyes of all the Soul Douluo and Titled Douluo at the venue, was not a human being, but a 10-year-old Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion.

Although, it is unlikely that a 10-year-old transformed soul beast is a twin martial soul.


Is this an example?
Anyway, most of them, Soul Douluo and Titled Douluo, have never seen what the transformed 10-year-old soul beast looks like or what it is like.

From this moment on, regardless of whether Huo Yuhao is alive or not, in their eyes, he is the incarnation of a 10-year-old soul beast.

Without him.

Soul bones, so delicious!

However, everyone at this moment restrained themselves. They wanted to see how strong Tang San was and whether he could deal with a transformed 10-year-old spirit beast.

Under the control of the Ice Emperor, Huo Yuhao was like a scorpion, attacking Tang San quickly, with a straight-line speed of 40 meters per second, already surpassing the average Soul Saint-level agility attack type soul master.

However, Tang San's eyes flashed with purple light, he saw his movements clearly, and quickly hid to the side.

However, Huo Yuhao was able to turn [-] degrees in a straight line without losing any speed, and even sped up a lot.

"Ice Emperor, one of the three great kings of the far north, is really quite capable." Tang San sighed secretly, his feet moved together, and his figure became ethereal, like an immortal from Lingbo, fighting with him, competing for speed.

Leaping and moving, the figure is ethereal.

Everyone saw that Tang San was like the wind, dodging Huo Yuhao's collision with an extremely small distance every time.

Such precise control——

"Is this body technique some kind of self-created soul skill?" Bibi Dong recalled the information of the major sects, and found that no sect or family had such a body technique.

So, Tang San created it himself?
Tang San, who was as light as the wind, couldn't help laughing while jumping around, and said: "Can the speed get any faster?"

"Damn it! I'm so angry!" Ice Emperor roared, speeding up again, regardless of whether Huo Yuhao's soul-level body could bear it, and just wanted to teach the guy in front of her who was mocking her a lesson.

Huo Yuhao's body was completely regarded by her as her own, and she didn't listen at all even if the two Tianmeng persuaded her.

Helplessly, the two Tianmeng Ice Silkworms could only help.

After all, they are all "tracheitis".

Moreover, if the Ice Emperor was stopped at this time, Huo Yuhao's body would suddenly stop, and his internal organs would really be unable to bear it, and he would definitely not be able to survive.

"The Realm of Perpetual Frozen!"

While Huo Yuhao was running, white air flow emerged from the running Huo Yuhao. At this time, Huo Yuhao no longer aimed at chasing Tang San, but quickly circled around Tang San, a frozen air flow about a hundred meters high. Wrapped Tang San.

In terms of field, Ice Emperor himself is much more skilled than Huo Yuhao in using it, and he has more tricks.

But this also convinced those titled Douluo:
Huo Yuhao is the 10-year-old Ice Jade Scorpion!

After all, the current Huo Yuhao is completely different from the previous one. He has obviously revealed his true face as a soul beast!

At this time, Tang San was in the center of the freezing air tornado. He stopped and looked at the white air, realizing that the ice emperor's permanent frozen domain was completely different from the one used by Huo Yuhao himself.

Although it is not impossible to resist forcefully, the trump card should be saved for last use. If you use it to deal with a scorpion, it will be overkill and underqualified.

"The Wrath of the Ice Emperor!" Huo Yuhao, who was controlled by the Ice Emperor, condensed a ball of light on the scorpion tail behind him. He used the Ice Emperor's Wrath and rushed towards the air tornado formed in the eternal frozen domain. .

In an instant, the air tornado became even larger, and due to its rotation, countless ice crystals shot towards the center where Tang San was.

Facing the violent storm of ice crystals, Tang San remained calm, his hands turned into jade, but at this moment they showed a touch of gold.

With the first clear sound coming from it, Tang San also took action, stepping on the ice crystal, gradually moving up, using his golden and jade-colored hands to control the crane and capture the dragon, using the force to transmit the force, he continuously broke and pushed the ice crystal. open.

And the tinkling sound is not that kind of noisy noise, it seems to be a kind of music with rhythm. At first listen, it seems noisy, but if you listen carefully, it seems like a person dancing gracefully in the storm, and constantly avoiding, Break away the raindrops.

What kind of courage is this?
What confidence!
Ding Dong!

With the last sound of his fingers colliding with the ice crystals, Tang San already used those ice crystals to jump out of the airflow and "stand" a hundred meters in the air.

What is independence?

Now Tang San has shown the world the specific expression of this word - standing in the sky, looking down on all living beings, except one person.

At this moment, all the audience present were silent.

But Tang San's movements didn't stop, his hands moved together, spinning in a strange rhythm, and its direction was consistent with the rotation direction of the tornado below.

Using the principle of the Rasengan, Tang San used the power of controlling a crane to capture a dragon, accelerating the speed of soul power rotation to match the tornado, making contact with it, and then speeding up again.

By this time, control of the frost tornado below had already passed into Tang San's hands.

Soul skills, once this thing is released, if the power is too powerful, it will be difficult for the releaser to control it. However, if other people understand some principles of the interaction of forces and have the corresponding soul power to complete it, they will have control over the soul skills. It's not impossible to take it over temporarily.


Hearing Tang San shout loudly, he raised his hands violently, and the giant tornado, which was more than a hundred meters high and almost covered the entire venue, was lifted up by Tang San like a ribbon.

Then he swung downwards suddenly.


The majestic frost tornado rushed towards Huo Yuhao.

"What?!" The Ice Emperor was dumbfounded and wanted to unlock the soul skill he used. However, once the soul skill is formed, it contains not only soul power, but also the natural air flow and the rotating inertia. The strength was also fully doubled by Tang San's use of strength.

The Ice Emperor could remove the frost element within it, but how could she withstand the inertia of the rotation?

This world is not completely unscientific!

"Run away!" Dou Yimeng and Dou Ertianmeng immediately urged Ice Emperor and Huo Yuhao to jump out of the venue.


How fast does the frost fall?
In just an instant, Huo Yuhao was hit by the tornado, and his whole body was sucked into it. Countless ice crystals continuously penetrated Huo Yuhao's body, pricking it with holes.


A huge roar sounded, and the entire venue underneath was destroyed, revealing a large pit, and even other venues hidden below were affected.Ju Douluo took a breath of cold air and trembled all over: "This ground is so hard that even the Soul Saint cannot destroy it, and now it has been destroyed by a single blow!"

"It's really scary!"

"The attacks from these 10-year-old spirit beasts are so powerful, but Tang San is even more powerful. He was able to return that attack... It's really unbelievable."

"How far has his control of soul power reached?"

At this time, Ju Douluo already had a guess, that is, Tang San was able to absorb a 10-year-old spirit ring. Perhaps it was not that he missed a seriously injured 10-year-old spirit beast, but that he actually defeated a 10-year-old spirit beast. Thousand-year soul beast.

Moreover, even a seriously injured 10-year-old soul beast is equivalent to a titled Douluo!
Tang San's strength was truly terrifying!
In fact, Ju Douluo had a hunch that these were not all of Tang San's trump cards, but just the tip of the iceberg of his entire strength...

"No, Huo Yuhao's injuries are too serious and he won't survive. We will also die. We must find a way." Dou Ertianmeng felt that Huo Yuhao's aura was weak and became scared.

"Now there is only one way, and that is to make Huo Yuhao a soul beast!" Dou Yimeng's eyes were solemn, "A 10-year-old soul beast can be transformed into a human form. This process is to shape the animal body into a human body, and then transform the 10-year-old soul beast into a human form. Cultivation and sealing, in the same way, if we go in the opposite direction and reverse this process, we can also transform the human body into a true soul beast form."

"We all have 10-year origins and soul bones."

"Huo Yuhao's human body is now riddled with holes. If he wants to continue to live, he must take desperate risks... With our two million-year spiritual power, we can definitely do this."

Dou Ertianmeng asked: "Who is the subject?"

"Of course it's Bingbing."

Dou Yimeng rolled his eyes, feeling that Dou Er's self might have been sucked for a longer time, and his IQ was also affected a bit, "Both brothers are ice silkworms. The reversal was successful, and Huo Yuhao turned into our appearance. What’s the big deal? There are so many titled Douluo on the scene, and there’s one level 98, and even the Elder’s Hall, there’s another level 99, wouldn’t that be courting death?”

"Bingbing is different. Once the transformation is successful, he should be able to directly exert his 38-year cultivation strength. Even if some cultivation is wasted during the transformation process, there will definitely be more than 30 years of cultivation left."

"You can't beat it, but you can definitely escape."

"Besides, if we want to resurrect, we can definitely use insect skin."

"But Bingbing can't."

When Ice Emperor listened to Dou Yitianmeng's analysis, his head was full of black lines, and he cursed: "I have really lost my mind, so I followed you to sacrifice to this stupid person! Why didn't I choose Tang San in the first place!"

Human beings are hypocritical, so what does it have to do with their soul beasts?

At least help Tang San, he can do well in his superficial skills, such as the soft-bone rabbit. In the original destiny path, the Silver Dragon King would have to call him "Po-po" when he saw her.

The Green Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape were also resurrected that day, and they even became gods.

Damn it, this bug can't even choose anyone, so he chose a brain-dead idiot... There was no conflict at all between Huo Yuhao and Tang San at the beginning. They had to find trouble and use their mental power to spy. After admitting his mistake, he still retaliates, and now he is fine, but now he is seeking death.

Dou Yimeng was helpless: "Brother, I thought so too, but Tang San wasn't the first person I met at that time? Also, that Electrolux is so unreasonable at all, he actually sealed the passage for us to go out."

"Bah! If I were my mother, I wouldn't want to live in the same room with you two idiots!" Ice Emperor was furious, but he had no choice but to do what the two big meat worms said.

After all, she is not a million-year-old soul beast. Huo Yuhao is dead, and these two flesh worms can still be reborn, but she can't - M, she must have been deceived by this worm in the first place...


On the broken field, Tang San slowly fell from the sky, and the tornado in front of him suddenly dispersed.


Tang San's spirit trembled, and he hurriedly retreated to the edge of the field.

And where it was originally, a blue scorpion appeared, with crystal-like pincers, a bamboo-like tail, and eight slender legs... it was an ice jade scorpion!

Moreover, it is still the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion!

At this moment, Tang San had to wonder whether Huo Yuhao was a human being or a 10-year-old spirit beast.

However, Tang San had some guesses.

After all, Xiao Wu is the incarnation of a 10-year-old soul beast, and his body is no different from the human body. The only difference is that he has the origin of a 10-year-old soul beast and can independently condense soul rings.

So, is the process of transformation reversible?
Soul beasts can transform into humans by sealing the origin of 10 years of cultivation.

So can humans also transform into soul beasts?

As long as there are corresponding conditions: 10-year-old cultivation base, corresponding soul bones, similar martial spirits, and knowing how to transform.

Huo Yuhao has 10-year-old cultivation and origin.

Huo Yuhao also has the martial spirit, Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion.

Huo Yuhao didn't know the method of transformation, but he had two meat worms and an ice scorpion in his mind. They knew that as long as they reversed the process of transforming into human form, they might actually be able to transform humans into beasts.

It's really awesome.

Those two bugs were quite capable. They probably had their imagination opened up after reading Huo Yuhao's memories.

After the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion glanced at Tang San, he did not continue to attack, but immediately ran towards the exit passage of the spirit fighting arena, preparing to escape from this place.


Ju Douluo stepped forward to stop him, but was pushed away by a scorpion tail and hit the guardrail on the side.

Although he is a level 95 Titled Douluo, compared to a ferocious beast that is more than 30 years old, he is still a little behind.

"Asshole!" Ju Douluo got up and shouted outside the venue, "Old ghost! Help me stop this evil beast!"

"Here we come!" Ghost Douluo rushed over and used martial soul fusion skills with Ju Douluo.

Just for a moment, golden and black light erupted, prohibiting the space of the venue, making it difficult for everyone to move.

As for the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion, although it slowed down in the two static realms, it was still able to move. This scene shocked the titled Douluo who were not in the two static realms.

"What kind of soul beast is this? It can't even completely ban the soul fusion skills of two titled Douluo?"

"This level of cultivation is over 10 years old, right?"

At this moment, Bibi Dong stood up from her seat, pressed her level 98 soul power towards the ice jade emperor scorpion, and shouted softly: "In this martial spirit city, you can come and leave whenever you want, right?"

As soon as the words fell, the scepter in Bibi Dong's hand that represented the power of the Pope shot out, instantly piercing the ice jade emperor scorpion's tail and fixing it on the ground.


The Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion roared, but a fiery female voice came out, and the surging soul power was shocked, and it directly broke through Ju Guier Douluo's martial soul fusion skill.

"Black Widow, let me go, or I will blow myself up! My 38 years of cultivation is equivalent to a level 98 expert in your Titled Douluo. Even if I can't kill you, the inheritor of the god, this Wuhun City Most of the people will be buried with me!"

"That old Biden who is level 99 in your Elder Hall can't stop it!"

The news revealed by the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion was frightening and shocking at the same time.

This soul beast has been practicing for 38 years!
And the current Pope of Wuhun Palace is actually the inheritor of the so-called gods... In other words, can the current Pope continue to make breakthroughs and become gods in the future?

Moreover, there is a level 99 titled Douluo in Wuhun Palace!

Bibi Dong's face darkened. She was also surprised that a soul beast could cultivate for more than 30 years, but she did not expect that such a soul beast could actually see that she had accepted the inheritance of the gods.

However, she has decided to kill this soul beast!

Although its attributes are not consistent with those of the Soul-Eating Spider Emperor, its appearance is similar to that of a spider, and scorpions and spiders are poisons that can be absorbed.

Still 38 years of cultivation!

This quality is enough to make up for the lack of attributes.

Moreover, the most important reason is that the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion called her a "black widow"...

This hit her where it hurts!
Totally unbearable!
(End of this chapter)

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