Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 209: Swift Wind and Grass: Swift Wind Step!Strong grass fist!

Chapter 209: Swift Wind and Grass: Swift Wind Step!Strong grass fist!

Facing the remaining students of Shenfeng Academy, Lan Yinzi was able to deal with them relatively easily.

Compared to the past control using blue silver seeds, blue silver network and other soul skills, in this promotion match, she showed the world what agility is.

Naturally, Tang San didn't teach him how to control the wind freely.

The advice Tang San gave her made her body sway, just like the real blue silver grass in the wind.

This may be very difficult for other people, but for Lan Yinzi, it is relatively easy, and it is even possible to achieve the advanced state of moving the body at will.

Just because Lan Yinzi is the Lan Yin Emperor... seizing the body.

At least, the soul is, so it must have the memory of the Blue Silver Emperor period.

And since she has a heart to be a strong attack and control system, she must have a set of extremely flexible body skills, instead of just standing there stupidly and attacking with only soul skills.

The main reason why he did not teach her how to control the wind freely was because Lan Yinzi had not been honest with him, and in terms of genes, there was no blood relationship between the two.

Secondly, Tang San was not sure whether Lan Yinzi himself had inherited the memory of the time traveler, and what his attitude towards his "son" was... he needed to be wary.

Finally, as a Blue Silver Emperor, Lan Yinzi can imagine himself as a real Blue Silver Emperor, swaying in the strong wind, soft but not fragile, and able to survive the hard times.

This experience is far from comparable to others.

The plan Tang San gave him was ultimately to integrate the movement skills learned by the Blue Silver Emperor into his own free and easy wind control, and even to deal with Huo Wu, Yu Tianheng, Shi Mo, Ye Lingling, and Ning Rong. The planning and guidance of the self-created soul skills of Rong, Zhu Zhuqing and others are ultimately to draw on their respective achievements. The ultimate goal is to combine those advantages with one's own.

I am for everyone, and everyone is for me.

This is the best explanation.

Ten minutes later, Lan Yinzi defeated everyone in Kamikaze Academy with a string of sixes, and walked down the ring happily, but the soul power consumption was indeed quite large.

"Thank you, Captain." Lan Yinzi had never thought before that he could defeat the enemy so easily. He did not use soul skills, but just made himself like a real blue silver grass, swaying in the wind, and able to avoid any enemy's attacks. Attack, and even use the power of swinging back to counterattack the enemy.

When the people from Shenfeng Academy used soul skills on her, she would freeze for a very short time. At the moment when Lan Yinzi was dodging, her feet were like the roots of the Blue Silver Emperor, firmly attached to the ground, moving towards everyone. While Fang leaned up, he avoided the opponent's attack, and then suddenly returned to his straight position, punching the opponent's weak spot.

Use the smallest force to achieve the strongest effect.

Really extraordinary!
To achieve this, one must have precise control over the soul power.

This is also thanks to the training of climbing trees.

"You're welcome, this is the movement and footwork you have figured out by yourself. I just pointed you in a direction." Tang San didn't take any credit, "However, for you now, you can't deal with enemies that are too strong. It takes constant practice.”

To be honest, Lan Yinzi was able to perform six in a row, mainly because the other people in Shenfeng Academy had lower soul power than Lan Yinzi, and they were all wind attributes, so they just happened to be able to train Lan Yinzi.

"I got it." Lan Yinzi stuck out his tongue, more lively than usual.

This made Xiao Wu extremely vigilant, feeling that Lan Yinzi also had a "peeping eye" on Tang San, not to mention that both of their martial spirits were Blue Silver Emperor, so they had to be on guard.

"Captain, tell me, what should my self-created soul skill be called?" Lan Yinzi hoped that his eldest son could choose a name.

"As for the name, it's called Swift Wind Grass." Tang San said without hesitation, "Your method is to imagine yourself as grass and feel the grass swaying in the wind. This name is perfect. If you innovate again in the future, it can be divided into two categories. .”

"Quick Wind Step, Strong Grass Fist."

"The Wind Step, the footwork is steady, like blue silver grass taking root in the earth, the upper body is swinging constantly, which can confuse people's eyes; the Strong Grass Fist, using the swing of the body to exert force, is very fast. If the soul power is used, the speed and power of the punch can be It must be stronger."

"In the future, if you develop any spear-type soul skills for your martial soul, you can also evolve the Jincao Fist into a Jincao Spear."

Lan Yinzi nodded frequently, feeling that what Tang San said was very reasonable, but then he reacted with a deliberate look on his face:

Why do you know that she will develop gun-type soul skills in the future?

Is it possible that the good old man has already guessed his identity?

However, Tang San did not answer Lan Yinzi's suspicious look, but led everyone off the field. After all, the next game was not a rematch for their Tiandou Royal team.

Thirteen teams compete in pairs, requiring a total of 78 games.

Moreover, because it was a one-on-one contest between two teams, it took no less time than the qualifiers. In fact, when the two equally matched teams of Kamikaze Academy and Thunder Academy met, they fought for a whole time. Times of Day.

In a blink of an eye, seven days passed.

The members of Tiandou Royal Team met with Blazing Fire, Thunder, Tianshui and other teams, and they all defeated them. Most of the people who appeared were Yu Feng, Osluo, Lan Yinzi, Shi Yan, Shi Shi and even Ye Lingling. Therapeutic auxiliary system.

Yes, Ye Lingling also appeared.

Although she doesn't have any offensive soul skills, with her high soul power and control over her soul power, she can defeat one or two soul masters with her fists and kicks.

After all, while training her own soul skills, Ye Lingling would also ask Tang San for advice, and he would occasionally accompany her to train her fists, feet, and footwork.

Not to mention how powerful Ye Lingling was in boxing and kicking, but under Tang San's training, he had an instinctive understanding of when to punch and under what circumstances to kick.

That is, you can grasp the timing of punching well.

The other members of the Tiandou Royal Family did not appear much, especially Tang San, who had never been on stage to compete with an opponent alone, and basically only made suggestions for his teammates.

This disappointed many viewers, after all, they just wanted to see Tang San crush everything!
People from the big sects and families had two guesses about Tang San's behavior.

First, they don’t want to be in the limelight and give opportunities to other team members.

Secondly, in the qualifying round, killing the 30-year-old soul beast actually caused serious injuries to it, and it has not recovered yet.

Although the strong ones among these forces couldn't see any weakness in Tang San, they all felt that the second guess was more likely.

After all, what teenager doesn’t like to be in the limelight?

"Captain, in the competition with Tianshui Academy yesterday, Shui Bing'er confessed her love to you directly." Yufeng followed Tang San to the competition venue with a playful smile, "Those Tianshui girls are so bold."

"It's just the restlessness of adolescence." Tang San said something that no one could understand, "I won't take such words seriously. I've never seen them before. If you suddenly confess your love and we don't understand each other, how can you take it seriously?"

Oslo smiled and said, "Maybe it was love at first sight."

"The so-called love at first sight is just a matter of lust. Men and women are the same, they are just greedy for each other's body." Tang San shrugged and said nonchalantly, "Without the experience of growing up together, love at first sight is nothing more than a flash in the pan. That passion, It goes as quickly as it comes, and unless you are a ruthless person, irreparable pain will be left in the hearts of both parties."

Huo Wu was surprised: "Captain Tang San, you know a lot? But why are you still a virgin?"

Tang San twitched the corner of his mouth and asked, "How did you tell that I was a virgin?"

"It's hard to say. Anyway, there is a difference between boys and men. You can see it at a glance." Huo Wu thought for a while and couldn't figure out the reason, but still expressed his opinion.

"Third brother, this is pure!" Xiao Wu argued, but she was happy in her heart and said to herself: In this way, third brother's first time must be mine, hehehe!

"Don't say that to me, I just don't want to get sick." Tang San gave a reason that Xiao Wu couldn't refute. After all, in the process of searching for flowers and willows, if you don't pay attention, you will indeed get sick, and some diseases can be cured without replenishing your vitality. , on the contrary, because the vitality is abundant, the disease will become more severe.

According to Tang San, it is a type of virus.

This kind of virus is difficult to kill even with soul power. In fact, when Tang San and Xiao Wu were researching medicine, they discovered a virus that could continuously multiply using soul power as nourishment...
"Moreover, maintaining the body of a boy is good for cultivating soul power." Tang San continued, "This is also one of the reasons why my soul power improves quickly."

"Is there such a thing?" Yu Feng was stunned for a moment, and then nodded seriously, "Indeed, once you have experienced things like men and women, it will be more difficult to calm down... When I have a son, I will definitely not let him Would you like to lose your virginity before the age of 20, Xiangxiang?"

Bai Chenxiang's face turned red, she sighed, and said, "What are you talking about? We just confirmed our relationship and you want a child not long ago? How shameless."

Yufeng's face collapsed and he cried: "No, Xiangxiang, we all..."


Tang San coughed, interrupted Yu Feng, and said, "Don't talk about this kind of topic, we are not interested."

As the Tiandou Royal Team entered the field, their opponents also entered the field.

Hu Liena, Xieyue, Yan and the other four soul sects above level 45, the Wuhundian team is also full of talents. "In the last two rounds of the qualifiers, neither Xie Yue nor Yan could be seen. I heard that they went to hunt for souls, and now they are back." Yu Tianheng's eyes burst out with fighting spirit, "In other words, there are currently three members of the Wuhun Palace team. Soul Emperor?"

Huo Wu moved her wrist and was the first to jump onto the field. She turned to Tang San and said, "I'll be the first to go. Is that okay, Captain Tang San?"

"Of course." Tang San smiled.

In terms of strength, although Huo Wu is only the Soul King, he is no worse than the Soul Emperor. Even in a one-on-one challenge, the Soul Saint is not invincible.

Among the golden generation of Wuhun Palace, the only one who can rival Huo Wu in terms of strength is Yan.

Yan happened to be the first one to appear, and directly possessed his martial soul, and released six soul rings, two yellow, two purple, and two black, and said: "We are all playing with fire, how about we compete? "

"How can a mere Fire Lord compare to my Sun Goddess?" Huo Wu raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and the Wuhun Sun Goddess appeared, with golden-red hair flying, accompanied by five soul rings, two yellow, two purple and one black, like a A heroic goddess, especially her closed eyes, if opened, would reveal a tranquility of "despite the noise of others, I remain unmoved".

Looking at Huo Wu's martial spirit, Bibi Dong's heart moved slightly, and said secretly: "Except for the preliminaries, this Huo Wu has appeared once. This is the second time I have seen this martial spirit named Sun Goddess. The quality is extremely good. In terms of light, The purity of the fire is superior to that of angels, and without any faith mixed in, it is definitely a powerful martial spirit comparable to the Seraphim."

"It's a pity that there seems to be no Sun God in this world, so she can't get the inheritance from God."

"However, if he is willing to join Wuhun Hall, I can't accept him as a disciple."

Obviously, Huo Wu's talent attracted Bibi Dong.

In addition, Xiao Wu, Guang Ling and others are talented enough to become her disciples.

As for Tang San...
For men, no matter how talented they are, they will not be accepted as disciples. After all, that experience was a lifetime of pain for her.

Moreover, Bibi Dong didn't think she could teach Tang San.

"Battle begins!"

Ju Douluo could feel that Huo Wu's martial spirit was extremely powerful, much stronger than the Flame Lord, but Yan's spirit power had reached level 61 after all and should be able to compete.

"Then I won't be polite!" Yan is a straight man who doesn't understand the meaning of compassion. He directly activated his soul skill, causing his arms to turn into giant hands of lava and attack Huo Wu.

When the soul power reaches the soul emperor level, even if it is not the agility attack system, its speed is much faster than the agility attack system of the soul sect and below, unless the agility attack system is in the extreme style.

Facing those fists, Huo Wu raised the corners of his mouth and crossed his arms across his chest. The sun goddess behind her also crossed her arms to protect Huo Wu's arms.


With the explosion of soul power between the two, the entire venue was filled with heat, like a strong summer wind, and the audience sitting in the front row felt their mouths were dry.


Yan looked at his giant lava arm that had no effect, his eyes full of surprise.

You know, he is the Soul Emperor!

The opponent was just a Soul King, but the quality of his soul power was no worse than his own. In fact, the opponent didn't even retreat at all from his attack.

Involuntarily, a trace of cold sweat broke out on Yan's forehead, but it was quickly evaporated by the heat wave and dissipated into nothingness.

"Can you push the sun?"

Huo Wu chuckled and lowered his arms, but the Sun Goddess's arms were still crossed to protect Huo Wu.

"not good!"

Yan felt the soul of death rising in his heart and wanted to get away, but found that his lava arms seemed to be adsorbed on the crossed hands of the sun goddess, making it difficult to break free.

This feeling is like a bird looking for a place to stay. No matter how high it flies, it will always land on the treetops, the eaves, or the ground. No bird can keep flying.

However, when the bird lands, it falls downward.

And the adsorption force of the Sun Goddess is like being horizontal, parallel to the ground... No!wrong!Not parallel to the ground!

Yan discovered that countless dust was approaching the Sun Goddess at an extremely fast speed, forming circles of dust halos around her.

Under the illumination of that light and fire, it is so dazzling and twinkling.

"The first soul skill: Sun Star Ring!"

As the first soul ring shines, a golden-red halo emerges from around the Sun Goddess, fuses with the halo composed of dust, and then spins at high speed.


In just an instant, Yan's lava arms were cut open and turned into countless lava fragments, which were absorbed by the solar ring and blended into the dust inside.

"Is this a self-created soul skill?" As Lava's arms were shattered, Yan temporarily regained his freedom and immediately stepped back, his eyes full of vigilance.

Although Huo Wu now uses the first soul skill, the suction force is by no means the effect of the soul ring soul skill. It should be the inherent characteristics of the martial soul. A self-created soul with extremely strong adsorption power has been developed. Skills.


Huo Wu slowly raised his hand and aimed it at Yan. The Sun Goddess also slowly raised her hand. The high-speed rotating sun ring surrounded her arm, constantly twisting the surrounding airflow, giving people a feeling of cutting open the space. illusion.

"go with!"

With just a slight push, the solar ring was pushed out directly. Under the influence of gravity, its speed was extremely fast and difficult to detect with the naked eye.

"Lava armor!" Yan was shocked. He had no time to dodge, and hurriedly used his sixth soul skill to cover himself with a thick layer of lava-like armor.

At this time, he was over ten meters tall, like a giant.

But he was still trapped in the solar ring, and a certain gravitational force in the ring made him unable to move at all.

Under the influence of gravity, the dust in the solar ring quickly approaches and adsorbs to Yan, and even a steady stream of dust in the air is still being injected into it.

In just one minute, Yan's entire body was wrapped by countless sands, forming a large ball with a diameter of more than ten meters, and slowly rose into the sky under the gravitational pull of the solar ring.

Huo Wu gritted his teeth at this moment, clenched his fists with both hands, closed them suddenly, and said: "Starburst!"

As a crisp sound sounded, the solar ring no longer spread outwards, but quickly shrank, cutting towards the stone ball.

It's sizzling!

But in an instant, the entire stone ball was cut in half and began to fall downwards, breaking apart.

Yan was not cut in half, but two huge holes appeared on his waist. He was severely injured, but his life was not worried.

"The winner is Fire Dance of the Tiandou Royal Team!"

To be honest, Ju Douluo couldn't understand what method Huo Wu used. How could the first soul skill be achieved to such an outrageous level?

It doesn't feel like it.

Moreover, how does a martial spirit with light and fire attributes possess gravity-related abilities?
Was it developed with Tang San's help?

However, if the opponent wins, they win, and everyone can see this clearly.

As for the weapon used - dust-condensed sand and gravel, Ju Douluo felt that it was difficult to judge. After all, there were countless dust invisible to the naked eye in the air. It was impossible to ask the soul master not to breathe during the battle, right?

"Isn't this fire dance too outrageous?"


"Is this really going to be the sun?"

(End of this chapter)

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