Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 235 Luowang Auction House: Humanoid Soul Beast?

Chapter 235 Luowang Auction House: Humanoid Soul Beast?
"Since Earl Silver Blue has spoken, I will give you some face." Xuexing had to sit down, no longer making any quotation, just thinking, why did Tang San appear here?
Didn't he go back to his hometown to visit relatives?
After visiting relatives, we should go directly to Wuhun City. Why did we come to Tiandou City again?

It can't be just to go against him, right?

There is no grudge between them...
Unable to understand, Xuexing decided that he didn't want to, but it was a pity that he couldn't get the pair of catwomen in front of him... Damn it, could it be that he really had no chance with such a rare product?
This is the second time someone has disrupted the situation!
The auctioneer shouted: "One hundred and sixty thousand!"

"17." At this time, Ning Fengzhi spoke out, but deliberately lowered his voice, naturally in order not to reveal his identity in the crowd.

How dare anyone dare to compete with Earl Silver and Blue?

Everyone looked at Ning Fengzhi and saw that he was wearing a black robe and a mask. They didn't know who he was, but they thought he must have some confidence.

"18." Tang Sandai Xiaowu increased the price and nodded slightly towards Ning Fengzhi.

Why did Ning Fengzhi do that?
Naturally, it was not that he fell in love with Catwoman, but to prevent Tang San from being known as a big bully.

Xuexing had exposed his identity before and used his power and status to suppress others. Although Tang San was trying to stop Xuexing, showing his strength would also affect the mentality of others to bid.

Ning Fengzhi did this to take care of Tang San's face.

In this way, the world would only regard Tang San as rich and powerful, instead of using his strength to suppress others.

As for buying slaves...
All major sects and families would purchase slaves to serve as servants, and they would not be criticized. There was no idea of ​​"human rights" in this era.

After 18 yuan, several more people made offers, and the final price was set at 20 yuan.

"20 million once!"

"Four million twice!"

"Four million three times!"

"Congratulations to the customer in private room three for winning this pair of Catwomen!"

The auctioneer shouted excitedly, not only excited that Catwoman was auctioned for such a high price, but also excited to see the Silver and Blue Earl with his own eyes.


Master of martial arts theory!

Son of the Spirit Hall!
Earl Silver and Blue!

The teacher of the soul tool master "Zhu Ri"!

And, the captain of the new champion team of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition!
When Catwoman in maid uniform was brought to Tang San, Tang San swiped the card, untied the shackles of the two of them, returned the bond of betrayal, and said: "Now, you are free..."

"Please don't drive us away!" The older Catwoman pulled the younger Catwoman to kneel together and begged, "We are willing to work in your manor!"

"Don't be so nervous."

Tang San helped the two of them up, "Just because you are free doesn't mean I have to drive you away. I can hire you... What are your names?"

"Reporting to Master Soul Master, my name is Lingxi, and my daughter's name is Lingmeng."

"A very nice name." Tang San praised, without asking them what they did in the past or why they became slaves, he just asked: "As for managing the manor, do you, or do you know how to do it? "

"Sir, I know how. Before I became a slave, I was the steward of the Tmall family." Lingxi said hurriedly, "The Tmall family is very small. Before the enemy destroyed the family, there were only thirteen direct disciples of the family. Therefore, You probably haven’t heard of it.”

"Tmall?" Tang San nodded and suddenly asked, "So, can you do business? My Silver Blue Manor will be empty most of the time, so you should have more free time in the future, and I'm here In Tiandou City, in addition to being a business partner with the Qibao Glazed Sect, it also has a regular workshop that produces soul tools. Can you manage it, are you competent?"

"I can try." Ling Xi's eyes lit up, as if he had ideas about managing shops and workshops, but considering that he had just met this handsome young man, he didn't say too much.

"Then, I will now officially hire you as the housekeeper of Silver Blue Manor." Tang San smiled and introduced the others to her, "These two are Xiao Wu and Guang Ling, who are also the owners of Silver Blue Manor. This is Lan Yinzi, um~ you can follow her reasonable suggestions from now on, but just ignore the unreasonable ones."

Lan Yinzi quit: "Hey, there's no need to treat me differently, right? Even if I'm physically... I'm still a member of the Tiandou Royal Team!"

Ignoring Lan Yinzi's "liveliness", Tang San continued to introduce the other four people: "This is Fan Niu and Fan Ma, who will serve as the manor's guard captains in the future. These two are... I don't know your names yet." .”

My sister said, "Your Majesty, my name is Mu Yanluo."

The younger sister said: "Your Excellency, my name is Mu Qiluo."

"These two will also be workers of the manor in the future." After Tang San finished speaking, he asked about the soul power of mother and daughter: "What is the level of your soul power?"

Lingxi said: "Sir, my innate soul power is level eight." "Level eight?" Tang San's eyes moved slightly, "If so, your cultivation talent should be pretty good. At your age, even if it is usually wasted, your soul power will still be at least Have you reached level 30, right? Wait, your body seems to be comparable to a soul master..."

With strong mental power, Tang San sensed that Ling Xi's physical condition was far stronger than that of ordinary people, and so was the physical condition of Ling Meng beside him.

Could it be said that the mutation of the beast martial soul, complete integration with the human body, and solidification and fixation, will cause the cultivated soul power to completely act on the body, making it undetectable by others?
Moreover, such an improvement does not seem to require absorbing soul rings.

But in the absence of self-created soul skills and the inability to release soul power, their strength is indeed much weaker than that of soul masters.

"This... we don't know." Ling Xi shook his head, "I have actually been practicing these years, but every time my soul power reaches the tenth level, it will move in the body inexplicably and merge into the body. Although it makes me My body has become stronger, but I will never be able to obtain a soul ring and become a soul master."

"But there is also a good thing, that is, my appearance has not changed since I reached 20 years old. Now I am almost 40 years old, but my appearance is still about 20 years old."

"My daughter was born with full soul power. After the tenth level, the soul power will disappear and merge into the body. Therefore, after being tested as having full soul power, she will directly become innate with zero soul power, but she can practice again, and practice The speed is no different from the rumored innate full soul power, but after reaching the tenth level of cultivation, it disappears again... You can never obtain a soul ring."

"They're all cursed like me."

"But we, mother and daughter, have been practicing. At least this can enhance our physical fitness."

Listening to Ling Xi's description, Tang San's expression gradually became weird.


These two people don't look like humans, but rather humanoid soul beasts.

When the soul power reaches level ten, it will be integrated into the physical body... Strengthening the physical quality may only be superficial. The real effect is most likely to purify the blood purity of the martial soul that is embodied in the body.

However, as a human being, you cannot enter the next realm without obtaining a soul ring. Each time you can only accumulate soul power at the level of a soul warrior, you cannot break through this upper limit.

"I already understand your situation and have some guesses. After returning to Yinlan Manor, I plan to conduct a detailed examination for you. Perhaps your situation is not a curse, but something that ordinary people have difficulty with. An extraordinary talent!"

Tang San believed in his guess. If the upper limit could be exceeded, the mother and daughter would definitely be able to find another path. Even if their strength was comparable to that of a peerless Douluo, it would only be a matter of course.

However, the time to go to Wuhun City will have to be postponed for a few more days...

In a blink of an eye, an hour passed.

During the slave auction, Xiao Wu and Guang Ling bought all the slaves who felt sorry for them. After all, Blue Silver Manor also needed to have real people of its own.

Finally, the little girl, whom the auctioneer called the best, was pushed up by five big men.

The cage was actually made of mithril and was extremely tough, but even so, it was still shaken by the little girl. Even the hands of the big men wore gloves made of fine iron.


The little girl suddenly bit the glove of one of the big men, pulled hard, and bit off a small section of the glove.

Fortunately, the big man reached out quickly, otherwise his fingers might have been bitten off!

"Sure enough!" Xue Qinghe's eyes lit up and he felt that his guess was correct. The little girl in the cage definitely had unknown talents.

That body type, that face, and the innate divine power could not possibly be so delicate. It was like a work of art carved by nature.

Unable to awaken the martial spirit?

It's just that she can't awaken it through ordinary means. Her angel martial spirit can definitely help her awaken it!
Tang San looked at the girl with silver hair and purple eyes in the cage, couldn't help but narrowed his eyes, and asked Electrox: "Brother Eli, did you see anything?"

"It's not a human, it's a silver dragon, most likely the Silver Dragon King." Electrolux said lightly, "According to the "Douluo" series in your memory and the rules of this plane that I have explored, in the God Realm While it still exists, she should not come out to cause trouble in any case, the most she can do is let those ferocious beasts come out."

"But she..."

After pondering for a moment, Electrolux seemed to have noticed something again, and smiled: "So it is like this. It is incomplete. It is just a body made of a part of the origin and the soul. It is not the real body... maybe, it is because I am attracted to you."

"Me?" Tang San frowned slightly, and then thought of something, "You mean, the reason why the Silver Dragon King spent part of his origin and soul to come out is because of my third martial spirit: the Five-clawed Golden Dragon?"

"It should be that, with my help, after you obtain the third martial spirit, its pressure will be felt by all the powerful creatures on this continent."

Electrolux said with a smile, "This female dragon probably sensed it and asked the ferocious beasts to search for it. After finding no results, she found a way to get a clone... Well~ This is not actually a clone. It has the same memory and soul as the original body, but is much weaker in terms of strength."

At this time, the auctioneer did not show off and began to introduce...
(End of this chapter)

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