Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 261 The City of Blacksmiths: Gengxin City

Chapter 261 The City of Blacksmiths: Gengxin City
Listening to those sonorous and powerful words, Bibi Dong's heart beat faster, as if she had witnessed the greatness of thought.

Is everyone a torch?

In other words, even if Wuhun Palace fails in the end, as long as someone inherits this will, someone will stand up again and continue to move forward.

If this is the case, then the Spirit Hall will no longer be a Spirit Hall of the angel lineage, but a Spirit Hall dominated by thoughts and wills!

turn out to be--

Revenge can be so grand and magnificent!

But, does such a thought really exist?
Just listen to Tang San continue to say: "Ants on the ground are insignificant, and birds like swans in the sky fly high. We want to spread the word: Even if you are born like an ant, you should have the ambition to be a swan."

"Even if the martial soul has no soul power and cannot become a soul master, you can still use your own talents."

"I think the Pope should know best that except for the talent of soul masters, those ordinary people are not weaker than soul masters in other aspects, especially their brains."

"It's just that they were despised by the nobles because they did not have access to advanced knowledge, did not experience corresponding education, and were restricted by a poor and impoverished environment."

"Martial Soul Hall is based on soul masters, but the largest group of people in the world are ordinary people. 90.00% of all wealth on the mainland is created by them. They are also the basis of productivity."

"If the Pope wants to establish a country, he must be based on them, not the soul masters."

Bibi Dong's mind was shaken. It took a while before she came back to her senses and asked, "How should we promote it?"

"According to what I have said, the Pope can discuss with other people in Wuhun Palace, make adjustments and modifications, announce it, and then arrange corresponding personnel to promote it, and send Wuhun Palace's grassroots personnel to open Wuhun Academy in the countryside... ·As I walked along, I found that many of the Wuhun Palace staff are relatively idle, and I should let them do more work."

Bibi Dong: "...Whundian's funds are insufficient."

"You can apply to the two major empires. After all, didn't the Spirit Hall do this in the past? When the time comes, the Pope will hold a press conference, saying that he is asking for help from the people and helping mainland residents better understand some common sense. Talk to the emperors of the two empires." Tang San came up with a "bad" idea, "By then residents of major cities will be able to see you. If you succeed, the people will turn to you, and Wuhun Palace will naturally be what the people want; if it fails, You will feel that it is the fault of the emperors of the two empires.”

"Does the mother-son soul guide the photography ball? This thing has really changed the situation in the mainland." Bibi Dong sighed secretly and said quietly, "But if this happens, I am afraid that the mysterious veil of the Pope will be completely lifted. .”

"Whether it is the Pope of Wuhun Palace now or the emperor after the founding of the country in the future, he must always appear in people's sight. Otherwise, how will the people know who the Pope and the Emperor are? Maybe in more remote areas, they don't even know The Pope and Emperor have been replaced." Tang San had his own way of saying it.

This is indeed a problem.

In fact, Bibi Dong knew that the masters of the Wuhun Branch Halls in a small number of cities only found out that the current Pope of the Wuhun Hall was her more than a year ago.

It is estimated that if it were not for the emergence of soul-guided cameras, soul-guided photography boxes, and mother-and-son soul-guided photography balls, a small number of the masters of the Wuhun branch would have never known what happened in Wuhun City.

The rapid spread of news also brought about a problem, that is, even if Wuhun Palace wants to establish a country or go to war in the future, it must have a more appropriate and defensible reason.

"That's good, the world should know me, the Pope of Wuhun Palace!" Bibi Dong thought for a while, nodded in agreement, and then talked about another matter, "Tang San, I want to betroth Nana to you. What do you think?"

"I don't accept arranged marriages." Tang San said righteously, "Besides, she and I are not familiar with each other. Let's wait until we become familiar with each other later."

Bibi Dong was speechless for a moment.

Is this accepted?
Or refused?
"Forget it, I won't force it." Bibi Dong asked about another matter, "I heard that you have been forging recently. Did you create any magic weapons?"

"It's just tempering the metal." Tang San took out the grain-forging metal, lifted it up to Bibi Dong with his soul power, and introduced his own original grain-forging method.

Bibi Dong listened carefully and poured soul power into the three pieces of grain-forged metal in front of her. She found that the conductivity of soul power was extremely good, especially the piece of five-grain copper, which was as spiritual as a living creature.

"By the way, if this metal really gives birth to life in the future, can it be killed? Will the soul ring drop after death?" Bibi Dong suddenly had such an idea.

"Uh..." Tang San really hadn't thought about this, but considering that all non-human and cultivable creatures in the Douluo Continent could drop soul rings, he guessed, "It should be It's possible, but it's probably difficult to kill. After all, even if life is produced, its essence is still metal. If you want to kill it, you need to convert the metal into other substances, or destroy the energy flow patterns on it. In this case , this piece of forged metal is probably useless."

"I guess so." Bibi Dong nodded, looking at the forged metal carefully with her beautiful eyes, and exclaimed, "If a weapon is made from such metal, and the weapon can grow automatically, I'm afraid it can become a real artifact!"

"In fact, weapons made of this metal can already be said to be artifacts!"

Tang San modestly said: "Not really, but I do want to create a divine weapon... The Pope can wait and see."

"Oh? Then I want to see what kind of divine weapon you can create." Bibi Dong waved her hand, and the three pieces of soul-forged metal fell in front of Tang San again, and were put into the storage wristband by him.

"Please rest assured, Lord Pope, the artifact I want to create can allow a strong soul saint level to fight against a hundred level strong one!" Tang San's eyes flashed with a gleam...
Geng Xin City.

Three days later, Tang San led Ning Rongrong on the road quickly and arrived at the blacksmith capital located in the Star Luo Empire.

Compared to other cities, this place has a bit of an industrial revolution feel.

The buildings in the city have the appearance of modern high-rise buildings, square and square, filled with steam and rotating gears everywhere, as if the entire city is a living fortress.

However, this also makes the temperature of this city one or two degrees higher than the outside world.

"The time has come for you to show off your power, Miss Rongrong."

Tang San took Ning Rongrong to the market where the ore was sold, made way for her, and asked her to choose the ore.

Ning Rongrong, who was born in the Qibao Glazed Sect, can sense valuable minerals and gems with her martial soul, so he took her with him when he went shopping this time.

"Hmph, I can finally put my talent to use!" Ning Rongrong walked to a stall and bought a piece of pitch black metal.

Tang San can sense the fire attribute energy in it... In fact, with Tang San's current mental power, he may not recognize all metals, but he can also sense the density of metals and the properties they carry. His treasure hunting ability is no better than Ning Rongrong's Bad luck.

The reason why I took her with me was naturally because having multiple people helping me would save more effort and purchase more rare metals at the same time.

This time, he and Ning Rongrong brought storage soul guides that could hold nearly [-] tons of cargo!
Of course, it is not a storage soul guide, but a pile of storage soul guides. Once the purchase is completed, the master of the local Wuhun Palace can transport them to Wuhun City.

This is also the convenience of the Wuhun Palace's governance model - no matter what you buy, you can have the local Wuhun Palace transport it, saving time and effort.

Tang San and Ning Rongrong's large-scale purchases also attracted the attention of the local forces in Gengxin City.

Blacksmiths Guild.

A tall, muscular young man found the pudgy old man who was swinging a hammer to hammer the piece of mithril on the forging table until sparks shot out.

This person is the recognized master craftsman of Douluo Continent: Lou Gao.

The young man is his disciple, Silong.

Knowing that Lou Gao was not distracted while forging, Silong did not disturb him and just stood aside, waiting for Lou Gao to finish the forging.

An hour later, Lou Gao stopped swinging the forging hammer and said with a smile: "Yes, I have created another piece of Thousand Forging Mithril, and even a hint of spirituality has emerged. It seems that my forging technology has improved again."

"Congratulations, teacher!" As Lou Gao's disciple, Silong has also devoted everything to forging. He is very happy that the teacher can take a further step in forging, because this means that his forging technology can also be used in the future. Go one step further.

"Haha, it's just a small amount of progress, not worth mentioning." Lou Gao suddenly became serious again and educated Silong, "At this time, aren't you practicing your blacksmithing skills? How come you came to me? I can teach you everything. It’s been passed down. This is a forging method that gives metal a hint of spirituality. I only discovered it not long ago, and I haven’t yet figured out how to achieve 100% forging technology... By the way, when did you become so well-informed?”

Facing his teacher's suspicion, Silong felt ashamed and said, "Teacher, it's not this. Two people came from the city to purchase large quantities of rare metals in the city."

"A large amount?" Lou Gao's expression became solemn, but his voice was slightly mocking. "There are only two people. It seems that they purchased it secretly. Is it possible that the two empires are about to go to war? I didn't hear anything. What’s the sound of the wind?”

"These disciples don't know, but the disciples know the identities of those two people. They were the champions of last year's Continental Classic." Silong said, "One of them is Ning Rongrong of the Qibao Glazed Sect. He joined the martial arts in his own name. Soul Palace, and the other one is Tang San, the captain of Tiandou Royal Team. He was born as a commoner, but has Haotian bloodline. He is most likely his son, and now he is the Holy Son of Soul Palace."

"Tang San, it's actually him!" Lou Gao was shocked.

Speaking of Tang San, Lou Gao only had one opinion:
Fighting as a Soul King against a level 98 Super Douluo... Isn't this leaping through the ranks a bit too much?

However, what Lou Gao cares about most is Tang San's power. Through the video of the Continental Classic that is still being played, he can keenly sense that Tang San is also a blacksmith, and his use of power is extremely exquisite. Even Hao Even Tianzong's random cloak-hammering skills are incomparable.

"Invite him to come to the Blacksmiths Association..."

"No! I'll go myself!"

 During the Dou [-] period, Lou Gao's forging skills could be called divine craftsmanship, but in Dou [-], by comparison, the most powerful one is the spiritual forging, which is a level [-] blacksmith.
  In the end, in order to create the peacock feather, he threw himself into the furnace as a sacrifice, perhaps because he had come into contact with the level of melting and forging.

(End of this chapter)

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