Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 264 Bibi Dong: I must be crazy!

Chapter 264 Bibi Dong: I must be crazy!

Tang San was also helpless towards Lou Gao, an old naughty boy. After much talk, he changed his mind about becoming a disciple, but in the end, he was worthy of his peers.

That is to say, I call you "senior" and you call me "eldest brother", and we all have their own issues.

In the concept of a master blacksmith like Lou Gao, a master is a master, regardless of age. Since Tang San was unwilling to accept him as his disciple, he would unilaterally call Tang San "eldest brother". In this way, Tang San would not accept him as his disciple. Maybe he was treating his little brother badly?

"Brother, this Endless Wind Stove is given to you. Consider it a gift from my younger brother." Lou Gao kept his word.

"Senior, forget it."

Although I am very curious about the Endless Wind Stove, if it is taken away, the energy operation system of Gengxin City will be useless.

After all, it is an ancient city that has existed for nearly a thousand years and cannot just be abandoned.

"I'll send it to you when I say it. Anyway, you can light the fire in the underground boiler then." Lou Gao doesn't care what will happen to Gengxin City in the future. "Besides, after I joined Wuhun Palace, most of the people here I will also follow suit, and when the time comes, we will just build a new one inside Wuhun City or outside the city. I have the blueprints for building the entire Gengxin City."

"It really is--"

"Naughty and unrestrained." Lou Gao stroked the braids he had braided with his beard and laughed. "I am such a free person. A mere Gengxin City cannot restrain me at all."

Tang San was speechless, but finally asked: "Can Gengxin City continue to operate without this endless wind furnace?"

"Of course, the boiler below is burning water." Lou Gao promised swornly, "In the future, I can ask someone to add more coal. Anyway, after I go to Wuhun City, most of the blacksmiths here will also come over. Compared to the past, the motivation has weakened slightly, but it doesn’t have much to do with it.”

Seeing this, Tang San said nothing more and accepted the fact that the Endless Wind Furnace was moving away from Gengxin City.

It only took a day for Lou Gao and Silong to remove the Endless Beacon Road from the pipe, and called other people from the Blacksmith Association to transport it to Wuhun Palace, and asked Nora to help transport it to Wuhun City. go.

After learning that Lou Gao was impressed by Tang San and joined the Spirit Hall, Nora was filled with emotion: "Lord Saint's action was different, and Lou Gao was convinced."

"No way, who told me that I am not as good as your Holy Son in forging technology?" Lou Gao didn't care about Nora's teasing at all. Instead, he openly admitted that he was inferior, "Brother, how about you?" Let’s compete, who reaches the Tiandian level first?”

"Senior, I'm afraid I can't compare. Even if it's soul forging, it still needs at least my level of control." Tang San's implication was that Lou Gao's strength was too weak, and he wasn't even qualified to perform soul forging.

Even in Tang San's imagination, Lou Gao might have to pay the price of his life if he wanted to undergo melting.

Unless Lou Gao's strength improves in the future, he can only stop at spiritual training before paying the price of his life.

However, even at the level of spiritual forging, it is very powerful, and the metal it forges is enough to become the material for building the next-level Divine Seal Throne.

"Strength?" Lou Gao fell silent and said, "Strength and the level of forging complement each other. Without strength, I don't even have the qualifications for forging... Oooh, I'm so angry!"

"Senior, don't be so sad. Don't you still have disciples?" Tang San nodded to the excited Silong, and then said, "I think Silong has a good talent. As a teacher, I always hope that he will be better than his predecessors. In the future, he might be able to Reach a higher realm of forging.”

"Uncle is right, I will definitely work hard, teacher, don't worry." Silong patted his chest and promised emphatically.

"That's true, but I still hope that I can have the opportunity to forge soul forging, or even heaven forging." Lou Gao expressed hope, "Tian forging, injecting plane laws into metal, what does that look like? Realm? I'm afraid only gods can do it, right? I really hope to forge the corresponding metal and use it to cast a real artifact."

Three days later, Tang San returned to Wuhun City with Ning Rongrong, and Lou Gao and Silong behind him.

Other blacksmiths from Gengxin City will come to Wuhun City one after another.

Under Tang San's persuasion, Bibi Dong personally met with Lou Gao's master and apprentice, and planned a blacksmith area for them in the city. However, Lou Gao did not want to live in the city, but wanted to build a brand new one outside Wuhun City. Metal city.

"Is that so?" Bibi Dong thought about whether to agree to Lou Gao's proposal. After all, although Wuhun City is large, except for the area near Wuhun Mountain, the rest of the area is already inhabited. Forcibly dividing it into one area will affect the people who originally lived there. It is not a bad idea to rebuild a small city on the periphery.

"I have a proposal about building an outer city."

Tang San suddenly said, "Martial Spirit City has six walls, so six cities can be built on the periphery to create six different characteristics. For example, a city run by a blacksmith can be called a forging capital, while the other five It can be the capital of medicine, the capital of gourmet food, etc.”

"The closer to the inner city, that is, the six walls, the more distinctive the characteristics. In the future, as the population increases, it can be expanded radially outward."

Bibi Dong nodded: "It's a good idea. At that time, Wuhun City will be located in the middle, occupying the position of the stars and the moon."

Because Tang San joined the Spirit Hall, many civilian spirit masters on the mainland also chose to join the Spirit Hall, making the various Spirit branch halls nearly saturated with personnel.

In order to avoid affecting other people's enthusiasm to join the Spirit Hall, Bibi Dong thought that some spirit masters could be transferred here to build the city... In Tang San's words?

By the way, provide jobs.

As a result, Wuhun City began a major expansion in full swing, and the personnel from other branch halls and people within Wuhun City were mobilized to participate in the construction work.

And as the construction began, the funds accumulated by Wuhun Palace were also decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye. It felt so painful for Bibi Dong to see that, and he even wondered if Tang San wanted to use up the few resources in Wuhun Palace. foundation.Then, under Tang San's suggestion, Bibi Dong publicized the new concept of Wuhun Palace: "Build martial arts for heaven and earth, and forge souls for all living beings!"

[Martial Spirit City is currently being expanded and is recruiting all kinds of talents from all over the continent. Regardless of whether you are a spirit master or not, as long as you have a skill, whether it is farming, blacksmithing, or understanding of medical skills, you can come to Spirit City! 】

[The Wuhun Palace will treat you favorably! 】

[In addition, in order to let the people on the mainland have enough food, clothing, and live a happier life, Wuhun Palace decided to open Wuhun Academy in every city, even in the countryside. 】

[If this college is in a city, it cooperates with the local junior college and is responsible for teaching illiterate children; if it is opened in a village, it is responsible for teaching villagers how to read and even guide villagers how to better cultivate land, farm, and Hunting, weaving, blacksmithing and other skills. 】

[In order to raise funds, the Pope of Wuhun Temple is planning to personally visit the emperors of the two empires, hoping that they can fund a trivial gold soul coin for enjoyment...]

Bibi Dong felt that she must be crazy. She would do this under Tang San's deception. She would definitely be laughed at by the top leaders of the major forces——

In the Star Luo Empire, when Dai Lego received the video footage projected on the advertisement by the Spirit Hall in Star Luo City, his mind was a little confused: "Is the Spirit Hall crazy? Or is the current Pope crazy?"

The ministers in the hall looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't know how to express their feelings.

Dai Legao stood up and expressed his opinion: "Your Majesty, according to the report from my son's spies, Tang San brought Lou Gao from Gengxin City to Wuhun City, and Lou Gao proposed to stay outside Wuhun City. The current Pope agreed to build another city under Tang San's persuasion, but as we all know, Wuhun Palace is not involved in production, and the funds basically come from our Star Luo Empire and the Tiandou Empire that is hostile to us. Furthermore, those It’s a small country.”

"So, Wuhun Palace has no money?" Dai Lego felt that he had guessed the truth, "Then, if the Pope of Wuhun Palace comes in person, how many gold soul coins should be given as a gift?"

He must give it, after all, Wuhun Palace also found a reason to "open a Wuhun Academy and seek a better life for the people of the world." If he didn't give it, or gave less, he would probably lose the support of the people.

Now is not the past, with the emergence of soul-guided cameras, soul-guided photography boxes, and mother-and-son soul-guided photography balls... Why didn't you expect that these gadgets would be so harmful to the empire?
The news has spread rapidly, and the knowledge of the people at the bottom has also increased, and it is difficult to fool them——

Unfortunately, it is too late to ban it now.

Hey~ I hope Wuhun Hall won’t let the lion open his mouth when the time comes. It’s not that he feels bad, and what’s more, after the first time, there will definitely be a second, third or even countless times.

But I have to give it.

This must be Tang San's idea!

"Actually, I think this is not a bad thing." Seeing Dai Lego's worries, Davis was confident, "As long as Wuhun Palace fails to make its promise, it will surely be despised by the world and become a cocoon for itself."

"Indeed, the amount of gold soul coins that Wuhun wants will definitely not be small. If this king is the Pope, he will definitely be greedy and use it for himself."

Why is Dai Lego so sure?
The reason is also simple.

For empires like Xingluo and Tiandou, most of their fiscal revenue comes from tax revenue, especially agricultural tax, which is a top priority.

Where does the agricultural tax come from?

Naturally, they are the mud legs digging in the ground.

No matter how much they look down on those mud-legged people, scolding, belittling, and ridiculing them, they will still ensure that most of them do not starve to death, because they all understand that ordinary people who grow food are the real foundation for an empire to operate, relying on soul beasts Cities built on forests are second best.

And what about Wuhundian?
All soul masters.

Soul masters have always looked down upon ordinary people.

The soul masters of those large sects were relatively well-educated. At least they were good at superficial skills. They went out for training and often performed heroic deeds and gained a good reputation.

But what about Wuhun Palace?
There are indeed many branch halls, but each branch hall is independent of each other. It can be said that it is a branch hall and a style of behavior.

Even most spirit masters of Wuhun Palace in small towns take good care of their own family members, but are much more indifferent to people who are not relatives or friends, and sometimes even blatantly favor their own people in matters of right and wrong.

True temperament?

If you were just an ordinary free spirit master, or a disciple of a sect who went out to practice, this would be okay, and there would be nothing wrong with it. But after joining the Spirit Hall, this so-called "righteousness" would be criticized, and it would even involve martial arts. Above the Soul Palace itself.

Officials of the two empires favored their own people. In formal occasions, they had to find some suitable reasons to cover up.

That is to say, the Wuhun Hall helped civilian children awaken their martial souls, and the recent continuous cleaning up of those who harbor evil and evil in the major branch halls, has really made progress.

In the past, Wuhun Palace began to expand and develop after Bibi Dong took office. In fact, it was not looked down upon by the two empires. It was just those titled Douluo who were afraid of Wuhun City.

Now, it really caught my eye.

On the other side, the top leaders of the Tiandou Empire also had similar thoughts...
(End of this chapter)

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