Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 267 Chapter 6 Soul Ring Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 267 The Sixth Soul Ring: 10 Years

After bidding farewell to Guang Ling and Ning Rongrong and giving instructions throughout the night, Tang San set off with Xiao Wu and Huo Wu, leaving Wuhun City and heading towards the Star Dou Forest.

Outside the Star Dou Forest, he and Xiao Wu agreed on a time to return to the Spirit Hall together, and after spending a night together with Xiao Wu, Tang San and Huo Wu headed towards Baiyun City.

On the way away from the Star Dou Forest, Huo Wu asked speechlessly: "Are you so worried about Xiao Wu being alone?"

Among the girls, only Huo Wu has not yet had a substantial relationship with Tang San. Naturally, she doesn't know Xiao Wu's true identity, so she is confused.

"She is in a special situation. She was born into the Hidden World Family, so I am naturally relieved." Tang San said casually, "In the Star Dou Forest, all the ten thousand-year-old spirit beasts can't do anything to her."

What confidence does Xiao Wu have?

Naturally, the aura of the 10-year-old cultivation source is enough to scare away most ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts.

As for soul beasts such as the Human-Faced Demon Spider and the Crypt Demon Spider, which live on devouring souls, they may take desperate measures, but Xiao Wu's current strength is more than enough to kill such ten-thousand-year-old guys.

Not to mention, Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape are Xiao Wu's bodyguards... oh no, they are younger brothers. As long as nothing happens, Xiao Wu will come out to protect her every time she returns home.

In the current Star Dou Forest, ferocious beasts such as Di Tian have appeared. Without the intervention of Peerless Douluo, the probability of an accident is infinitely close to zero.

"Really?" Huo Wu tilted his head, showing his cute side, but he had a different idea in his heart - he had a good relationship with Xiao Wu, Guang Ling, and Ning Rongrong, so Xiao Wu shouldn't Was he deliberately creating an opportunity for her and Tang San to be alone?
In the past two years, as she came into contact with Tang San, she became more and more fascinated by him.

There is gentleness in the strength, and domineering in the easy-going.

Coupled with his profound knowledge and outstanding appearance.

Apart from being a bit serious sometimes...but when being serious, I will also consider other people's feelings and tell some humorous little jokes.

The flaws are not concealed.

The more he thought about it, Huo Wu felt his face getting hotter.

So, should we take this opportunity to capture Tang San?From the information Xiao Wu and the others leaked, they all took the initiative at the beginning, while Tang San was passive...
Edge of the Lake of Life.

Seeing Xiao Wu arrive again, Di Tian's huge head lowered, staring at the small house that seemed to have entered a mature stage, and asked in confusion: "Have you not brought the Child of Destiny here yet?"

"No, his sixth spirit ring needs to be obtained from Yunshu. The environment of the Star Dou Forest is not suitable for that kind of plant spirit beast." Xiao Wu's meaning is very simple, that is, there is no spirit beast that Tang San needs in the Star Dou Forest. Naturally, there is no way to bring him here. "There is no way I can tell him that I am a 10-year-old soul beast incarnate, and I want to bring him here to see goldfish, right?"

Di Tian frowned and saw the three-eyed Jin Ni walking up to Xiao Wu, sniffing and saying in surprise: "You have the Lord's aura on you."

"Have you seen the Lord's clone outside?" Ditian transformed from a beast into a human form, and his attitude became solemn.

"Master?" Xiao Wu frowned, thought for a while, and pretended to be suspicious, "Is she the little girl with silver hair and purple eyes? I once suspected that she was the 10-year-old soul beast incarnate..."

"The Lord is not comparable to a 10-year-old soul beast, but a born god!" Di Tian's tone dropped, and then said, "Since you have seen the Lord's clone, then protect her and obey her instructions. Understand?"

"Yes." Xiao Wu lowered his head, but thought secretly in his heart: Gu Yuena, the co-leader of the soul beasts, is a born god... hum, so what?Haven't you been treated docilely by Third Brother?

Maybe I’ll have to call her Xiao Wu “sister” in the future!
"Go and gather the soul rings." Di Tian said.

"Ming dynasty."

Xiao Wu shouted to the side, and the Azure Bull Python immediately lowered its head and led her to the center of the Lake of Life.

"Sister Xiao Wu, are you so strong at concentrating your energy now? I can't feel the corresponding energy at all." The Azure Bull Python said while swimming.

"Who calls Sister Xiao Wu a genius?" Xiao Wu chuckled, turned around and glanced at Di Tian, ​​Bi Ji, Zi Ji, Three-Eyed Jin Yang and Xiong Jun behind her, and said secretly: I don't know how to condense the sixth soul ring. Finally, by using the Fusion Ring, can it be comparable to the ferocious beast?
The Azure Ox Python then asked: "Sister Xiaowu, what kind of rabbit spirit beast's spirit ring are you going to condense this time? How many years will it take?"

"In terms of years, it's 10 years."

The last time she came back, she absorbed the energy from Tianmeng Ice Silkworm's body. The cultivation base in her body reached nearly 30 years. Spending 10 years to condense a soul ring is not a waste, and her body can withstand 10 A ten thousand year level soul ring.

"As for race, I choose Ling Kong Rabbit."

The Lingkong Rabbit is also a rabbit-type soul beast that is recorded as extinct in the "Soul Beast Encyclopedia".

According to records, Ling Kong Rabbit has two attributes: spirit and space.

Moreover, Tang San judged from the book's description that "the blood channels are as numerous as a snare" and concluded that Ling Kong Rabbit's mental attributes were based on its developed nervous system, allowing it to better control its body.Today, Xiao Wu has the Xuantian Technique, the Jade Bone Golden Muscle Divine Hidden Technique, the Cosmic Meditation Technique, the Wind Control Technique, Control the Crane and Capture the Dragon, etc. His soul, body, and spirit have become perfect.

But Wuhun still needs to be strengthened to develop its own advantages to the extreme.

Waist, facial features, spine, legs, arms.

Physically, Xiao Wu has passed the first five soul rings and has been strengthened. The next thing to do is to use the existing skills more rationally.

Obtaining the 10-year-old Sky Rabbit Soul Ring, Xiao Wu can continuously strengthen her mental power and enhance her own spatial origin.

Strengthening mental power is naturally for the purpose of cultivating ring fusion.

In the past two years, Xiao Wu has also been practicing this super skill. However, even with the cosmic meditation method, due to his own lack of mental power, it is difficult to perfectly piece together the soul rings and to clarify the flow of soul power in each soul ring. route.

Although the second soul ring also strengthens the brain, it mainly strengthens the five senses and the perception of the air. The soul skill of listening to the wind's roar to predict the future in three seconds only senses the information in the air and then simulates it in the brain.

But Ling Kong Rabbit can specifically strengthen her mental power, and even strengthen her whole body's nervous system, so that she can better control every inch of muscle tissue in her body, and may even be unable to sense every cell in her body in the future. rhythm.

In addition, it is also very important to improve the origin of space attributes. After all, Xiao Wu wants to awaken the space talent field after condensing the natal soul ring at the soul saint level.

In short, Ling Kong Rabbit's soul ring is still to pave the way for her future!
After the blood-red soul ring was condensed, Xiao Wu stood up from the head of the azure bull python and realized that he seemed to be able to perfectly control every inch of his body.

With a squeeze of his fist, fire will burst out; with a stamp of his feet, yellow arcs of electricity will flash.

In the past, to control flames and lightning, one had to first control the soul power with mental power, and then convert the soul power into energy with corresponding attributes. Although it took only a moment, it was the result of practice making perfect.

But now, a Ling Kong Rabbit's soul ring has strengthened her brain and the nervous system of her whole body. With just a thought, the soul power can be transformed into corresponding attributes, as meticulously as an arm and a finger.

Soul rings can really help soul masters save most of their training efforts!

With a secret sigh, Xiao Wu jumped off the head of the azure bull python, landed on the water, and walked towards Di Tian and others step by step. Her steps were as if they were walking on flat ground, which made Di Tian and other ferocious beasts amazed.

Although they all have the ability to fly, even Mr. Xiong can escape from the ground with his majestic cultivation. But walking on the water like Xiao Wu, I am afraid only Di Tian can do it with his powerful cultivation.

But does Xiao Wu have that level of cultivation?

"Is this a skill you learned from humans?" After Xiao Wu stepped ashore, Di Tian couldn't help but ask, "Can you teach it to the ferocious beasts?"

"Only humans can learn."

Xiao Wu, who is familiar with the structure of the human body, knows that although soul beasts are different from humans, except for insects and legless reptiles, the body structures of other soul beasts are actually similar to humans in a wide range. After all, they all have skeletons, internal organs, brains, and facial features. And so on. Therefore, considering the situation of Ditian and others, they can actually learn how to do it.

But Xiao Wu doesn’t know how to teach, after all—

We are not familiar with each other.

"Big stupid bear, let's have a fight, how about it?" Xiao Wu glanced around and found that the other ferocious beasts were not there, so she felt weak and decided to test her strength with Mr. Xiong.

"A mere Soul Emperor wants to challenge me?" Mr. Xiong seemed to have heard some joke, and he looked up to the sky and laughed angrily, "Little Rabbit, I have to say, you are very brave."

"I'm super brave, okay?" Xiao Wu held her head high and six soul rings, one yellow, two purple, two black and one red, were revealed, and the aura she exuded actually reached the level of Contra.

"Yes, although the soul power is only level 61, relying on that 10-year-old soul ring, it may be comparable to Contra." Di Tian did not stop him, but commented with interest, "After the transformation, you, Breaking the restriction of the soft-bone rabbit bloodline, relying on the origin of cultivation to trace the origin, gathering the soul rings of other powerful rabbit soul beasts, and constantly evolving... maybe you will find a way to break through to level [-]. "

Over the years, Di Tian has also seen some knowledge, but he himself does not have the courage to transform into a human being, and the transformed soul beast has abandoned the identity of the soul beast lineage in terms of blood.

As a proud dragon clan, he will never abandon this identity that represents supreme glory and glory!

"Maybe it's not her, but the son of luck who influenced her." The three-eyed golden yawned, squatted on the ground, raised his hind legs and scratched his ears.

Obviously, she just watched the changes in luck again.

"Di Tian, ​​if I win, can I eat this rabbit?" Mr. Xiong remained in his animal form, with his mouth open wide and saliva hanging from his mouth.


(End of this chapter)

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