Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 277 Huo Wu’s 6th soul skill: Sun Fire Lotus

Chapter 277 Huo Wu’s sixth soul skill: Sun Fire Lotus

The moment it approached the Crystal Lotus, an energy as hot as the sun erupted from it, knocking the Titan Fire Ape and the Flame Cloud Smoke Bird away. Even the scorching high temperature made it difficult for the aliens among the two soul beasts to immediately climb up.

Even one of the wings of the Brilliant Cloud Smoke Bird was broken, and the flames and streamers on it diminished, revealing the gorgeous golden-red feathers.

"So strong!" Huo Wu's eyes narrowed, "That thing will attack on its own initiative? Is it a plant-based soul beast?"

"That's the Crystal Lotus, a plant that can only survive in magma..." Tang San briefly introduced the situation of the Crystal Lotus to Huo Wu, frowning, "Judging from the current situation, This crystal lotus has indeed become a soul beast, with huge soul power fluctuations, at least reaching the 10-year level."

A 10-year-old spirit beast is equivalent to a level 95 titled Douluo.

Not to mention, this crystal lotus is a plant that lives in the planet's magma. Alien species such as the Titan Blazing Ape and the Light Flame Cloud Smoke Bird cannot compete with it.

Even though Jinglian was in a debuff environment at the moment, these two thousand-year-old soul beasts were not able to compete. Just one move made them afraid to attack at will.

"10 years!" Huo Wu's eyes lit up and he asked, "While we were on the way, you and I also practiced Qi and blood cultivation. In addition, I studied gravity, which also made my body stronger. It is possible to withstand the 10-year level. Soul ring?"

"Can't bear it." Tang San shook his head, "If it were an ordinary 10-year-old spirit ring, I could use the Blue Silver Emperor's vitality to keep restoring your body. There is a chance that you can absorb it, but this Crystal Lotus is 10-year-old. The level is a heterogeneous species among heterogeneous species. Although for the entire plane, it is a parasite that hinders the improvement of the world, but for us humans, it can also be called an innate creature born from the plane."

If we make a comparison, Tang San can say that this Crystal Lotus is at the same level as the Silver Dragon King in origin, but it is very different in terms of cultivation. Moreover, this thing is despised by the entire Douluo Star, but it is rooted in the magma. , the will of the plane can only destroy this crystal lotus through volcanic eruption.

With Huo Wu's current physical condition, without external help, he can withstand a soul ring that is 8 years old at most.

As for the crystal lotus soul ring...
Unless it takes the initiative to sacrifice, there is no possibility that Huo Wu can successfully absorb it even with Tang San's help.

"But, I can feel that the Sun Goddess is longing for the crystal lotus." Huo Wu released his martial spirit. The Sun Goddess, who looked exactly like Huo Wu, had her face facing the crystal lotus.

Even though the Sun Goddess had her eyes closed, both Tang San and Huo Wu could feel her "unblinking gaze".

Even though the lower body was turned around under the control of Huo Wu, the head was still facing Jinglian motionlessly, and even actively opened its arms, as if to pounce on it and integrate it into its own embrace.

"Maybe let her give it a try."

Electrolux suddenly spoke, "Although that crystal lotus has huge energy and has become a soul beast, it only has instinct and no intelligence... As a plant parasitic in the 'blood' of the world, the will of the plane It will instinctively suppress the birth of its spiritual intelligence. If such a plant produces spiritual intelligence, it may actively absorb energy and become a real disaster for the world."

"The attributes of the Sun Goddess are very consistent with that of the Crystal Lotus. If Huo Wu can control the Sun Goddess to land on the Crystal Lotus, it may be possible for the Crystal Lotus to instinctively think that Huo Wu is the intelligence from which he was born."

Tang San thought for a while and decided to let Huo Wu give it a try. After all, he was just letting the spirit pass. Even if there was danger, he could take it back immediately, so the risk was smaller.

"Then let's give it a try!" Huo Wu moved her wrist and mentally controlled the Sun Goddess to fly towards the crystal lotus.

The Titan Fire Ape and the Flame Cloud Smoke Bird noticed the Sun Goddess and became even more vigilant, but did not attack. Instead, they wanted to see how the human-looking soul beast would deal with the big flower.

The crystal lotus was golden but transparent. As the sun goddess slowly approached, the petals actually opened.

Counting carefully, there are 36 pieces. In the center is a red lotus pod, with nine round golden lotus seeds on it. It slowly emerges from the lotus trough, with a golden halo, floating in the air. He reached around the Sun Goddess and took the initiative to penetrate into her mouth.

The Sun Goddess also instinctively opened her mouth and swallowed the nine lotus seeds one by one. Then her whole body was ignited with golden flames and she sat in the lotus platform of the crystal lotus.

The 36 petals gradually closed up, wrapping the sun goddess.

At the same time, Huo Wu also sat cross-legged on the spot, and the sixty-level soul power bottleneck began to break through. Golden energy flowed through the veins in his body, and his entire body was slowly getting stronger.

"Really succeeded?" Tang San was surprised.

"My suggestion is worth trying." Electrolux said with a smile, "However, the more important thing is that this world has magical martial spirits and soul beasts. Otherwise, she can at most use the crystal lotus to strengthen her body and improve her cultivation. And now, I estimate that she can use the Sun Goddess to obtain everything in Crystal Lotus, and she may be able to master the ability to swim in magma in the future."

At this time, the two soul beasts below couldn't help it anymore and wanted to attack Crystal Lotus, but Tang San wouldn't allow them to do that. He released the Clear Sky Hammer, transformed into Jiu Hao, and bit directly at the Titan Fiery Ape. And go.After Tang San broke through the Soul Emperor, Jiu Hao also grew a sixth head with gray eyes, which was the attribute of death.

The Titan Fire Ape was far inferior to Jiuhao in terms of strength, defense, and control of flames. In just three rounds, one of his arms was crushed and then stepped on severely.

As for the blazing cloud smoke bird, Tang San used the Blue Silver Emperor to wrap it up, control its body shape, and tie it to a protruding sun crystal pillar.

Wu Lin and Wu Tong were released, one was responsible for cooling down the Flame Cloud Bird, and the other was responsible for interfering with the fire element energy in its body, making it unable to condense energy.

Both ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts that could compete with Titled Douluo were defeated and controlled by Tang San in just the blink of an eye. Although the two were injured by Crystal Lotus's energy impact before, even if they were not injured, Tang San's With the current strength, it can be solved relatively easily without using the secret method of ring fusion.

While Huo Wu was training and absorbing the Crystal Lotus, Tang San collected a lot of hair, feathers, and blood from the Titan Fiery Ape and the Light Flame Cloud Smoke Bird, and used his first soul skill to treat them, saying: " You are a strange species among soul beasts, and their wisdom should be higher than that of ordinary ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts. Do you understand what I say?"

"Be honest. Once my friends finish absorbing the crystal lotus, they will leave and won't kill you."

Feeling the recovery of their injuries and the life breath of the human in front of them, the two soul beasts calmed down and stopped struggling.

After half an hour.

The crystal lotus suddenly bloomed, and the petals opened one by one, revealing the figure that exuded infinite light and fire.

As the light flames subsided, Tang San lowered the palm covering his face.

The petals of the crystal lotus spread out, surrounding the sun goddess in a strange trajectory, and continued to get closer and smaller, and connected to her waist, forming a golden lotus-shaped glazed skirt.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, and black, five soul rings emerged from the body of the Sun Goddess, and as the last red soul ring appeared, the closed eyes of the Sun Goddess slowly opened, and the golden eyes The pupils were extremely agile, as if the entire martial soul had come alive.

In the center of his eyebrows, there is a lotus-shaped pattern, dotted with nine red-gold dots the size of sesame seeds, which seems to contain the power of the real sun.

"What? You don't recognize me anymore?" The Sun Goddess spoke, making a sound like a fire dance, but it was a little ethereal, as magnificent as a god.

"It's not that I don't know each other, it's just that you seem to have gained a lot of benefits, and you can actually use the martial spirit as another body of your own." Tang San looked at the Sun Goddess for a while, then looked at the real Huo Wu sitting cross-legged at the entrance of the cave. Body, "Can you still control your original body?"

"Okay." The Sun Goddess nodded, the agitation in her eyes not dissipating, but Huo Wu stood up, jumped down, and came to Tang San.

The eyes of the two are equally agile, just like the same person, but they can do different things.

"How do you feel now?" Tang San pinched the Sun Goddess's skin and found that it was no different from the real person, even smoother than Huo Wu itself.

"how to say?"

Huo Wu and the Sun Goddess said in unison, "Both of them are me, controlling two bodies with one soul. This feeling is very strange. I don't know how to describe it, but it should be regarded as a very advanced multitasking technique."

As she said that, the Sun Goddess approached Huo Wu, her illusory figure overlapped with it. Then, Huo Wu's hair started to dance, lotus-shaped lines appeared on her forehead, and a black tights appeared on her body, which was similar to That kind of leather jacket has golden patterns engraved on it, forming a golden sun pattern with the uproar.

At the waist, there is also the lotus skirt composed of 36 golden crystal petals, flashing with a slight golden red fluorescence. If you look carefully, there is a sun-like pattern in each crystal petal, as if it is the most brilliant in the world. of artwork.

"What do you think of me now?"

Huo Wu's voice became much more normal, and then he just raised his hand, and a golden crystal lotus condensed. There were 36 petals in total, and golden flames flowed on it. In the center, there were nine lotus seeds as big as a thumb. The ball contains extremely terrifying energy.

"Is this the first soul skill of your sixth soul ring?" Tang San looked at it curiously, "I can feel the majestic energy in it. If it explodes, it will probably be extremely powerful."

"That's right, this is the first soul skill that the 10-year-old soul ring gave me. It's a range of explosion damage, distance range and power. I'm afraid I can't test it here, but I have already thought of a name. Called: Sun Fire Lotus!"

(End of this chapter)

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