Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 283 Soul Power Twin Meditation Method

Chapter 283 Soul Power Twin Meditation Method

The so-called Dual Core Meditation Method was just a joking name in Tang San's mind, while Bibi Dong named it: Soul Power Twin Meditation Method.

Meditation is a kind of practice that allows people to understand the martial soul, and let it help the soul master absorb the energy of the world and refine it into soul power, thereby improving the soul master's level.

In this process, the martial spirit refining the energy of heaven and earth requires the human body's own meridians to assist in its operation.

Some talented soul masters recorded the movement trajectory, and based on this research, they summarized more advanced meditation methods, which can be passed on to people with the same martial soul to use, thereby speeding up the speed of meditation.

It can be said that the meridians that each type of martial spirit flows through when refining the energy of heaven and earth are different.

Judging from the data of the Wuhun Palace, the more powerful the Wuhun, the more and more complex the soul power routes flowing through the human body, and the higher the efficiency of meditation.

It's a pity that few soul masters can summarize this kind of circulation route.

Large sects and families can summarize it, but the summarized soul power operation route must be most suitable for the direct members of the family. For people with other martial arts souls, the effect may not be as good as the most basic meditation method.

Back to the point.

Bibi Dong's twin meditation method is based on the different body meridians used in the meditation practice of the two martial arts, and the overlapping parts are grouped together, while the non-overlapping parts are divided into two independent sets of soul power operation routes.

To use a simple metaphor, it is two rings welded together. There is overlap, but they are relatively independent of each other.

The same kind of soul power exists in Bibi Dong's Dantian, but under subjective operation, it can flow to one of the operation systems according to one's own ideas.

To convert a martial spirit, you don't need to immediately convert the soul power attributes in the set of soul power operation routes you are using. You only need to activate another set of soul power operation routes.

The remaining soul power from the previous set of soul power operation routes will flow back to the Dantian where soul power is stored along the circuit.

can only say--

Bibi Dong is indeed a genius in terms of soul power cultivation. This level of strength is by no means a reward from the Rakshasa Divine Examination.

Moreover, the Rakshasa God seems to have given Bibi Dong the least reward in the original work, and even the life of the soul ring cannot be increased...
"Yes, I can actually see it." Listening to Tang San's explanation, Bibi Dong was slightly surprised, but when she thought that the person in front of her was a martial soul theory master, and even proposed to her the method of cultivating the Three Treasures of Spirit, Qi, and God, her eyes revealed another A touch of admiration - this is a being who can rival or even surpass her in soul power cultivation.

"This really inspired me, thank you, Lord Pope." Tang San thanked him, feeling that the details of the condensed soul core had been added again, and he couldn't help but feel happy in his heart.

"In that case, then start your experiment in practicing the Three Treasures of Spirit, Qi, and God." Bibi Dong smiled slightly, "I look forward to becoming stronger."

"Now? Here?" Now it was Tang San's turn to be surprised.

"Isn't it possible?" Bibi Dong asked, "Thanks to you, I am getting busier and busier now, and I only have some free time here. It's better for you, you can spend most of your time on cultivation, research and I am so envious of those little girlfriends who are teasing you."

Tang San laughed and ignored the topic, saying: "Since Lord Pope is free, I will naturally not be polite. However, during the experiment, we may have to touch each other's skin to sense the movement of your soul power. I don't know, Pope." Do you mind, sir?"

"I don't mind." Bibi Dong raised her eyebrows slightly. She had always been disgusted with men, but she didn't have that kind of worry about Tang San in front of her.Moreover, it is also because the death power of the Death Spider Emperor and the life power of the Blue Silver Emperor are mutually exclusive and tend to merge with each other.

This made Bibi Dong instinctively like Tang San.

Even after Tang San obtained the sixth spirit ring and the Blue Silver Emperor's vitality became stronger, the power of death became more sensitive to the power of life.

This good impression stems from the influence of martial arts. Even if Bibi Dong is a peerless Douluo, it is difficult to completely erase this feeling. However, Bibi Dong just feels that she does not hate Tang San.

"In that case, let's start now." Tang San was not polite and directly took Bibi Dong's hand, injecting a trace of soul power, sensing the two sets of soul power circuits in Bibi Dong's body.

And Bibi Dong also noticed that the ray of soul power that Tang San injected into his body did not have any attributes. It was neutral and peaceful, as pure as boiled water: "Such a strong control, it can actually remove the life attribute from the soul power."

"That's all I deserve praise for." Tang San concentrated on controlling his soul power, making a circuit from the twin soul power meditation method, guiding the storage cores of the two soul powers upwards.

"What are you?" Bibi Dong felt her soul power become active, and she immediately controlled part of her soul power to follow the path of Tang San's soul power, arriving at a place where her soul power had never stayed before.

When the soul power came here, the place where the soul power was originally stored took the initiative to squeeze the soul power upward, as if the new place where the soul power had just arrived was the most suitable space for storing soul power.

"Is this the Zhongdantian?" Bibi Dong realized that if all the soul power is transferred to the Tanzhong point, the operation route of his soul power twin meditation method also needs to be slightly adjusted... This is a big project, not just one. It can be done in two days.

At this time, Tang San had already let go of Bibi Dong's hand, and once again told Bibi Dong the energy conversion concepts of the three Dantians: "The lower Dantian is the Guanyuan point, which stores essence, that is, where Qi and blood are stored; the middle Dantian is the Tan field. The middle point stores Qi and soul power; the upper Dantian is the Yintang point, which in the Pope's view can also be called the sea of ​​spirit, and is naturally used to store spiritual power."

"Qi, blood, soul power, and mental power each have their own place, and they can transform each other independently, forming a small universe cycle in the human body. Qi and blood rise and turn into soul power. Soul power rises and increases mental power, and mental power can Passively strengthen one's soul, and when the soul is strong, the body will instinctively seek to become stronger."

As he spoke, Tang San took off his shirt, revealing his solid and powerful chest. He circulated Qi, blood, soul power, and spiritual power. His whole body emitted a spiritual light. The three major dantians glowed simultaneously. The veins all over his body appeared on the surface, densely packed, like The Internet is just like a normal network, but there are still stars that are shining brightly.

Among them, the three most dazzling ones are three inches below the navel, in the middle of the chest, and two in the center.

It is where the three major Dantians are located.

When Bibi Dong saw the dense flow of energy, blood, soul power, and spiritual power, she seemed to have seen the most mysterious truth, and even vaguely felt that the whole world was echoing Tang San's body.

It seemed that where Tang San stood was the center of the entire world!
【What an incredible mortal! 】

[If it can reach level [-], I'm afraid it can reach the god king level, or even higher! 】

[When we find a way to tie him and Bibi Dong in a boat, then...hehehe~]

【Shura!you are done! 】

(End of this chapter)

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