Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 286 Gu Yuena’s confession: I want one!

Chapter 286 Gu Yuena’s confession: I want a hundred!

Tang San wasn't good at marksmanship, but he wasn't completely incompetent. After all, he had often sparred with the spirit masters of Wuhun Palace in Notting City during those six years, and he had some understanding of it.

Furthermore, this is Wuhun City. As the Holy Son, it can be said that it is more than enough to call a few soul masters who are good at using spears to teach Gu Yuena.

In the past two years of practice, Gu Yuena's marksmanship has also made great progress, and she has a deeper understanding of human wisdom.

Although none of these humans can surpass her in terms of strength and elements, her skill in wielding a gun and her grasp of force are beyond her reach, not even by the Dragon God.

In other words, Dragon God did not consider such details at all, relying on strong power, and even elemental power was not commonly used.


After practicing the spear more than ten times, Gu Yuena stopped, dismissed the servant who taught her, walked towards Tang San who seemed to be thinking about something, and asked, "How is my progress?"

"As you know, I'm not good at marksmanship, but in terms of speed, ruthlessness and accuracy, you have already met the standards. With the strength of the Soul Sect, you should be invincible at the same level, and even fight across levels."

Tang San commented, "However, if you really want to perfect your marksmanship, you still have to experience it on the battlefield. Actual combat is always the best teacher."

"It's a pity that it's not time for war to break out yet."


In this Douluo Continent that has been gradually changed by his influence, it is still unknown whether war will break out.

In the Tiandou Empire, Xue Qinghe, disguised as Qian Renxue, gained the trust of Emperor Xueye and now began to take charge of Tiandou affairs. Xue Beng had a broken finger and mutilated limbs, and was no longer able to compete.

It was already certain that she would ascend to the throne of Emperor Tiandou, and the one thing that happened was that Emperor Xueye would be poisoned to death, or he would directly announce his abdication.

As for the Star Luo Empire, it is currently imitating the development of Wuhun City, mainly establishing an institution to research soul guidance devices, but it is indeed opposed by many families.

On the surface, Wuhun Palace is researching life soul tools that benefit the people. Soul masters will not object too much. After all, this type of technology also enriches and facilitates their daily needs.

The Star Luo Empire is openly researching weapon-type soul guidance devices, and has even developed a soul guidance bomb that can explode. It was a researcher who accidentally combined two unrelated soul guidance circuits. After working together, I found that injecting soul power would continuously condense the soul power, and then explode with a "bang".

As a result, the relevant personnel began to study explosions, and finally developed a soul-guided bomb the size of an orange, with the power of its explosion covering a radius of about five meters.

It doesn't sound like much, but the power of the explosion was unbearable even by the Soul Sect!

In addition to the explosion damage of this kind of soul bomb, it is the secondary damage caused by the fragments splashed out in the explosion, and even this secondary damage is even more troublesome.

It can be said that this is a weapon of war!

However, this aggressive soul tool also greatly aroused the resentment of the major families in the Star Luo Empire.

They originally built their family with their powerful martial souls, but now a soul bomb can blow a soul sect into pieces. How can they accept this?

Although there must be someone among the top leaders of these families who understands that Wuhun Palace will also be researching soul guidance devices with offensive capabilities, but people always take chances.

What if Wuhun Palace doesn’t do research?Moreover, what the Star Luo Empire needs to guard against the most is the Tiandou Empire!
At the very least, the emergence of soul-guided weapons has reduced the role of these families and threatened their actual status within the Star Luo Empire.

Therefore, all the major families in the Star Luo Empire are opposing the soul guidance research institute established by the Dai family and the Zhu family, and there is already some chaos...
"It turns out that the situation on the mainland is so complicated." Gu Yuena was stunned for a moment after hearing this. She put away the silver dragon gun and thought to herself: In this regard, the soul beast is relatively simple.

"In the final analysis, there is one sentence: people's hearts are selfish." Tang San touched Gu Yuena's head, "It is the difference between the size and the amount of selfishness. There are very few selfless people in the world."

Gu Yuena felt that she was quite selfless. For the future of the soul beast clan, she separated part of her origin to condense such a clone, and she still had to accept this guy's teachings.

If Tang San knew her thoughts, he would definitely laugh a few times.

After all, although the spirit beasts in the Star Dou Forest all recognized her as their co-owner, it was unclear how many would express their sincere gratitude afterwards.

"Speaking of which, didn't you have some guess about my identity?" Gu Yuena's expression suddenly became serious, a silver halo appeared in her purple eyes, and her aura became thicker.

"Do you want to hear the truth, or do you want to hear lies?" To Gu Yuena's surprise, Tang San didn't become solemn, as if he was sure she wouldn't do anything, but showed a hint of interest on his face.

Immediately, Gu Yuena understood that her identity had been guessed by the other party, but considering that the other party had no intention of harming her, she dissipated her aura and asked speechlessly: "How can you tell a lie?"

"You are just a gifted little girl." Tang San said without hesitation.

"Hmph!" Gu Yuena turned her head, snorted coldly, and said, "Do you know what my true identity is?"

"10-year-old soul beast transformed?" Tang San blinked.

"Then what did Rabbit tell you?" Gu Yuena was curious about how Tang San guessed a little bit of her identity. "Then she's quite powerful. She can actually see what I'm hiding."

In fact, Gu Yuena didn't really believe that Xiao Wu could see her true identity.

Even if he only has part of his origin, he is still a god!
How could it be possible for a mere soft-bone rabbit to tell?Only the person in front of me, who possesses a super powerful dragon martial spirit, can sense some clues about her.

"Xiao Wu did guess a little bit, but I mainly confirmed it myself. After all, you, who have transformed into a soul beast for 10 years, had more animalistic nature at the beginning. Although the people at Luowang Auction House gave you a 'grow in the wild' setting, but generally speaking, children raised by wild beasts are basically unable to adapt to human society, and their learning ability is extremely poor." Tang San was not sure whether the situation in his previous life was applicable to Douluo Continent, but at this moment, using It was no problem to fool Gu Yuena, after all, the other party didn't know the specific situation.

Poor information, everywhere.

Sure enough, Gu Yuena was stunned and her face fell: "Damn it, didn't you expect that my learning ability was exposed?"

"No, more importantly, I don't really believe that someone was chosen by the so-called Silver Dragon God at a young age." Tang San revealed the truth, "I have been talking nonsense just now, and now you have said it yourself."

Gu Yuena had a dark face and said coldly: "Human beings are so cunning!"

"Don't be angry, how about I take you to Wuhun City to buy candied haws on a stick?" Tang San comforted.

"Am I the kind of glutton?"

Gu Yuena turned her head away, her face turned red with anger, and then said, "I want a hundred!"

(End of this chapter)

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