Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 288 The Soul Seal Throne of Wisdom and Spirit

Chapter 288 The Soul Seal Throne of Wisdom and Spirit

Time is like a horse, fleeting.

After Gu Yuena confessed to Tang San, another half year had passed.

During this period, Tang San's life was very regular——

Practice, research, forge, assist Bibi Dong in studying the Three Treasures of Spirit, Qi and God, plant the Blue Silver Emperor Spirit in the Spirit City, guide the girls in their practice, and study the way of Qi and Blood at night with everyone except Gu Yuena.

On this day, Tang San would finally complete the creation of the first Divine Seal Throne.

In the forging room, Tang San looked at the seat that was formed in front of him. It was dark and smooth, but if he looked carefully, he saw that there were countless soul guidance lines on the surface, and there was a circular groove above the backrest, as if it was missing something.

This is a throne made of patterned metal!Moreover, the pattern-forged metals have all reached the level of six forgings, including pattern-forged iron, pattern-forged copper, pattern-forged silver, pattern-forged Yun Gang, pattern-forged secret gold, etc.

After testing, these pattern-forged metals can be combined harmoniously together, and the six forged patterns between each other can be connected to each other, and the method for making the Divine Seal Throne given by Electrolux is combined with the soul guide pattern of Douluo Continent. Under this, the Divine Seal Throne, which belongs exclusively to this world, was created.

"Third brother, there are still two final steps left." Guang Ling wiped the sweat from his forehead, with a smile on his face - she played a major role in engraving the soul guidance pattern on the Divine Seal Throne.

"As long as the final energy gathering core is embedded and the martial soul mark is injected, this throne can be used by others!"

Compared with the Divine Seal Throne in the Holy Demon Continent, this one currently does not have corresponding conceptual laws such as "fear", "guarding", "killing", "wisdom", and "order" engraved on it, or even the so-called "artifact" "The name is just that it has powerful power beyond ordinary weapons.

However, this Divine Seal Throne can independently absorb the energy of heaven and earth to evolve. In the long years to come, as long as it is not destroyed, it is impossible to say that it can become a real artifact.

Now it can only be said to be a semi-artifact.

According to Tang San's estimation, only a Divine Seal Throne made entirely of seven-mark forged metal can reach the level of a true divine weapon, while a Divine Seal Throne made of eight-mark or nine-mark forged metal should be able to reach the level of a super-sacred weapon.

"I plan to give this throne to Wuhun Palace. After all, it is Wuhun Palace's credit for getting so many precious ores and metals." Tang San made a decision.

As for whether someone in the Spirit Hall would use this throne against him in the future, Tang San wasn't worried. Every piece of forged metal he forged was instinctively close to him.

Even if the throne is controlled by others, it will instinctively reduce its own power to the lowest level when facing him, the "Creator".

"I listen to Third Brother." Guang Ling was very considerate, because she knew that she would definitely give them better things in the future.

"You should go back and rest first. You are also tired these days. I will give you a good night's rest."

Tang San k伱.”

After Guang Ling left, Tang San took the throne to the Pope's Palace. Along the way, all the Spirit Hall guards and knights showed respect to him and bowed in salute.

And Tang San didn't have the airs of the Holy Son. He greeted everyone one by one and could even call out the names of all the Spirit Hall personnel along the way.

This made these guards extremely moved and proud!
"Is this the artifact you created?" When Tang San placed the throne in the Pope's Palace, Bibi Dong couldn't help but frown.

Although this throne exuded extremely powerful energy fluctuations and had extremely strong spirituality, she didn't understand why it was made to look like a chair?

Wouldn't it be nice to make it into armor or some other weapon?
How to attack such a chair?Or is this chair an auxiliary type that can greatly enhance the soul master's strength?

But sitting on it, isn’t it a living target?

The four Douluo, Yue Guan, Gui Mei, Demon Bear, and Ghost Leopard, were also in the Pope's Palace at this time, looking at the throne curiously, waiting for Tang San's introduction.

"This throne was made using my own grain forging method. The materials are all six-forged metal. It can only be said to be a semi-divine weapon." Tang San said firmly, "According to my estimation, as long as I can control this throne, Even the Soul King can compete with super Douluo above level 95, or even peerless Douluo."


The four titled Douluo took a breath, all wanting to experiment, but they heard Tang San continue: "However, this chair has not been completely built yet, and there are two steps missing."

"What steps?" Bibi Dong asked.

"On the back of the seat, there is a groove. It lacks a core of energy concentration, which is also the core that adds attributes to it." Tang San pointed to the groove and said, "Once it is truly completed, this chair It will show its true power, and non-titled Douluo level strength will not be able to resist the coercion it exudes."

"Oh? Then I'll wait and see!" Bibi Dong stood up, took Tang San and the four titled Douluo outside the Pope's Palace, came to the "Douluo Continent" venue, placed the throne in front of the venue, and asked: “What does the core need?”

"Soul bones." Tang San said, "Some special metals and ores can actually be used, but I only have a piece of living gold on hand. If I use it, I am afraid that no one in Wuhun Palace will be recognized by the throne with the attribute of life. , therefore, please ask the Pope to replace it with a soul bone."

Soul bones, the treasures dropped by soul beasts, contain the skills of the soul beast during its lifetime. They must contain the most original attributes of the soul beast, and the material of the soul bone itself can also be used to store energy.

As for the problem of the soul bone not matching the groove... The six forging patterns inside the Divine Seal Throne and the soul guidance patterns constructed by Tang San and Guang Ling can absorb the energy of the world and refine the soul bone into a shape that matches the groove. .

From Lan Yinzi, Xiao Wu and Gu Yuena, we learned that the type of soul bones can actually be changed according to the soul beast's own thoughts. In 10 years, the soul beast will produce soul bones, and the soul bones will definitely be hunted by 10 people. The piece that the soul master of the Nian Soul Beast does not have will be random unless the soul master is full of soul bones.

Based on the way soul beasts condense soul bones, Tang San, Guang Ling and Electrox studied in reverse, and through the soul guidance patterns, the Divine Seal Throne had the ability to "smelt" soul bones again.

Bibi Dong ordered someone to bring a piece of soul bone, which was one of the rewards of the Continental Classic - a skull of spiritually condensed wisdom with a lifespan of up to 5 years.

Those three soul bones were regarded by Tang San as the price for challenging the Pope's majesty and were compensated to Bibi Dong. However, Bibi Dong did not directly reward them to Hu Liena, Xie Yue, and Yan.

After all, it is a fact that those three people did not win the championship. If Bibi Dong gave the competition prizes directly to them, he would be afraid of being criticized, so he temporarily stored them until they made contributions to Wuhun Palace in the future, and then rewarded them based on their merits.

At this time, the most precious piece was taken out...

 Tang Hao in the original work is full of soul bones, and the two broken arms and legs are the soul bones inherited by the sect.

  As for the soul bones dropped by the death of the 10-year-old soul beast, they must be soul bones that the soul master who hunted it does not have. This is the original setting, not a second setting.

  The specific chapters where the settings appear are in the chapters where the Titan Giant Ape and Azure Bull Python were sacrificed to Tang San.

  Whether Dou [-] and Dou [-] are set——

  It has nothing to do with this book.

(End of this chapter)

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