Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 293: All parties have different opinions

Chapter 293: All parties have different opinions

In the splendid hall, the purple-black light group and the blue-gold light group competed with each other. Powerful energy filled the entire hall, colliding and rubbing against each other.

The bursting halo of light seemed to be flowing with the Taoist aggregates of life and death, as if even the space would tremble and be destroyed.

This powerful wave naturally attracted the attention of all the titled Douluo, but the pressure that escaped made them unable to move forward at all, and they were even unable to enter the Pope's Palace.

Even Hu Liena, who owns the Soul Seal Throne, cannot enter the palace gate at this moment. The Soul Seal Throne of Wisdom and Spirit is also dim at this moment, as if she is afraid of the energy in it.

"What happened inside?"

"Why is there such strong pressure?"

"Are the Holy Son and the Pope researching some powerful self-created soul skills?"

"Maybe it's the martial soul fusion technique. I feel the two attributes of life and death intertwined... That is definitely a power beyond mortal imagination!"

"Teacher, Tang San, what exactly are you studying?"

Qian Daoliu, who was at the top of Wuhun Mountain, suddenly opened his eyes, looked down, and realized the cycle of life and death, his face suddenly turned pale.

Qian Daoliu has also done research on martial soul fusion techniques. The harmonious soul power fusion at present is by no means a powerful martial soul transforming the soul power of other attributes, but a deeper fusion, like water and milk. fusion.

This means one thing: Bibi Dong betrayed Qian Xunji!
Although Qian Xunji had taken possession of her body at the beginning, no matter what, Bibi Dong was considered his daughter-in-law, but now she was so... unruly!

If Tang San can be recognized by these worshipers as the Holy Son, he is also the husband prepared for Qian Renxue when she cannot complete the divine examination, and is the seed to give birth to better heirs for the Qian family!

But now, unexpectedly——



Qiandaoliu, whose expression was gloomy and uncertain, had a surge of soul power, but finally calmed down.

First, their angel lineage was sorry for Bibi Dong. He was in the Spirit Hall at that time, and he never thought of stopping Qian Xunji from doing what he did, and he felt guilty inside.

Secondly, Bibi Dong is Qian Renxue's mother after all, so she cannot leave too many flaws in Xue'er's heart and must live.

The third point is that this time it may be an accident. It is not that Bibi Dong really wanted to do that. It is most likely that it is the first time to fuse soul power, causing both parties to be unable to help themselves...

However, the most important point is that the energy underneath covers a smaller area than the silver-white one before, but its quality is higher and its origin is stronger. It is already extremely close to level [-].

If he interrupts rashly, its energy will burst out, and the entire Wuhun City, including him, will be destroyed in an instant... For Xueer's future, everything can be sacrificed, but he cannot be sacrificed. The angel's final inheritance requires Only the sacrifice of him, a devout believer of the angel god, can truly start!
"Great Enshrinement, what's going on down there?" Golden Crocodile Douluo couldn't see the essence of it. He only felt that the energy transmitted from the mountainside was even thicker, and the familiar fluctuations made his body begin to instinctively Trembling, he recalled the memory of being suppressed by Tang San and Bibi Dong with one punch together and almost dying without a burial place.

"It's nothing, it's just that Bibi Dong and Tang San are practicing their own soul skills." Qian Daoliu suddenly looked at Golden Crocodile Douluo and felt that he should add another insurance and find a way to let Golden Crocodile Douluo break through to level 99. .

In this way, even if Bibi Dong attacks himself in the future and causes an accident, so that Qian Renxue cannot start the final ninth test... Jin Crocodile can also serve as his substitute to start the final test. After all, Jin Renxue Crocodile Douluo is also a devout believer in the Angel God...

In Bibi Dong's spiritual sea, Electrolux saw the remnant soul of the Rakshasa God and snorted coldly: "The gods of the divine world are so shameless, even scheming against their own successors."

"It's a helpless move." The remnant soul of Rakshasa looked at Electrox, and noticed his aura that was incompatible with this world, and said, "Does the God Realm control visitors from other worlds outside the world? From the look of you, you want to Achieving the position of the God of Death is just a matter of leisure, why did you give up?"

"In my world, becoming a god means being with the world." Electrolux said.

"Have the divine body and divine soul become elements?" The remnant soul of Rakshasa seemed to have thought of something, and said faintly, "It seems that the rules of your world are very powerful. With gods as food, the world will continue to grow. In the end, maybe it can become Transcend the divine realm and become a materialized divine star.”

"Leaving aside all this, what is your purpose?" Electrolux asked. "Let life and death intertwine, and help my successors gather the throne of death." The remnant soul of Rakshasa expressed his thoughts, "But she cannot complete it with her own strength, so she can only borrow external power."

The position of the God of Death does not exist in the God Realm. It can only be gathered by Bibi Dong herself. But with Bibi Dong's talent, she does not have that chance, so she can only find a way.

Since then, the remnant soul of Rakshasa also hopes that Bibi Dong will become stronger in order to regain face from Shura in the future, and even kill Shura God once, so that he can also experience the feeling of becoming a remnant soul.

"Condensing the position of the God of Death? Haha, do you know how to do it? This can't be done just by having too much energy with the death attribute." Electrolux sneered, his soul shook, and he dispersed the divine thoughts entangled by the Rakshasa soul. Hehe sneered, "Don't even think about taking anything away from me. If you were in your heyday, I might not be your opponent, but a mere remnant soul wants to take away the breath and law of death from me. Isn't it a bit too much? Is it too whimsical?"

"As expected of a strong man from another world, he is really powerful... How about we make a deal?" The remnant soul of Rakshasa felt that it was about to dissipate. It was amazed by Electrolux's weirdness and made its own request, " How about you and I help Bibi Dong gather the seeds of the God of Death, and I tell you how to use the power of faith?"

"The power of faith?" Electrolux pretended to be disdainful, "My world is a god and there is no need for such a thing."

"Don't look down upon it. Faith is the belief of all living beings. It is a manifestation of spiritual power and possesses all kinds of great power. The gods in the divine world also use it very rarely. But according to my preliminary observation of those god kings and speculation, they themselves are the embodiment of spiritual power." The remnant soul of Rakshasa shared some of his understanding of the power of faith.

"Have you ever seen the God King?" Electrolux could confirm with a high probability that the remnant soul of the Rakshasa in front of him did not wander from the God Realm, but stayed in the mortal world before ascending to the God Realm.

But as far as he knew, it was just a ray of soul, so there was no way to contact the main body, right?
"I have seen her before, but she has been destroyed by the Shura God. The blame is that I have affected the inheritance place he left in this Douluo world." The remnant soul of Rakshasa was angry, and the remnant soul became scattered. After a while, He calmed down and said slowly, "It's always a little exciting to bring up old things again. Let's get back to business. Before I died, I did some research on the power of faith and transferred some memories to my remaining soul. In this way, I have some relevant memories.”

"Among the five divine kings, life, destruction, Shura, kindness, and evil, which two do you think are the most abrupt?"

Electrox frowned and said: "I have never seen them with my own eyes, but just from the names, good and evil are special. Life and destruction are two laws, and Shura should be in charge of killing thoughts. As for good and evil, they seem to be concepts in the true sense."

"Yes, good and evil are the most conflicting. These two guys are also the supreme kings of the God Realm, in charge of good thoughts and evil thoughts."

The remnant soul of Rakshasa sighed, "As long as people in the world are not heartless and sexless, then the fluctuations emitted by the mind can be divided into the two concepts of [goodness] and [evil]. Therefore, even if the two of them are not in the mortal world, Leaving behind a place of inheritance, even the world does not know their existence, but it can instinctively provide the two of them with the power of faith."

"The essence of the power of faith is the power of the mind, and the thoughts generated by intelligent creatures, whether they do good or evil, will enhance the power of those two people."

"Even if the two of them don't deliberately collect them, most of these thoughts dissipate the moment they are generated, which makes their strength higher than the other three god kings."

Now, Electrox is sure of one thing, that is, as he had guessed in the past, the gods of the divine world use the power of faith just like soul masters, accumulating quantity without considering quality, and their methods of utilization are also extremely primitive. .

But, is the essence of the power of faith the power of the soul?
Faith comes from the heart...
Seeing Electrolux deep in thought, the Rakshasa spirit continued: "This residual soul of mine is about to dissipate. Can you do me a favor? Just treat it as helping your daughter-in-law?"

Electrolux: "???"

"Bibi Dong, as my successor, is like my daughter, and when you stay in Tang San's spiritual sea, isn't Tang San like your son?" Rakshasa Remnant Soul said.

"According to what you said, it's true." Electrolux put on a smile, taking advantage of Tang San, and then asked: "Then what should I do if this woman gets angry afterwards?"

"Don't worry, Bibi Dong already has a good impression of Tang San. In addition, with the fusion of soul power and the blending of soul and body, both parties will instinctively lean toward each other, so there won't be any big problems." The voice of the remnant soul of Rakshasa became smaller and smaller, and his figure also became smaller. More and more unreal, "In the future, she will definitely be able to help Tang San."

"Aren't you afraid that we'll eat up and run away?" Electrolux pursed his lips, feeling that Rakshasa's remnant soul was a bit too whimsical. Neither he nor Tang San were good people in the complete sense.

"I can see that you will not surrender to the God Realm Committee." Rakshasa Remnant Soul felt that this alone was enough.

"It's really fucking thorough!"

Electrolux had to admit that those who were able to condense the divine status on their own had some real abilities and had a relatively thorough understanding of human nature.

The remnant soul of Rakshasa was surprised that a strong man of demigod level could actually use foul language...

(End of this chapter)

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