Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 307 Visiting Yu Tianheng

Chapter 307 Visiting Yu Tianheng
After dinner, everyone except Ning Rongrong was going to Tiandi Trading Company to continue working, and the rest were focused on their own cultivation. Tang San, on the other hand, asked Huo Wu where Yu Tianheng was and planned to pay him a visit.

Gu Yuena, who had been practicing Xuantian Technique for a while, also followed, intending to join in the fun and see the difference between a true dragon spirit such as the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus and a real Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Spirit Beast.

"By the way, do you have any special insights from practicing the Xuantian Technique?" Tang San asked curiously on the way.

"It's okay, just a little bit worse than my cultivation method." Gu Yuena said truthfully, "However, this cultivation method is quite unique and can evolve different routes according to different people's physiques, attributes, and martial souls. , if the soul power cultivated does not go through martial arts, the soul power does not have any attributes, and is almost the same as boiled water... Therefore, this skill, even for people with zero innate soul power, as long as their vitality is not declining, Even the elderly can cultivate their soul power through it, right?"

"Theoretically, this is true." Tang San did not deny the superiority of Xuantian Technique. "This is also unmatched by all current meditation methods, not even your magical power."

"Who says mine can't work?" Gu Yuena turned her head, "I can directly plant soul power seeds or elemental power into people so that they can practice."

"Then it's you who are powerful, not your skills."

"Hmph, my skills are as powerful as mine anyway!"

While talking, the two of them arrived at the manor arranged by Wuhun Palace for Yu Tianheng and Duguyan. It was also located at the foot of Wuhun Mountain, but three miles away from Tang San's Hunwu Manor.

And the name of this manor is called Hengyan Manor.

As the name suggests: the manor of Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan.

When the guard at the door saw Tang San, he immediately knelt down on one knee, showing admiration and respect: "I've seen the Holy Son before!"

"Don't be too polite."

Tang San nodded slightly, "Please let me know that an old friend is visiting."


One of the guards immediately went in.

After a while, Yu Tianheng came out in person with Dugu Yan, and when he saw Tang San, he looked happy and said: "Captain, it's really you. I said, if you can come to this Wuhun City to visit my old friend, It’s just you.”

Dugu Yan smiled and said, "Why don't you let the captain stay at the gate when you go in to talk?"

"Haha, that's true." Yu Tianheng hooked Tang San's shoulder and walked toward Hengyan Manor together, while Gu Yuena followed behind Dugu Yan.

"Captain, oh no, it's time to call you Lord Shengzi." In the living room, Dugu Yan poured tea for Tang San and Gu Yuena, and teased, "Who is this little sister?"

"Don't call me Holy Son. Just call me by name." Tang San smiled and introduced Gu Yuena, "Her name is Gu Yuena. She is a relative of the Xiaowu family. Her martial spirit is also a true dragon. I heard that Tian Heng’s martial spirit is the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, so I came over to take a look.”

"Real dragon!" Yu Tianheng's eyes lit up. He pushed a plate of exquisite pastries on the table in front of him and asked curiously, "I wonder what type of dragon your martial spirit is?"

"Silver Dragon." Gu Yuena didn't even look at the plate of pastries, but kept looking at Yu Tianheng. Suddenly, the martial spirit possessed her and transformed into a little dragon girl. Every silver-white scale on her body was emitting colorful light. Dizzy, the powerful dragon power radiated out, making Yu Tianheng feel depressed for a moment.The blue electric Tyrannosaurus rex martial spirit in the body was actually suppressed!

Not only him, but Dugu Yan on the side also felt a little uncomfortable, but his martial spirit was the Nine-headed Jade Scale Snake King, which was also a top martial soul, and he used the Jade Scale Pill Pearl as the basis to plan his own. The Poison Technique's operation route has poison as its attribute, which is an attribute that the Silver Dragon King does not possess. Therefore, its resistance to dragon power is actually a little stronger than that of a true dragon martial spirit like Yu Tianheng.

In short, in one sentence, although the Nine-headed Green Scale Snake King also contains some dragon blood, he is not a direct subordinate of the Silver Dragon King and does not have to be disobedient.

"It's really a terrifying martial spirit."

A trace of cold sweat broke out on Yu Tianheng's forehead. He had never thought that there were other dragon martial spirits in the world that could suppress the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus through blood. This reminded him of what he sensed when he was still in Tiandou Royal Academy. That dragon's power has nothing to do with the girl in front of him.

Could it be the same person?

"I think you have some qualifications. Do you want to be my young lady's younger brother?"


As soon as these words came out, Tang San rewarded her with a "chestnut", which made her cover her head in pain, and said angrily: "How dare you do the following, I will teach you a lesson today!"

After saying that, he bit the back of Tang San's hand.

"Don't mind, this child's brain is not fully developed yet." Tang San explained to Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan regardless of being bitten, and then asked about their mission, "I heard about your mission from Huo Wu. Things, is that team of fallen ones difficult to deal with?"

"Hey~ I didn't expect that a few soul kings would need both of us for so long." Yu Tianheng sighed, "Now, I finally understand the greatness of Wuhun Palace..."

In the past, due to the influence of his family, he only felt that Wuhun Palace was the family's competitor. Even if he looked at it more objectively, he felt that they were just the largest force.

But now, he understands one thing, that is, Wuhun Palace is at least really working hard to fight against the fallen, but the major families are not. For them, the most important thing is the inheritance of the family bloodline.

In the past two years, he had experienced a lot in the process of hunting down that team of fallen ones, and his vision had broadened, and his judgment on the various forces in the mainland had become more objective.

"Speaking of which, when I first returned to Wuhun City, I thought I had come to the wrong place. After only two years of absence, Wuhun City was actually divided into an inner city and an outer city, especially the outer city, as well as six major urban areas. ...Now that I think about it, I have accomplished nothing in the past two years. Captain, you did help Wuhun City build six outer cities. It is really incomparable." Yu Tianheng sighed.

"Don't flatter me, I'm just using my words. The people who really built the six cities were the residents of the outer city. They all participated." Tang San sipped his tea, not taking any credit, and then asked : "How long will you stay when you come back this time? Do you still want to continue the mission of hunting down the fallen team?"

"Of course I have to continue, otherwise I will be laughed at. The main reason I came back this time is to purchase some resources to assist cultivation from Wuhun City. The medicinal materials here are the best." Yu Tianheng explained the reason for coming back. , "After all, I heard that Wuhun City also developed elixirs... I heard that the most famous doctor and pharmacist in Medicine Dan City is Xiao Wu!"

"Speaking of which, besides practicing, you also study medicine. Do you have enough energy?" Dugu Yan was a little worried that this would affect the progress of Xiao Wu's soul power cultivation.

"Don't worry, Xiao Wu's cultivation will not be affected by her side job. On the contrary, medicine and cultivation are still connected. Her soul power has reached level 65 at present." Tang San said.

"Level 65!" X2
(End of this chapter)

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