Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 309 Let’s go!Hunt the Fallen!

Chapter 309 Let’s go!Hunt the Fallen!
Before leaving Hengyan Manor, Tang San agreed with Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan on the departure time, and then took Gu Yuena to go shopping in the People's Food Capital. During the period, he also called Hu Liena through the Blue Silver Network to explain. Condition.

"You don't want to go out and be lazy, right?" Hu Lei's suspicious tone came from the blue silver communication end, "Or do you want to take your little wives to go sightseeing and enjoy innocence? "

"What did you say? I just went to help Yu Tianheng deal with the team of fallen ones." Tang San responded, "Also, I usually only do research. Apart from establishing, managing and maintaining the Blue Silver Network, which is a serious job , other times, I make my own arrangements, as long as I’m not practicing or researching, I have a lot of free time.”

Hu Liena was filled with envy and even jealousy when she heard these words. She gritted her teeth and said, "After you leave, there won't be any problems with the Blue Silver Network, right?"

"will not."

The Blue Silver Emperor Spirit that can be planted is no different from a real plant. Even Tang San felt that if he died, he could use this Blue Silver Emperor Spirit plant to use his fourth soul skill and complete his resurrection.

However, Tang San swore that he would never try it.

After realizing the existence of the Immortal True Spirit, Tang San regained the respect for life that he had put aside after acquiring the Nine-Death Resurrection Skill.

After hanging up the call, Tang San concentrated on walking around the streets with Gu Yuena. At least, Gu Yuena was only interested in various delicacies at the moment, so he could still cope with it.

If she becomes interested in clothes in the future, then she can only let her go shopping by herself. Tang San won’t accompany him anyway...
Hu Liena, who had hung up the Blue Silver Network, contacted Bibi Dong and passed on the news that Tang San was leaving Wuhun City.

"That team of Fallen is indeed tough enough."

Bibi Dong asked Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan to deal with the team of fallen ones. There was indeed a reason to prevent them from meeting Tang San and others, but the original plan was to give Yu Tianheng a series of tasks, but she never thought about it. The first mission lasted more than two years.

According to the report of the Soul Sect who accompanied Yu Tianheng on the mission, Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan did not neglect their duties. On the contrary, they were very eager to take down the fallen team.

It's just that the three soul kings are too difficult to deal with. They have martial soul fusion skills, and they are also the third category among the three categories Tang San classified for martial soul fusion skills: martial soul fusion, and it seems that as long as they don't combine the three at the same time, If you kill them all, you can't really kill them, they will always be "resurrected" afterwards.

"Teacher, do you agree to Tang San's request for leave?" Hu Liena asked.

"If you don't agree, wouldn't he run out quietly? You know, he can now use the blue silver network to condense his mental power into a body of thoughts that is no different from the physical body." Bibi Dong knew that with Tang San's ability, If she wants to escape from Wuhun City, no one can stop her, including herself.

After all, the areas of the six outer cities were planned by him, and he knew best what routes they would take.

"I understand." Hu Liena stamped Tang San's application, and then asked about Yu Tianheng, "Now Tang San has been in contact with Yu Tianheng, and when his task is completed, other tasks will be arranged. ?"

"No, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family currently has interests with our Spirit Hall. The development of the Spirit Hall requires their support, even if it is just verbal."

Bibi Dong thought for a while and decided to change her policy.

"Furthermore, since Tang San already knows that Yu Tianheng has arrived at Wuhun City a long time ago, he must have guessed the purpose of why we asked Yu Tianheng to carry out the mission in the first place. If we do that again at this time... In Tang San's words To put it bluntly, he is hiding his ears and treating him as a fool, so it is better to just let nature take its course."

"For Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan, I will use my energy to observe the Soul Seal Throne of Wisdom and Spirit for a while. If they really have some good impressions of Wuhun Palace, I will send more people to express their condolences. In the future, Wuhun The Soul Palace can also have two more titled Douluo." Hu Liena agreed: "According to Tang San, as long as we treat others with sincerity, others will definitely treat us with sincerity. If we just want to use chickens to lay eggs and be white-eyed wolves, If we hold you accountable afterwards, the other party will have nothing to say morally, especially in this era of extremely fast information dissemination, he will definitely be despised by everyone!"

"That's it." Bibi Dong hung up the mental communication connected to the Blue Silver Network with satisfaction, but thought secretly in her heart:
Another prerequisite for treating others with sincerity is that you must have absolute strength, be able to suppress the evil of human nature, and be able to frighten evil spirits, otherwise others will only think that we are easy to bully...
Two days later.

Tang San successfully nourished the four girls, and then under the urging of Gu Yuena who was listening in the corner, he left Hunwu Manor and headed for Hengyan Manor.

"Is it really that interesting? Look how much you are enjoying it!" Gu Yuena became curious, "I think the time for soul beasts to reproduce is very short."

"Children can't know this yet."

"Am I a precocious person?" Gu Yuena rolled her eyes, "Besides, regardless of age, I can be your aunt's aunt's aunt's aunt..."

"Okay, my dear aunt of countless generations, you are eight years old now, and you still have to look like an eight-year-old child. You have to pretend to be seen by others, right?" Tang San seemed to be coaxing a child. Coax her the same way.

"That makes sense." Gu Yuena actually looked thoughtful, then grabbed Tang San's wrist and said with tears in her eyes, "I'm tired, you carry me on your back, or I'll cry for you!"

"A normal eight-year-old child is indeed like you, but you are a genius." Regarding Gu Yuena's "acting like a baby", Tang San had another point, "Geniuses can mature early."

Gu Yuena: "..." No matter what you say, you are right, right?

In the end, Tang San still carried Gu Yuena on his back. After all, this little girl was different from Xiao Wu. If she really exploded, he might not be his opponent, so he had to be coaxed a little bit.

Of course, you can't let it get used to you, lest this guy take advantage of it.

Outside Henyan Manor.

Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan were already waiting, and there were fifteen soul sects nearby. After seeing Tang San, they all bowed and controlled their backs, and said respectfully: "I have met the Holy Son!"

"No need to be polite, the team leader is still Yu Tianheng. I am an ordinary member like you." Tang San waved his hand casually, still a little unaccustomed to this kind of respect, and explained his situation.

"Yes, Lord Saint Son!"

Everyone respects him more and more.

Tang San was helpless. Yu Tianheng didn't care at all about this scene of "taking the spotlight". After all, in this public place, he had to call Tang San the Holy Son. He laughed and said: "What ordinary members? You are our captain, and I need your guidance this time to analyze what is going on with those three soul kings."

"Actually, when Huo Wu told me about you two days ago, I had already analyzed it, but I didn't see it with my own eyes, so I can't confirm my guess." Tang San nodded, "I will follow you this time. One of the purposes of going together is to confirm it and see if it can be incorporated into self-created soul skills for training mental strength..."

(End of this chapter)

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