Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 311 Using the intestines as a raft

Chapter 311 Using the intestines as a raft

"This river leads to the core area of ​​​​the Infinite Desert. If they are still alive, can they really persist for that long?" Yu Tianheng became confused. You know, it is nearly ten thousand miles away from the core of the Infinite Desert.

Of the twelve people, five were killed for unknown reasons. Among the remaining seven, there were three soul kings, but they couldn't hold on for that long. The best outcome for them was to have no bones left.

The only thing that is currently uncertain is whether they carry any poisons on their bodies, which may pollute the underground river and cause problems with water sources in the nearby area.

"Want to go down to investigate?" Dugu Yan looked at Tang San. Although she and Yu Tianheng were the core leaders of this mission, they trusted Tang San unconditionally.

With a backbone, their brains have given up most of their thinking.

"Go down." Tang San made a decision, but after going down, they went out first, explained the situation to the local branch hall master, and asked: "The underground river is somewhere else, there is really nothing else The exit leads directly to the core area of ​​the Infinite Desert, right?"

"I swear on my own martial spirit, absolutely not!"

The Branch Hall Master was categorical, "300 years ago, Wuhun Hall organized a large-scale expedition to explore the core of the desert. At that time, my great-great-grandfather was among the investigators responsible for exploring all passages into the core area. "

"At that time, after discovering this underground river, he ordered people to pour a large amount of pigment made from edible seaweed flowers into the underground river... Afterwards, the survivors of Wuhun Palace said that as long as the core The water source over there in the area is showing purple color.”

Although this test method cannot completely prove it, considering that the two walls of this underground river are hard and smooth, it is quite possible.

Moreover, the flow rate of the underground river is too fast. I don’t know if there is an undercurrent inside, and there is no way for anyone to go down and explore it.

As for Contra and Titled Douluo level experts...

They all have the arrogance of being strong men and don't bother to explore. It would be better for them to go to that gloomy and disgusting underground river than to challenge the 10-year-old soul beast.

"During that period, you are still waiting outside and patrolling strictly, just in case." Tang San ordered, "The four of us will go down to investigate."

"Lord Holy Son, Lord Yu Tianheng, is this too risky?" the branch hall master asked worriedly.

"No, if there is danger, I will blow up the rock and soil layers at the top of the underground river and lead them out safely. With my strength and full firepower, ordinary 10-year-old soul beasts can also flip over. It can be destroyed." Tang San's confidence was based on his strength comparable to a titled Douluo under normal conditions, and his explosive power in the ring-melting state comparable to peerless ones!

If there is any danger, the worst possible outcome is overturning the underground river!

Back at the edge of the dark river, Tang San made a small boat with the Blue Silver Emperor, hung it in, and sensed the speed of the river. It was indeed very fast.

If the Soul Saint falls in, he will be shattered into pieces...

This statement is not false.

After the four of them got on the blue silver boat, Tang San used his mental power to sense the front end of the underground river's flow direction, and said: "With my current mental power, I can sense the range of nearly three thousand miles ahead. This dark river is The river is not straight, there are nearly a hundred sharp turns and some small bends, and there are stalagmites and the like emerging from the river."

Yu Tianheng said: "Just break the stalagmites into pieces."

"Can't be broken." Tang San shook his head, "Although the river is fast, it only makes the sound of waves lapping in the larger area where we are. It may be because there is air flow and interweaving between this area and the outside world. The rest of the area is... It is relatively quiet, but surrounded by inner walls. If the sound is too loud, it may cause the stalactites on the top of the cave wall to fall." "I see." Although Yu Tianheng didn't understand, in the past two years, he and Dugu Yan had been hunting down the fallen. In the process of walking, I also entered a cave with stalactites. The louder the sound, the sharp stalactites on the top will fall down... The principle should be similar, it can't be too loud.

"Sit tight. I'll release the fixed Blue Silver Emperor. I'll hold the soul guide lamp and be responsible for lighting."

Although Tang San has mental detection, it is also very important for humans to keep their sight bright. After all, there is no light at all along the way, and there are no luminous crystals on the surrounding cave walls.

As Tang San let go of the Blue Silver Emperor's blades wrapped around the platform, the Blue Silver boat moved forward rapidly along the river like a sharp arrow.

Possessed by Yu Tianheng's martial spirit, he is holding an oar made of Blue Silver Emperor in one hand, always alert to possible obstacles and sharp turns ahead.

Dugu Yan is located at the stern of the ship, and is also possessed by a martial spirit. The tail of the nine-headed green lin snake emperor serves as the rudder to assist in steering the ship.

Tang San sat in the middle, connecting the past and the future, controlling the twelve nearly ten-meter-long Blue Silver Emperor blades that spread out on both sides of the ship to sense the flow rate of the river and assist the ship in turning.

Gu Yu was the most relaxed, sitting in Tang San's arms, holding a soul guide lamp in each hand, responsible for lighting.

If the river was not so turbulent, the soul guidance lantern could be fixed on the bow of the boat. However, if the river is too turbulent, the energy of the soul guidance lantern will be used up. It will be troublesome to replace the soul guidance battery, which may cause the boat to capsize. It is best to hold it hand-held. , when the battery runs out, you can also inject soul power to maintain it.

In this way, the three of them moved forward. It took them nearly two days to cover a distance of nearly three thousand miles in this fast-flowing river. They came across a beach covered with dense stalagmites, covering an area of ​​only about fifty meters. flat.

Those stalagmites are very small, only as thick as a thumb and three to four centimeters long.

Tang San used the Blue Silver Emperor to wrap around the stalactites on the top of the underground river, and brought the hull closer to the stalagmite beach.

"This is the corpse of a fallen person." Yu Tianheng looked at the corpse that was randomly thrown on it. Its abdomen was cut open. The five internal organs were still there, but the stomach and intestines had been removed. And judging from the gastrointestinal residues left on the edge of the beach, it was obvious that the interior had been cleaned.

Although the air here did not have any smell due to the underground river, several people still felt a different kind of nausea, especially Gu Yuena, who was so disgusted that she retched and said: "These guys are really disgusting..." ·Tang San, you guessed it right, they may really use human intestines and stomach to make rafts."

Before setting off, Tang San had guessed that the Fallen might use the stomachs of the same kind to make rafts.

The stomachs of some animals can be inflated to hold water or even serve as rafts...

So, in this world, the soul master's body is nourished by soul power, and his intestines and stomach must be tougher than ordinary animals. The fallen have no humanity, so it is not a bad idea to use the soul master's intestines and stomach as an air raft.

What's more, the fallen may have some secret method that can make the soul master's stomach tougher so that he can last longer.

However, for now, there is still a loss.

"It's just, why don't the other fallen resist?"

(End of this chapter)

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