Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 315 Thank you for your gift

Chapter 315 Thank you for your gift
"It's a terrifying ability."

Looking up at the middle-aged man who was scurrying around in the whirlwind and falling continuously, Yu Tianheng suddenly felt that it might not be a good thing for a girl with an unsound mind to control such a powerful force.

If not restrained by Tang San, Gu Yuena would probably destroy the city at will, right?

Dugu Yan also felt the same way.

But if Tang San knew what these two people were thinking, he would definitely feel that these two people were thinking too much——

If Gu Yuena hadn't been under his control, she wouldn't have caused such large-scale destruction. After all, her identity was a big problem. If she used her power at will, it would cause too much noise, offend people who shouldn't be offended, and even cause trouble. If you get the attention of the God Realm, it's over.

But at this time, Tang San was staring at the middle-aged man spinning in the whirlwind, and thought to himself: "This body is quite good, it can last for so long, but the three root causes of evil, greed, anger, and ignorance, have been used to I don't know how to complain about this... Is the method he used wrong, or is the effect just like this?"

"Am I going to die?"

The middle-aged man felt the air tearing his body apart, causing severe pain all over his body. However, the pain soon dissipated because blood was constantly seeping out of the torn area. His face was already pale and he could no longer feel the pain.

However, his mind did not faint. At this moment, he was extremely clear-headed, recalling everything he had ever done, and asked himself: "Am I wrong?"

This life after time travel:

When he was young, his parents were at home, and although they were poor, they were still living well. After awakening his martial soul, he had first-level soul power and could practice. His parents and the village chief were very happy, but he himself was not satisfied...
After entering the junior college, he was bullied by other strong work-study students and aristocratic students. He had no power to resist. Even if he had a eloquent mouth, it was not as effective as the fists of those brats. Normal children would not be able to listen at all. Got into so many scams...
At the age of 15, he had not yet reached the tenth level of soul power and was expelled from the junior college...

If you want to join the Spirit Hall, I won’t accept it.

At the age of 20, his soul power reached level [-]. He used his savings to hire a small soul hunting group to help him hunt for souls. He obtained soul rings and exploded soul bones, which made the members of the soul hunting group become greedy. Later, they discovered that the triangular prism crystal of their own martial souls could absorb The three thoughts of greed, anger, and ignorance of others strengthen oneself in all aspects.

Tempted by power, he degenerated into an evil soul master...
At first, I only looked for villains who bully men and women. Later, I started to play with more people, and I became indifferent to life. I started to look for people according to my mood, and I couldn't control it...

At the age of 25, in order to obtain the soul ring, I came to the Infinite Desert, accidentally discovered a secret passage, went to the core area, and met the protagonist of this world for the first time...

At the age of 31, his cultivation level reached level 49. He encountered a bottleneck and could not break through to level [-] no matter what. He began to attack soul masters, nobles and remote villages indiscriminately, and later attracted personnel sent by Wuhun Palace, including There were Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan.

In the past two years, I have been hiding in Tibet, and even though I have swallowed countless lives, I still have not made a breakthrough. On the contrary, the triangular prism crystal has become more and more solid, as if it is no different from a real object.

But he was already impatient and planned to explore the golden ancient tree again, hoping to help him break through the current level by devouring its huge energy and vitality.

The last time he got a map-like soul tool from the golden ancient tree, it marked the specific location and various route maps of the main city of the golden civilization and the entire infinite desert.

The underground river near No. [-] Shura Town was his target from the beginning. He was not forced to this place by Yu Tianheng, Dugu Yan and others. He just needed some time to find the entrance...

"I've gone through so much, how could I be wrong?"

The memories of middle age came to an abrupt end. He gritted his teeth and roared, his eyes blazing with fire. He released his martial soul with both hands, injecting all his blood, soul, and soul power into it, and roared with gritted teeth.

"I just want to gain wealth, status, beauty, power and strength, what's wrong with that!"

On one side of the triangular crystal, the lines quickly connected and combined, turning into the word "greed".

"Why do others have such great talents? Innate soul power is so high? Why do I only have first-level innate soul power? Obviously I am a time traveler! I should look down on everyone!"

The patterns on the second side light up and form the word "Ang".

"Everyone I kill deserves to die. Bullies who bully men and women, officials who prey on the common people, soul masters who don't distinguish between good and evil and only care about their own happiness. How come they can have huge wealth and status, but I can only live in Walking in the dark?”

On the last side, a big word "Crazy" appeared.

At this moment, the middle-aged man's whole body exploded and turned into ashes in the wind, and the strange triangular prism crystal also split and turned into the three characters "greed", "anger" and "infatuation", directly It drilled out of the glass column, but did not cause any damage to the glass column, as if it had no entity.

Seeing the "Three Poisons" shooting towards him, Tang San hurriedly used his mental power to defend himself and asked Electrolux to help, but even his divine consciousness couldn't stop it... The word "block" is not very rigorous. , it should be touch, even spiritual consciousness cannot touch it, it seems that it is a conceptual thing.Gu Yuena wanted to stop it, but she had no choice but to watch helplessly as those three big characters entered Tang San's eyebrows and disappeared.

Tang San also immediately closed his eyes and came to the upper dantian, feeling the words greed, hatred, and ignorance. He could obviously "see" them, but he couldn't touch them with his mental power, as if they existed in another dimension.

Immediately afterwards, the three characters of Greed, Anger, and Crazy began to transform, turning into a human body made entirely of crystal, reflecting a face that was exactly the same as Tang San himself.

One showed cunning, one showed anger, and the other was dumbfounded, but there was a strange look of determination in his eyes.

Suddenly, Tang San became alert, and Electrolux on the side also gathered his consciousness, ready to control these three strange beings at any time.

"Tang San, this is the price you have to pay!"

The middle-aged figure slowly emerged from the three crystals, with three expressions of greed, anger, and obsession taking turns to change on it, "I have no enmity with you, why do you have to force me into a desperate situation?"

"There is no enmity between the police and the criminals. It is their duty." Tang San realized that this figure could be captured by spiritual power. With a thought, 360 five stars appeared in the sea of ​​​​spirit, forming a star formation in the sky.

This is exactly the spiritual idea created by condensing the light of the stars using the cosmic meditation method. The vast light is used as the eye of the array to form an array, completely peeling it off from the three strange human crystals.

"No! Impossible! What method are you using?" The middle-aged soul was continuously torn apart, and was expelled from Tang San's upper dantian by Electrolux, keeping his spiritual power pure.

Tang San said calmly: "Zhou Tian Xing Dou Grand Formation."

The middle-aged man was stunned, and finally raised his middle finger to Tang San: "I didn't lose unjustly, but the gods from the Great Desolate River came to this... small... Douluo world, wasn't it... a bit bullying? Already?"

"I hate it!"

"I'm so unwilling! Why is you the protagonist?"

After the words fell, the middle-aged soul completely dissipated into nothingness, and the faces of the three crystal figures not only reflected Tang San's face, but completely changed into Tang San's appearance, and then merged with each other to form three heads and six arms. Sitting on top of each other, the three faces are still full of cunning, anger, and obsession.

"Protagonist? I have been kind to others since I was a child, and I have worked hard to study hard. When adapting to the rules of this world, I have tried hard not to let the world change my heart. This can not be summed up by the word 'protagonist'... However, thank you for staying. one's gift······"

Just as Tang San was about to tease the distraught dead man, he was suddenly startled. In a flash, he found that he had changed his perspective, and actually lived in this strange spiritual body with three heads and six arms, and found that he seemed to be able to absorb greed, hatred, and obsession.

"Tang San, is that you?" Electrox asked cautiously from a distance.

"It's me. After that man's soul was gone, this crystal body with three heads and six arms was completely controlled by me, and the three thoughts of greed, anger and stupidity were also under my control." Tang San thought, and his figure was revealed again, and this one On the face of the body with three heads and six arms, three pairs of happy, angry, or determined eyes slowly closed.

Electrolux looked at Tang San for a long time, and then he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that he was really fine. Then he looked at the crystal body with three heads and six arms, and said: "This thing was transformed by that guy's martial spirit. I didn't expect it to be like this." It's magical and can absorb people's resentment, anger, greed, obsession, etc. It's already a natural god! It's just an evil god!"


Tang San nodded, but he was a little wary of this thing. He didn't want to use it too much. After all, the three thoughts of "greed, anger, and ignorance" were not good things in the first place, and they needed to be suppressed with "precepts", "concentration", and "wisdom" , to eliminate.

Precepts refer to a standard of living behavior that is moral, normative, harmless to others, and cuts off the attachment and greed caused by contamination and love of foreign things;

Concentration is aimed at inner cultivation and the cultivation of self-patience; introspecting everything beforehand and seeking inwardly; avoiding anger caused by extroverted irritability and demanding of others;
Wisdom is to have a thorough and comprehensive understanding of the various realities of life in the universe, thereby getting rid of ignorance; no longer confused about the truth and the cause and effect; good at understanding the continuity of causes and conditions in the world, understanding the fundamentals of life and death, and having no mind. No worries, no fear.

Precepts and concentration, Tang San was also regulating himself in the process of cultivation and research, but in terms of wisdom, he could not achieve "no worries".

If he is a conceptual spirit or monster born with "greed", "anger", and "madness", then it doesn't matter, and he will not have such thoughts and worries.

But he is a human being, and he himself has the three thoughts of greed, anger and delusion, which cannot be completely avoided. If he uses the abilities of these three without hesitation to stimulate or even expand his own three thoughts of greed, anger and delusion, his temperament may be affected. great impact.

At that time, it will be unknown whether you are in charge of the three thoughts of greed, anger, and delusion, or whether your temperament is dominated by these three sources of evil.

"As you said, these three abilities really can't be used multiple times, and it's easy to lose yourself." Electrolux became wary of this weird thing again...
(End of this chapter)

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