Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 324 Current Situation of Lingtang Technology Co., Ltd.

Chapter 324 Current Situation of Lingtang Technology Co., Ltd.

When passing Tiandou City, Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan wanted to go home to have a look. Tang San also planned to go to Yinlan Manor to have a look, so he asked the remaining soul sects to return to Wuhun City first.

"This place is much more prosperous than before." Gu Yuena compared the memory of Tiandou City two years ago and found that the street layout here was the same as usual, but there were many new things.

For example, the soul-guided steam locomotive.

Although there are many novel life-type soul tools here, they are basically eliminated versions from Wuhun City and are relatively backward.

This kind of soul-guided steam locomotive is unique to Tiandou City. It is said that Prince Xue Qinghe cooperated with Lingtang Technology Co., Ltd. within two years to develop a vehicle similar to a bus.

For this reason, Tiandou City has specially built a moving track for this kind of soul-guided steam locomotive, which can be said to have changed the way people travel in Tiandou City.

Even Wuhun City has begun to cooperate with Lingtang Technology Co., Ltd. to obtain a license to produce soul-guided steam locomotives... This is also because Lingtang Technology Co., Ltd. belongs to Guang Ling and Tang San, otherwise Wuhun Palace There are ways to acquire it in its entirety.

"Lingxi's management is good." Before arriving at Lingtang Technology Company, Tang San looked at the scale, which was nearly [-] times larger than two years ago, and couldn't help but sigh, "It seems that she is very talented in this area. I just don’t know what level her soul power has reached.”

Lingxi and her daughter both have self-condensing soul rings, which are based on the Three Treasures of Essence, Qi, and God. To improve their cultivation, they don't need to hunt soul beasts. They just need to break the shackles of the self-condensing soul ring.

In two years, Lingxi may have broken through to the level of Soul King.

There is also Reimu, who will most likely become a soul sect.

The guard at the door happened to be the one who stopped Tang San before. Seeing Tang San standing outside for a long time, he walked out. After getting closer, he saw his appearance clearly and asked tentatively: "Are you the earl?" ?”

"It's me, we met before." Tang San naturally recognized this person and smiled, "How have you been doing in the past two years?"

"Thanks to the Earl, I am already the captain of the guard team!" Not many people knew about that little incident, and they would not tell it outside. Therefore, this person understood that the person in front of him was the real Earl, not that kind of person. The poor imitator suddenly became excited, "I heard that you are in Wuhun City. Are you coming back this time?"

"It's nothing, I just completed the mission of [Hunting the Fallen]. When I went back, I passed by here and happened to come and take a look." Tang San said that the other party did not need to alert others, and he could just take Gu Yuena in for a walk.

"So that's it..." This man had naturally heard of the Fallen, and looked indignant. Then he remembered something and said, "Your Majesty, the Earl, His Royal Highness is also here, and is currently exchanging soul guidance products with Lord Lingxi. Do you want to go see me about our cooperation?"

Qian Renxue?

Along the way, Tang San also learned from the side that Xue Qinghe gradually controlled the real power of Tiandou City through the prosperity of Tiandou City... Nowadays, the residents in the city have many praises for Xue Qinghe, and even the Spirit Hall has begun to Take the initiative to cooperate with the Royal Knights in law enforcement - can you not cooperate?They are all one family.

But in the eyes of uninformed people, this is Xue Qinghe's ability to reach a cooperation with the new head of Wuhun Palace in Tiandou City, and even make him submit to the Tiandou royal family.

Moreover, Xue Qinghe was also more concerned about life-type soul tools, so he cooperated with Lingtang Technology Co., Ltd. If it were other nobles, they would probably use their power to suppress others and rob them by force.

Of course, everyone in Tiandou City knows who is behind Lingtang Technology Company, and no force dares to do that.

But at least Xue Qinghe’s cooperative approach, combined with the people-friendly image established in the past, and the frequent reports in the "Tiandou Daily" in the past two years that "Xue Qinghe handles government affairs until two or three in the morning every day" and "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince works hard" News such as "To the point of mental depression" have indeed won the trust and favor of nearly [-]% of the residents of Tiandou City. "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is here. It would be unreasonable for me, the master, not to go and take a look." Tang San decided to take a look and confirm Qian Renxue's current strength.

"Then let me tell you something?" The guard took out a soul guide similar to a telephone tube from the security booth.

"No, I can just go there by myself." Tang San stopped him and took Gu Yuena towards the office building.

Compared with two years ago, the office building has also been expanded to a height of nine floors. It is also equipped with an elevator-like lift located on the side of the lobby.

Gu Yuena pressed the button, and the light above the elevator turned on. A cylinder began to roll below, with nine numbers printed on the front, from nine to one. When the number stopped at one, the elevator door slowly opened. , revealing a boxy and narrow space.

"It's really convenient." Gu Yuena walked in immediately.

Tang San followed closely and pressed the number nine button on the side, and the elevator door slowly closed.

"By the way, the glass pillar under the Golden Valley tree has similar principles and functions to this kind of soul guidance elevator, right?" Gu Yuena could feel herself rising, and confirmed with Tang San that the glass pillar under the main root of the Golden Ancient Tree was The case of glass columns comes.

"The principle and function are indeed the same, but the technical content is much higher than this kind of elevator. At least we didn't find a platform for people to stand there." Tang San stamped his feet, and there was a banging sound from underneath, "Maybe gold After the elevator at the ancient tree is activated, it can directly lift the human body with some kind of energy. At least according to my mental perception, the transparent glass contains dense soul guidance lines..."

On the ninth floor, the elevator door opened, and Tang San and Gu Yuena stepped out one after another.

Different from the empty hall on the first floor, there are many people sitting at the desks processing various documents. They look very busy, and it really has the shadow of a modern society company.

When these people saw Tang San and Gu Yuena, they only glanced at them briefly, didn't pay much attention to them, and continued busy with their work.

"You, the 'master', are not welcome." Gu Yuena secretly smiled.

"What's wrong with being a master? The relationship between the people here and me is not that of slaves and slave owners." Tang San was more serious on this point, pulling Gu Yuena past the edge of these desks and heading towards them. Go to a separate office.

Just about to knock on the door——

"Wait, who are you?" Someone stopped him, "That's the office space of Lord Reimu. We are currently discussing further cooperation matters with His Highness the Crown Prince. We cannot be disturbed... By the way, you are also admired by Lord Earl. Is that the case? The dress looks pretty similar, but how did you get in?"

"Logically speaking, the doorman shouldn't let the Count's imitator in."

Tang San smiled faintly and said, "Is there a possibility that I am real?"

The man was stunned for a while, and the people nearby also stopped what they were doing and stared directly at Tang San.

"Are you really the Earl of Silver and Blue!?"

(End of this chapter)

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