Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 330 The 4th Awakening of the Original Martial Spirit

Chapter 330 The Four Awakenings of the Original Martial Spirit

"Lord Count!"

That catwoman was Lingmeng. When she saw Tang San, she immediately trotted over, her steps brisk, like an elf in the wind, "Is it really you? I haven't seen you in more than two years, am I dreaming?"

Just when Lingmeng was about to come closer, a small white hand stretched out, blocking the opponent's chest that was beginning to take shape, and said: "Hey, haven't we seen each other for two years? There's no need to be so excited!"

In the soul beast's view of time, two years is equivalent to just two days, which is not worth mentioning.

Of course, the reason why Gu Yuena did this was that she didn't want Tang San to come into contact with too many women, lest there would be a fire in the harem and she, the "master", would be asked to help solve it.

[Hey, I am really responsible, but who calls Tang San half of his people? 】

Lingmeng also calmed down at this time, but looked at Gu Yuena with a somewhat resentful look: This little girl is obviously younger than herself, but she actually knows the "protector" and can follow the earl all year round. People around me are really envious of me.

However, the proper etiquette must still be followed: "Welcome home, dear Earl."

"Ahem, no need to add a prefix. It sounds a bit too formal and I'm not used to it." Tang San smiled, took out the unopened cup of Sprite and handed it over, then looked at the twelve original warriors. Soul man.

The main body martial souls are rare. It seems that Lingxi, Lingmeng and others spent a lot of effort to find these twelve. Even the big and small families in Tiandou City knew about it and helped secretly.

"What are their names?" Tang San asked.

"Lord Earl, they were all bought from the slave market, because the awakened martial souls were not those of their parents. In addition, most of the innate soul powers were zero. Their biological parents suspected that they were not biological children, or they were thought by the people in the local village that they were not their biological children. It's ominous. They were probably abandoned since childhood, so they don't have names." Lingmeng sighed as he sucked on the Sprite, "After I bought them, I gave them codenames, A[-], A[-], and so on. A twelve.”

"I've met the Earl!" X12
12 people came over, both men and women, walking in neat steps, obviously receiving strict training.

"Not bad aura." Tang San noticed that these people all had blood evil aura to some extent, and they all had killed people. Before being bought by Lingxi and Lingmeng, they must have had their own stories.

However, the soul power of these 12 people is not high. The strongest one has only level nine soul power, and the worst one has only level two soul power.

But the advantage of the original martial spirit is that as long as the body is well maintained, the speed of cultivation can be increased. After all, according to his theory, there is an affinity between the martial spirit and people, and the original martial spirit is a part of oneself, even if one's own subjective No matter how much the consciousness rejects the original martial soul, it will never think of losing a part of its own body.

Compared with other beast martial souls and weapon martial souls, although the main body martial soul lacks its own attack ability, defense ability, auxiliary ability, etc., it is unique in terms of cultivation - as long as you find the right method.

It is a pity that in this era, most of the children who awakened their true martial soul either died young or felt useless, gave up practicing, and followed the old path of their parents' generation at home.

But one thing cannot be denied, that is, the consumption of the original martial soul cultivator is relatively large, especially in terms of Qi and blood, which must be continuously strengthened, and the resources required are much more than ordinary soul masters.

"Let me give each of you a codename." Tang San thought for a while and named these 12 people after the 12th Yuan Chen. They were named Zishu, Chou Niu, Yin Hu, Mao Rabbit, Chen Long, Si Snake, Wu horse, Wei sheep, Shen monkey, You rooster, Xu dog, Hai pig.

"Thank you, Lord Earl!"

The 12 people were very excited, which meant that they were recognized by Earl Silver and Blue.

Although it still sounds like some kind of code name, it sounds better than A[-], A[-] and the like.

Later, Tang San confirmed the martial spirits of these 12 people one by one, and found that most of their original martial spirits were not very powerful, or in other words, most of them were really not suitable for fighting——

Rat: nose; Ox: left arm; Tiger: right hand; Rabbit: ear; Dragon: right foot; Snake: tongue; Horse: waist; Sheep: hair; Monkey: heart; Rooster: Skin; Xu dog: mouth; Hai pig: bones.

Let’s not talk about the bonus of soul rings to martial souls. For most soul masters, soul skills are still very important. The soul skills obtained by adding soul rings to martial souls exclude those special circumstances (10 years). Soul beast sacrifice, soul beast special), the soul skills brought to the martial soul by the soul ring can all be said to be derivatives of the abilities that the martial soul can do.

The flaw of the original martial soul is that it is relatively mediocre, or rather unique, so that the soul master does not know what kind of soul ring to add to it to achieve the greatest improvement.In Tang San's eyes, the main martial soul has a single specialty. Adding a soul ring, in addition to enhancing that single advantage, also requires finding a matching self-created soul skill to exert its true power.

Otherwise, at the same level: in terms of smell, the nose spirit is not as good as the dog spirit; in terms of vision, the eye spirit is not as good as the eagle spirit; in terms of attack power, arms, hands, legs, etc. Not as good as ordinary farm tools.

Although the original martial spirit can be awakened a second time, other martial spirits can also evolve by attaching soul rings...In the information of Golden Civilization, there is also research on the original martial spirit:

[Compared with other types of martial souls, the original martial soul has similar properties to the martial soul that has evolved to the ultimate attribute. However, the difference is that most of the original martial souls have a low minimum limit, but the original martial soul has the same characteristics as the ultimate attribute martial soul ( Because it has reached the extreme, there is no way to advance without the intervention of beings above level [-]). The same characteristic is that adding a soul ring cannot evolve the original martial soul. Even the improvement of the martial soul itself comes from one's own physical fitness. The strengthening is not the strengthening of the martial soul by receiving the bonus of the soul ring.

Therefore, in most cases, after the original martial soul owner obtains the soul ring, he can only obtain soul skills, and the energy in the soul ring is retained by the original martial spirit, in order to allow himself to undergo a second awakening (evolution) in the future. ). 】

[According to the experimental results so far, the original martial spirit can be awakened four times. Generally speaking, for the first time, in the seventh ring period, the soul master has the true body of the martial spirit, and the original martial spirit is also at this stage. Show your true posture and complete the second awakening;

The second time was when he reached the title of Douluo. The soul master who reached this realm had his body changed under the nourishment of soul power, and his body's martial soul was naturally strengthened;

The third time, at the watershed of level 95, breaking through this watershed, the soul master will enter a new realm, and the original martial soul will naturally evolve with it;
The last time was when I broke through level [-]——]

Unfortunately, only this bit of relevant information is retained. The rest has been destroyed by the Dragon God. If you want to obtain it, you can only defeat a large mecha outside the golden ancient tree...
Among these 12 people, the strongest one is Shen Hou, a female with ninth-level soul power and martial soul as the heart. She is the youngest at only 16 years old, but she has the strongest energy and blood among them.

From the perspective of a soul master, they are not suitable for cultivation and cannot achieve great success, but for Tang San, these original martial souls are very good research materials... ah no, they should be very outstanding talents, As long as corresponding cultivation methods are created for them, they will definitely be able to make rapid progress.

The Shen Monkey whose Wuhun is the heart, the Hai Pig whose Wuhun is the bones, and the Youchi whose Wuhun is the skin. The original Wuhun of these three are relatively complete body organs.

Especially Shen Hou, after using his martial spirit, it directly covered the original position of the heart. The thumping sound was extremely loud, and the blood vessels all over his body also lit up, showing red and blue blood vessels on the skin. It looks extremely mysterious and impressive.

Shen Hou's martial spirit is not only the heart, but also the arteries and veins connected to the heart.

It is foreseeable that if Shen Hou had sufficient food to supplement his nutrition before awakening his martial spirit, his innate soul power would not be low. It is a pity that most of the children who awaken their martial spirits are civilians, and most of them are born in relatively remote villages. , without such good conditions, naturally they would not be able to show their style.

"How does the earl plan to train this group of people?"

During dinner, Lingxi and Lingmeng brought the dishes they made by themselves to the table, and Lingmeng asked.

"I can't stay here for a few days. It would be troublesome to bring them all to Wuhun City. After all, my usual schedule is quite full." Tang San thought for a while and said, "Then we will divide into four groups. The first group will follow me. Go to Wuhun City, I will teach March, and then let them come back, and so on."

"This is a good idea, but what if one of them runs away?" Lingmeng was a little worried.

"If you run away, it won't be considered a loss to us even if we are destined to have no connection... By the way, you should have returned the deed of betrayal to them, right?" Tang San suddenly asked.

"Not yet." Lingxi shook his head, went to the second floor, took down the deeds of sale of the 12 people, and said, "I think the earl should give them to them personally."

"It's true." Tang San knew that Lingxi was considering his prestige, so he accepted the kindness, but then said, "But it's not necessary. If you buy the slave in the future, you can just return the sale deed directly. There is no need to do this. I am afraid that one day I will get used to it and change my original intention, especially-"

There is still "greed, anger, and ignorance" in his upper Dantian, and he needs to be more vigilant in all his actions to avoid being affected unknowingly.

Even Electrolux can't see through that thing!

"I understand." Lingxi nodded, saying that he would give it in advance next time, but deep down in his heart, he was thinking that he must say the last sentence: This is the order of Lord Yinlan Earl!
Only in this way will those people be grateful!

Hey ~
The Earl is just too kind...
(End of this chapter)

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