Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 333 Wind Spirit Jue and Thunder Spirit Jue

Chapter 333 Wind Spirit Jue and Thunder Spirit Jue
The next day, Tang San woke up Gu Yuena, who was holding his arm, and said: "Wake up, it's true, I didn't even take off my clothes when I went to sleep, they are all wrinkled."

"Asshole, I'm only eight years old, you beast!" Gu Yuena hugged her shoulders like a drama queen, "You actually want me to take off my clothes!"

"Aren't you older than me?" Tang San rolled his eyes, and to be honest, Gu Yuena is a "beast" in the true sense. "If something happens, I will be the one who suffers."

"After all, you are one of my king's subjects, why don't you let me sleep with you?" Gu Yuena jumped off the bed, and it was only now that Tang San discovered that this guy didn't even take off his shoes last night.

"Why don't you listen to what you are talking about?" Tang San was completely speechless and stopped talking to her. After changing his clothes and washing up, he said, "After you change your clothes, you will go down to eat. Today I But it’s very busy.”

Ordinary aristocratic families have servants to help with dressing and washing, but Tang San still needs to do this necessary common sense of life by himself when it comes to facial expressions.

The busyness Tang San mentioned was naturally because he couldn't stay here for a few days. He had to finish testing the status of Lingmeng, Lingxi, Fan Niu, Fan Ma, and the owners of the twelve original martial spirits, and absorb them. Relevant experience can be used to strengthen the details not covered by the Jade Bone, Golden Muscle and Divine Treasure, enhance the chance of condensing the core of soul power, and further understand the circulation method between the three treasures of essence, energy and spirit.

After breakfast, Tang San summoned Lingxi and Lingmeng to check their self-condensed soul rings. Comparing them with the initially condensed soul rings, they found that one chain was missing, which was due to breaking through the restraints.

The three flowers in the soul ring represent the flowers of energy and spirit respectively. Each flower of Lingxi has five petals, while Lingmeng's has four petals, which represents its own realm of strength.

When both of them reach the level of Titled Douluo, each three-flowered flower should have nine petals.

After more detailed inspection, Tang San discovered that the two women's physical and mental powers were far stronger than those of Soul Kings and Soul Sects of the same level. Especially in terms of physical body, they were even comparable to cat-like soul beasts with the same cultivation level.

This three-flower gathering soul ring can simultaneously enhance the energy and spirit of both of them. When one is strengthened, the other will also be strengthened. It can be said that it saves a lot of effort for both.

In the same way, they require much more soul power at each level than ordinary soul masters. After all, they have to convert part of the soul power into mental power and qi and blood.

But the good thing is that with the balance of essence, energy and spirit, even if they don't break through level [-], they can still look young and remain youthful. Every time they break through a major level, they will be infused with the energy of heaven and earth, speeding up their cultivation.

Both the long lifespan of soul beasts and the speed of human cultivation, for now, this mother and daughter cat girl can be said to be the only pair in this world.

"Sure enough, in the condensed soul ring, your qi, blood, soul power, and spiritual power can actively improve with everything. Even the method of soul power movement that I passed on to you will also change according to your respective circumstances. changed."

Lingxi's martial soul has a thunder attribute, and all three types of energy are highly aggressive. Using Qi and blood, it can stimulate cells throughout the body and improve all of its attributes in almost all directions. The soul power also has a paralyzing effect, that is, it is stimulated by thunder. The nerves of the human body affect the nervous system; the mental power is extremely aggressive and can break the mental power of others, and is very sensitive to metals and magnetic minerals.

Reimu's martial soul is of the wind attribute, and the three types of energy are relatively "light". The energy and blood circulate, automatically forming a whirlwind on the body surface. It has strong defensive power and can block attacks at the soul king level; with the blessing of soul power , can fly into the air briefly, and has cutting properties; the mental power can sense the flow of the air, similar to Xiao Wu's ability to listen to the wind.

To be honest, these two points are a bit beyond Tang San's expectation. Generally speaking, only soul power will have attributes under the influence of martial spirits. Qi, blood, and mental power are relatively pure. Most soul masters can at most Only when using corresponding soul ring skills that need to convert soul power into mental power and qi and blood will the two have corresponding martial soul attributes.

But under normal circumstances, Lingxi and Lingmeng's soul power and mental power are attached with the attributes of martial arts, and have the properties of wind and thunder.It's because the three elements of energy, energy and spirit can be transformed perfectly, so that the martial soul is also involved... No, their martial souls are already part of their bodies, and are no longer the extraordinary organs that are semi-independent of the body.

However, even if he did not consider the fusion of the beast spirit and the physical body, Tang San also realized that if he wanted to perfectly transform his essence, energy and spirit, or even achieve a cycle, he must also have the corresponding energy, blood and mental power. attributes - creation, destruction, life, death.

"You can put away the soul ring."

After Tang San figured out the key, he couldn't help but suddenly enlightened. Then based on the Xuantian Technique and according to the two people's situations, he created a technique for them to practice soul power + leg techniques and hand techniques: "Wind Spirit Technique", "Wind Spirit Technique", " Thunder Spirit Jue"

"These two techniques were created by me based on your respective attributes. If you two practice together, it will be faster, and they can even be combined into the "Wind and Thunder Technique"."

"Wind and thunder, these two elemental energies can be fused together. You may be able to fuse the soul power and soul skills in martial soul fusion skills in the future."

The same martial spirit can be fused as long as their attributes are balanced, even if they have the same attributes - the important thing is the balance of their attributes.

But Tang San wasn't sure whether the mother and daughter's beast spirits could still be fused now that they had materialized into their physical bodies.

"However, there is only a chapter on cultivating soul power. In the future, you can develop methods for cultivating those two based on your own qi and blood circulation and mental power use."

This is Tang San's expectation for the two of them. He hopes that they will be able to practice and manage well enough, and they can also study the martial arts training materials he left inside the Silver Blue Manor, and then introduce new ones.

Even if you can't create it, it doesn't matter. The three-flowered soul ring will connect the two people's spirits and spirits, increase their soul power, and the other two will also improve together.

"I will definitely not disappoint the earl!" Lingxi swore.

"There's no need to be so solemn. Although I hope to see you be able to walk your own path in this new way of cultivation, I even want to see you live your own life." Tang San smiled gently, "Even if you face I don’t want to wrong myself, do you understand?”

"Yes, Lord Earl!" X2
The mother and daughter said in unison, their cheeks flushed red, and they couldn't help but lower their heads, afraid that Tang San would see the shy side of themselves and others.

Immediately afterwards, Tang San summoned two brothers, Fan Niu and Fan Ma, to check the progress of their training in the Tiger-Bear Body Forging Art.

"How is your training going with you two?"

(End of this chapter)

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