Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 340 Return to Martial Soul City

Chapter 340 Return to Wuhun City

Energy of heaven and earth.

This is extraordinary energy that soul beasts and soul masters cannot circumvent in their cultivation.

Whether it is a human being or a soul beast, the improvement in cultivation obtained by absorbing the energy of heaven and earth remains unchanged in the total amount of energy of heaven and earth in Douluo Star.

No, it should be increasing.

Douluo Star's heaven and earth energy is transformed by the planet absorbing various energies in the universe. Although the efficiency is quite low, it is indeed increasing.

If time is measured in "hundreds of millions of years", even if humans do not develop soul guidance devices, there will be more and more powerful people as time goes by.

Not to mention, Gu Yuena sensed that after Tang San's Blue Silver Emperor took root in the earth, it could speed up the planet's transformation of various energies in the universe.

If one day Tang San really planted Blue Silver Emperors on Douluo Planet, how intense the energy of heaven and earth on the entire planet would be... Gu Yuena could no longer imagine.

But it can be speculated that Douluo Star can at least reach the same level as the God Realm, but it does not have the special fairy spirit of the God Realm, but it can also make up for quality with quantity.

And Tang San, who assists Douluo Star to advance, will definitely be the Son of Heaven and Earth of Douluo Star, and will even be at the same level as Douluo Star’s Plane Will. No matter how many children of destiny appear in the future, they will all be lower than him in front of him. With one chip in hand, bow your head and surrender.

Without him.

No matter how powerful the son of luck is, he is just a lucky one of an era. For the entire Douluo Star, he is dispensable. If he cannot bear the luck, just transfer it to other people. It doesn't matter.

But Tang San was able to bring promotion to the entire Douluo Star, not just humans and spirit beasts. Of course, he was his "biological son", and all good things were sent to him.

Of course, Gu Yuena didn't think that the plane will of a mere Douluo Continent could affect her who was originally at the level of a god king. The encounter with Tang San was nothing more than a coincidence.

"I am your sister now. Old Jack recognizes you. Can't you say something to make me feel comfortable?" Gu Yuena gave up discussing the future of soul beasts and the energy of heaven and earth with Tang San, and played the emotional card, "Others The younger sisters at home are meant to be pampered, so it would be better for you to compete with your younger sisters."

"So, when other people's sisters grow up, they are very delicate and pretty." Tang San gave a reason that Gu Yuena couldn't refute. She was so angry that she went crazy, but she had no choice but to pounce on Tang San and bite her. He picked up his thumb and sucked blood.

"Let go! Are you a vampire?" Tang San pulled Gu Yuena's mouth, but he didn't use much force, fearing that he would really make this guy angry.

"I'm not a bat, but your blood is really good."

Three minutes later, Gu Yuena licked her lips and suggested with a smile, "It is an unparalleled delicacy for soul masters and soul beasts, and can even help them improve their cultivation... You should also have cultivation Qi and blood skills, right? Teach me, after all, I am your sister now!"

Indeed, now that this was the case, Tang San couldn't refuse.

However, it can be postponed——

"That makes sense, but I'm not completely familiar with you yet, and I'll be gathering soul cores soon, so I don't have time to teach you."

Is it because Gu Yuena hasn't gained all his trust?


It's the Silver Dragon King who hasn't yet.

Tang San did not forget that the Gu Yuena in front of him was only a clone of a part of the origin of the Silver Dragon King's huge body, not the complete Silver Dragon King.

He felt that the situation of Gu Yuena in front of him was different from that of Gu Yue and Na'er in Dou San. It didn't look like that kind of split personality, but more like a soul re-carving. She possessed all of Gu Yuena's memories and personality. , but it is a separate individual, a type of soul clone without an immortal true spirit.

This is just Tang San's guess. The specifics are unknown. After all, he has not yet directly observed the way of immortal true spirits. The existence of the Blue Silver Network can only help him observe the natural death of souls left behind after the death of living beings. After that, it’s just the immortal spirit and the embers of the soul.

Without being sure of Gu Yuena's current situation, she still needs to remain vigilant. After all, she is different from Xiao Wu. "Tch, who cares?" Gu Yuena looked unhappy, but then Tang San used a candied haws to coax her... In a sense, Gu Yuena was as innocent as Xiao Wu before... ·
  A week later, Tang San and Gu Yuena returned to Wuhun City.

Shenhou, Youji, and Haizhu, who came to Wuhun City for the first time, were shocked by the prosperity of the outer city of Wuhun City.

"Even Tiandou City can't compare with this place!" Shen Hou opened his mouth wide and stood outside the city with Tang San. He was stunned for a while before he realized what he was doing and showed a look of embarrassment: "I'm sorry, Lord Earl, I’ve embarrassed you.”

"What's not to be ashamed of? Everyone who comes here for the first time will be like this." Tang San motioned to the three of them not to feel embarrassed, everyone would be like this sometimes, and then led them through the entrance of the People's Food City.

Among the six outer cities, People's Food is considered the most simple city. There is a large area of ​​farmland on the periphery, but unlike the situation of a field of rice in Shenghun Village, it is full of various kinds of researched crops. The high-yield crops that came out looked a bit messy and not very harmonious.

There was nothing that could be done about it. After all, there were mostly soul masters in the inner city of Wuhun. They were not willing to listen to the peasants' suggestions at first. They were too ambitious and weak-minded. It was not until Bibi Dong gave the death order that they changed their minds.

Everything has to be done slowly, there is no rush.

However, inside the People's Food City, there is a different scenery. The streets and alleys are filled with the aroma of various foods. Looking around, in addition to the food billboards printed on the streets, there are all kinds of novel foods with many raw materials. It is grain-based, with less meat, and even fewer delicacies made from soul beast meat.

After all, soul beasts are considered precious resources. Generally speaking, Wuhun Palace will not allow other soul masters to kill them indiscriminately for food, unless the flesh of the soul beast is really delicious and has an effect on improving cultivation.

Or, the spirit beast has a strong reproductive ability.

Of course, this is stated on the surface, but the actual implementation is not very optimistic. After all, most of the cities on the mainland are currently built on the corresponding soul beast forests, and many civilian soul masters make money by capturing soul beasts. .

The main reason is that regardless of the two empires, the major branch halls of Wuhun Palace are basically independent and have corresponding interests with the families, city lords and even small sects in the corresponding cities. It has only improved in the past two years. Some.

After all, the major Wuhun branch halls received orders from the main hall of Wuhun City and began to establish various factories and businesses to provide jobs and began to solve the life problems of civilian soul masters and ordinary people.

Although there have been many problems, at least people across the continent can see that Wuhundian is constantly improving, doing practical things, and trying to help them live a better life.

That's enough.

Shen Hou moved his nose, swallowed his saliva, and couldn't help but said: "(╯▽╰) It smells so good~~"

The same is true for You Chicken and Hai Pig.

"Well, let's go have a meal nearby first. The food in the inn here is very good." Tang San found a tavern called "Yingchun Tower", ordered a lot of dishes from the waiter, and asked for A private room...

  "Your Holiness, Your Majesty the Holy Son is back. He is currently having dinner at the Yingchun Building in the People's Food Capital. He also brought three servants named Shen Monkey, Youji, and Haizhu."

Gu Yuena, who got the news immediately, immediately reported the incident to Bibi Dong.

"I've been out for nearly a month, and I'm finally willing to come back." Bibi Dong put down the document in her hand, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but turn up slightly. In fact, when Tang San stepped into the scope of Wuhun City, she felt her mental power. .

At this time, she has been able to use her mental power to construct a mental network like a spider web. Under normal circumstances, she can cover the entire Wuhun City both inside and outside for exploration.

Although Bibi Dong cannot be like this all the time, after all, she is still a mortal. Without the assistance of semi-artifacts such as the Soul Seal Throne of Wisdom and Spirit, her brain cannot carry so much information.

But Tang San has her aura on him, so as long as the other person is close, she will naturally be able to sense it.

As for why Tang San has her aura...

This is not a secret that others can know.

(End of this chapter)

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