Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 344 Publicity Matters

Chapter 344 Publicity Matters
  When Tang San walked out of the Pope's Palace, Hu Liena happened to come to visit her teacher. Seeing a dark circle on Tang San's right eye, she couldn't help but feel a trace of curiosity and a trace of schadenfreude: "What trouble did you get into? You were beaten by the teacher." ?Tell me about it.”

"It's nothing, just a fall." Tang San raised his hand and wiped his right eye, and the black eye circle disappeared and returned to the same state as before, "Look, it's just dust."

Hu Liena: "..."

If she hadn't known about your strong recovery ability, she would have believed it.

Although she was curious about what happened between Tang San and the teacher, Hu Liena had matters to hand over to Bibi Dong at this time, so she didn't have time to delay for too long. She just said: "Don't leave yet, wait here for a while, I'll have something to do later." Looking for you."

"What's the matter? I'm busy." Tang San said that he had to research, to forge, and to allocate a bit of spiritual power to study with other people in Wuhun Palace within the Blue Silver Network, and to guide others, and he didn't have that much time. Go do something else.

Unless he's interested.

"I'll tell you later. I'll just go in and deliver the report to the teacher, and I'll be out right away." After Hu Liena finished speaking, she ran into the Pope's Palace, and what she said right away was an hour.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" After Hu Liena came out, Tang San stepped forward and asked.

"The teacher wants to recruit a large number of body soul practitioners for research. Come with me to shoot a video and become an advertising model." Hu Liena said.

Regarding this, Tang San thought for a while and then agreed.

Obviously, Bibi Dong must also know about Shenhou, Youji, and Haizhu. He also guessed that he wanted to develop a stronger method of exercising the physical body through his own martial soul, so he paid special attention to him.

how to say?

Quite touching... Shit!

He doesn't like to show his face. The way he did at the Continental Classic is just to expand his influence. Being famous is not a good thing if he has no choice but to do so.

But now that Hu Liena has come over, he can only go there, show up, and record a video. By then, Wuhun City will have more original martial soul owners, and it will be more convenient for his research, and he will be able to improve his skills faster. Jade Bone Golden Muscle Divine Hidden Method——

"Here, Lord Holy Son, these are your lines." When they arrived at the shooting location, Wuhundian's director who was responsible for shooting promotional videos handed a copy of the lines to Tang San and said respectfully, "Look, there are What needs to be modified?”

"For the future of Wuhun Palace, for the glory of Wuhun Palace, for the glory of Wuhun Palace, for the Wuhun Palace... Why are there so many words of praise? It's too long." Tang San read a little. I can’t go on. People who don’t know think that the number of words is in the water. “I think it should be changed directly to this: For the future of the entire continent, the Wuhun Palace sincerely recruits people from all over the world who have the original Wuhun to come and volunteer. If you do, we will give you generous treatment and remuneration.”

"That's probably enough. It's concise and easy to understand."

"There are very few noumenon martial souls on the mainland, and most of them are relatively poor. Just talk to them about the empty stuff and just give them the specific treatment situation and salary."

The director gave a thumbs up and praised: "Master Shengzi is brilliant!"

"Let's start now." Tang San didn't want to delay too long, and the director didn't hesitate and immediately asked the other spirit masters to prepare the corresponding shooting backgrounds and props. Several male spirit masters even took off their shirts, exposing their muscles, and cooperated Tang San’s “research” performance——

While Tang San was filming, Hu Liena took out another soul camera and started recording the footage. Hehehe said: "This is dark history. It must be recorded. It is definitely worth collecting!" Ten minutes later, the shooting was completed. After finishing it, Tang San saw Hu Liena laughing at the small screen behind the soul guide camera, took it over, took a few glances, and found that there were not only the content he had just taken, but also the smells of Xie Yue, Yan and even Bibi Dong. He looked at her with a strange look and said: "I really didn't expect that a saintly lady would record the dark history of others, including her own teacher. This is a 'treason'."

"Give it back to me!" Hu Liena hurriedly snatched the soul camera away and said fiercely with a red face, "I'm warning you, don't tell anyone, or I won't be able to see the teacher!"

"Things like secrets are meant to be discovered." Tang San said meaningfully, and even felt that Bibi Dong must know Hu Liena's little secret, and just regarded her as a daughter, so he didn't care.

"Hmph!" Hu Liena put the soul camera into the Soul Mark Belt of Wisdom and Spirit on her waist, snorted coldly, and then said, "By the way, are you free recently? I want to invite you to have a meal with me..." ·Don’t think wrongly, I just want to express my gratitude to you. After all, I have obtained the Soul Seal Throne of Wisdom and Spirit.”

Perhaps this semi-artifact is not Tang San's best work, but it is the first artifact-level thing, and it definitely has great commemorative significance.

However, this piece of work is for her use.

It was inevitable that Hu Liena would take the initiative - besides, didn't the teacher also want to bring her and Tang San together? The current self must be willing.

"Aren't you busy recently?" Tang San asked back, "Martial Spirit City is in a stage of vigorous development, and the Spirit Branch Halls across the continent are also being standardized. This is a big project, and you still have time to treat me to dinner? "

Hu Liena pursed her lips and said: "No matter how busy I am, I still have time to eat, and with the assistance of the Soul Seal Throne of Wisdom and Spirit, my mental strength has greatly increased, making it easier to handle things."

"To be honest, will you give me face?"

Tang San thought for a while and said, "Can I call someone else?"


Hu Liena rolled her eyes at Tang San, turned around and left - going to have a meal with this saint, and actually inviting someone else, what a beautiful idea!

"Awesome!" The director not far away gave Tang San a thumbs up, "I don't know how many people wanted to invite the Saint to dinner, but they failed, but the Holy Son refused the Saint. He is really a role model for us! "

"This is not a refusal, just an inquiry." Tang San spread his hands and asked, "By the way, is your department responsible for shooting promotional advertisements like this?"

The director nodded: "Absolutely, but in normal times, we also cooperate with the artists in Fantasy City, learn from their experience, and shoot movies."

"Soul masters have always been arrogant, but those of us are older and cannot improve our cultivation any further, but we are more willing to accept new things, mainly for fun."

"To be honest, we think movies, cartoons and things like that are quite interesting."

Listening to the old man's narration, Tang San nodded frequently, and also knew the classification of spirit masters in Wuhun City - the new generation of spirit masters are more willing to accept new things, while the older generation of spirit masters are old and have incapacitated spirit power. No matter how progressive the group is, they are willing to try.

Only most of the soul masters caught in the middle were reluctant, but on the Wuhun City side, they could only passively accept and adapt until they finally got used to it.

Development cannot always be achieved overnight, and there are always people who are dissatisfied...
  (End of this chapter)

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