Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 348 2 Yuanchen is on the right track

Chapter 348 Twelve Yuanchen is on the right track
  In the blink of an eye, another three months have passed. Zi Shu, Chou Niu, and Yin Hu have also obtained their first soul rings and become true soul masters. According to their own martial soul characteristics and development direction, they have obtained the most suitable soul rings for them. Soul skills.

Zi Shu: Searching for Thousands of Miles.

Although the range of the soul skill is not so exaggerated and can only detect a range of about a hundred meters, with the improvement of future cultivation, the range will definitely be expanded to thousands of miles.

Ugly Cow: Holding up the sky.

The strength of his left arm is extremely strong, and he can compete with powerful soul masters.

Yinhu: Control.

The first soul ring comes from the sea soul beast, a blue-ringed octopus that has been around for nearly five hundred years.

In terms of finger flexibility, no soul beast on the continent has finger claws that can match humans. Therefore, one can only search in the ocean for soul beasts with tentacles such as octopuses.

However, most areas of the ocean are still restricted areas for human soul masters, and even Ju Douluo does not dare to go too deep.

In order not to waste time, Yin Hu did not necessarily choose a soul ring that was nearly a thousand years old.

After obtaining the spirit ring, her right hand was more flexible than usual and she could control it more easily. The blue-ringed octopus's spirit ring also improved her mental strength to a certain extent.

After all, apart from the tentacles, the octopus is only worthy of praise for its brain.

And the soul skill that this first soul ring brought to her was named control by her. She could accurately control the five fingers to bend them to any degree. After learning the little skills of exuding soul power, she could even condense five types of magic. The soul power thread, plus the fact that she had followed Xiao Wu for three months to understand the structure of the human body, could even be used to control people by piercing it into the back of their heads.

However, with Yin Hu's current eleventh level soul power, he can only control it for about one second.

In addition to the lack of soul power, her brain is not strong enough to process the information transmitted back by the soul power thread... A mere five-hundred-year-old soul ring is not enough to assist her in controlling the human body with so many complex organs, tissues and organs.

But Tang San felt that Yin Hu was the control type in the true sense!
  Other control systems only control the enemy, but if Yinhu develops in the future, he can become a puppet master and treat the enemy as his own puppet.

Of course, Tang San's biggest achievement was to complete the parts about the nose, arms, and hands in "The Jade Bone, Golden Muscle and Divine Hidden Method 2.0".

After seeing off the three people, the remaining Mao Rabbit, Chenlong, Sishe, Wuma, Weiyang, and Xugou arrived in two batches——

Mao Rabbit is a petite and cute woman with martial souls as ears. As for her future soul beast hunting advice, she naturally chooses Tingfeng Rabbit to obtain the soul skill of Tingfeng Yin and continuously strengthen her hearing and brain power.

Chenlong is a tall young man with a martial spirit on his right foot.

The feet are not as flexible as the hands. They are mainly used to support people to stand upright, walk, and run, but the most important thing is to maintain balance.

Therefore, when planning a soul ring for it, the most basic point to consider is to maintain balance, followed by enhanced speed, strength, defense and reaction.

After obtaining the first soul ring, his soul skill was named by Tang San: Stomping on the Ground.

Si She is over [-] meters tall and has strong muscles, but she is a woman. After awakening the martial soul "tongue", even though she had innate first-level soul power, she was judged to be a useless martial soul.

After all, in this era where "combat ability" is used to judge the value of a soul master's soul, even if the tongue soul is full of innate soul power, it will be judged as a useless soul by some people in small cities.

However, Si She refused to accept her fate and felt that her martial arts spirit was not good enough, so she began to continuously exercise her body, so that she developed such a pair of muscles that were extremely exaggerated for a woman.    At least, we can defeat a dozen civilian soul masters.

But for the tongue, a martial soul that is related to taste, and can also stir food... In short, it is related to eating, and it is really unsatisfactory to use it for attack...

After all, not everyone is perfect.

To use your tongue, you naturally need to taste all kinds of food, even—

Herbal medicine.

Therefore, Si She was recommended by Tang San to go to Xiao Wu and study herbal medicine together so that she could best utilize her talent.

Wu Ma, this is a woman with the style of a royal sister, her martial spirit is her waist. After Tang San's examination, he found that it is different from Chen Long, Yin Hu, and Chou Niu's right foot, right hand, and left arm, including the inner lining. of intestines and stomach.

This also resulted in Wu Ma's digestive ability being extremely strong. She even said that she could digest even dirt, rocks, etc., but it would take a long time. If she did not eat other normal things during this period, she would be able to digest them. They will also starve to death.

This person was also recommended by Tang San to go to Xiao Wu. He has a waist martial spirit that can learn jutsu skills and has strong digestion ability. He can cooperate with the study of the effects of medicines - after the medicine is taken, the effects will show faster.

Weiyang's figure was not much different from Wu Ma's, and her martial spirit was hair, but unlike what Tang San imagined, every strand of her hair could be controlled.

That is, the hair can be controlled to swing.

Especially when she is possessed by a martial spirit, she can control her hair more flexibly, as if her hair has turned into her millions of arms.

Xiao Wu needed to use strength to swing his scorpion tail braid, but Wei Yang directly used his hair as an arm to control it.

For this reason, Tang San pulled off a piece of her hair and found that the roots were not white, but blood-colored. There were even traces of white and blood-colored roots inside the hair, which were very short, very thin, and invisible to the naked eye. Only a being with extremely powerful pupils like Tang San could observe that it was growing into the hair.

That's neural tissue!

For this reason, Tang San used his mental power to conduct a comprehensive exploration of Weiyang's brain, and found that its brain had far more wrinkles than an ordinary person's, and the periphery of its skull was also covered with a layer of neural tissue. Through the skin, It got into the hair.

Martial spirit is hair?
  Do not!
  There is also the layer of nerve tissue covering the periphery of the skull. It may even continue to develop in the future and undergo a second and third awakening. It may not be able to awaken its true form: the brain!

Facts have also proved that Weiyang's brain is indeed very developed and her learning ability is very strong. What other people need more than ten times to remember, she can remember it once, and then try to do it a few times before she can master it.

But her current martial soul is hair, and she needs to enhance its toughness and make it thinner and denser so that it can carry more nerve threads.

To put it bluntly, in Weiyang's body, hair is no longer a dispensable thing, but another organ extended from the brain's nervous tissue.

As for the last Xu Dog, the martial soul is the mouth, including the cheeks and the inner throat and vocal cords, which is very suitable for practicing sonic skills. For this reason, in terms of soul rings, Tang San suggested that sonic bats, roaring lions, dolphins, whales, etc. can A soul beast that emits sound waves for attack and detection...
  At this point, Tang San's plan for the Twelve Yuan Chen has been initially completed.

During this year, the Wuhun Palace also recruited nearly a hundred original martial soul owners from all over the world. Tang San also conducted a comprehensive inspection of their original martial spirits. Some even had Xiao Kunkun, little sister.

It has to be said that the original martial soul is very magical and can appear in any part of the human body...
  (End of this chapter)

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