Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 351 The Agreement with Bibi Dong

Chapter 351 The Agreement with Bibi Dong

Tang San was quite moved by Bibi Dong's worries, and then explained, "Please don't worry, Lord Pope, I just want to try to condense the Qi, Blood, Golden Elixir, Soul Power Core, and Spirituality." , condensing three corresponding special soul rings at the same time."

For the seventh spirit ring, Tang San must go to the Blue Silver Forest to find the Blue Silver King and ask it to help him condense an evolving spirit ring of his own - Lan Silver must know the location.

During the process of condensing the soul ring, Tang San can also confirm the process of condensing the soul ring with Electrolux, so that he can condense the "soul ring" of essence, energy, and spirit afterwards.

"I'm not worried about you..." Bibi Dong's concerned words blurted out, but she stopped abruptly and hummed, "... Last time I went out, I found someone who was willing to sacrifice for you a person with a cultivation level of more than [-] years. A plant soul beast?"

"The Pope is worrying too much, I don't have such good luck." Tang San shook his head, but in his heart he was thinking about [whether Bibi Dong really has feelings for him]——

But Tang San quickly cut off his divergent thoughts. After all, he didn't think that Bibi Dong, whose mind had become clearer, would fall in love with him because of what happened to him last time.

"When you reach level seventy, do you want me to accompany you to hunt for souls in person?" Bibi Dong suddenly asked, her eyes burning, as if expecting Tang San's agreement.

After the last incident happened, Bibi Dong felt that she might have to find an opportunity to have a private chat with Tang San, so as to avoid being a little embarrassed when both parties met alone.

As for why she chose to hunt for souls instead of finding time and place in Wuhun City, it was naturally because with the development and growth of Wuhun Palace, she herself was getting busier and busier.

And Tang San was also very busy...

This point is debatable, after all, he would "comfort" the four girlfriends every night, and he would go to great lengths to do so, which made her feel a little hot.

"Isn't this appropriate?" Tang San didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Bibi Dong's gourd. It couldn't be to create a chance to be alone with him, right?
  This is not that kind of fandom!

What's more, I can't tell Bibi Dong that my seventh soul ring can be self-condensed by Blue Silver King, otherwise this woman might think of him as a "spare soul ring."

Seeing that Tang San didn't want to follow him, Bibi Dong suddenly became a little angry, and realized that Tang San might have some secrets that she didn't know yet.

Although everyone has secrets, as a subordinate, how can he hide it from the Pope?
  If it were someone else, that would be fine and she wouldn't ask, but in her eyes, Tang San was half one of her own, so how could he hide it from her?

I just have something to hide myself...

"That's the case, then I'll find an opportunity next time to tell you about the previous situation."

After finishing the brainstorming, Bibi Dong calmed down and felt that she had been a little impulsive just now, but she still hoped to have time to explain the situation to Tang San in the future.

At that time, Tang San must have sensed her physical condition.

"Uh..." At this time, Tang San also realized what Bibi Dong was going to do, and said with some embarrassment, "Actually, there's no need to explain it too clearly."

"There are some secrets, it's hard to keep them in your heart..." Bibi Dong said quietly. At this moment, Tang San realized that Bibi Dong might regard him as a trustworthy person, closer to him than Hu Liena... Doesn't she hate men very much?

Speaking of which, after the accident with her last time, she didn't kill him directly... Could it be that my charm is really that great?
  Or is it that Electrolux did something secretly?
  "I didn't do that!" Electrolux retorted immediately and proved his innocence, "Although I am not a good person, I will not play with a woman's emotions!"

Since Electrolux said this, Tang San chose to believe it. After all, Electrolux really couldn't lie. Then there was only one possibility for Bibi Dong's performance:

The sequelae of martial soul fusion skills.

Life and death are interdependent, opposite and incompatible, but as long as a balance is achieved, they can coexist completely.

The only similarity between the Death Spider Emperor and the Blue Silver Emperor may be that they are both martial spirits, but two completely different attributes can be fused.

Fusion of soul power.

In Tang San's imagination, soul power fusion is more difficult than martial soul fusion. After all, the soul master's martial soul is different, and the soul power is also different. There is no corresponding balance point. At most, the soul power of the two can only be released. After it comes out, it merges into one piece.

However, the death attributes of the Death Spider Emperor and the life attributes of the Blue Silver Emperor can be fused instinctively, and no matter which side is stronger, they can "learn from each other's strengths and offset their weaknesses" to achieve a balance, without the need for the soul master to actively control them.

This also confirms the specialness of the two attributes of life and death.

However, with Bibi Dong's level [-] strength, will she still be affected by the attributes of her own martial soul?
  At least, Tang San's current feeling towards Bibi Dong was more of appreciation.

Feelings like love...
  We haven't gotten along too much, so we can't talk casually.

In fact, Bibi Dong's feelings towards Tang San at this time were just admiration, and would not change because of that accident. However, the words of Rakshasa after her spiritual thoughts finally dissipated have always affected her self-judgment, and she condensed After three kinds of cores, she would secretly watch Tang San and the girls "researching" the way of Qi and Blood at night, so much so that she herself wasn't sure whether it was admiration, admiration... or just because of the attributes of the martial soul. The pure attraction brought to her after the fusion.

"Lord Pope, there is no need to tell me your secret, right?" Tang San said softly, "Why don't you confide it to your disciple Hu Liena? She should be more trustworthy to you than me, right?"

"Indeed, I have always regarded her as my daughter, but we seem to have been honest with each other." There was no wave in Bibi Dong's eyes, as if she was describing an extremely ordinary thing, determined to find a chance with Tang San Say something or keep the secret inside - uncomfortable.

"I don't have the words to be frank anymore." Tang San complained from the bottom of his heart, and then said: "Since the Pope said so, then if you have anything to tell me in the future, I will definitely write it down. If you don't tell me, I won't tell you." Relevant people.”

"Yes." Bibi Dong nodded with satisfaction, feeling that she had "tamed" Tang San, so she continued, "Next, I will describe in detail the golden elixir for condensing qi and blood, the core of soul power, and the spiritual spirit. By the way, let me tell you about my feelings during this period of cultivation."

"Thank you, Lord Pope!" Tang San was delighted. Compared to the agreement with Bibi Dong, he was more interested in this set of cultivation theories of the human body's microcosm of transformation and circulation of energy, energy and spirit.

But after Bibi Dong finished her story, Hu Liena walked in and reported something: "Teacher, there is news from Tiandou City——"

(End of this chapter)

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