Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 353 Bibi Dong's Thoughts

Chapter 353 Bibi Dong's Thoughts

"is it?"

Bibi Dong glanced at Tang San below, thinking about whether to tell the matter, and then asked: "Tang San, what do you think of this?"

"I'm not interested in politics." Tang San didn't want to get involved in this kind of thing, but he was also surprised in his heart that Qian Renxue actually wanted to "get what he wanted." It was just about the imperial examination, so he was probably a little anxious.

Those hereditary nobles would not compromise on such a matter, as it would violate the bottom line of their actual interests and status.

Pioneers probably don't end well.

However, when the time comes, Qian Renxue will find a way to escape from the throne. Isn't this a trap set up to finally "escape" from the throne and restore Qian Renxue's identity?


Probably not.

I have communicated with Xue Qinghe and found that she does not have this kind of thinking and cannot calculate so far. From a certain perspective, she is even a little simple and pure——

Who told her that the fundamental purpose of pretending to be Xue Qinghe was not to seize Tiandou's throne, but to prove herself to the mother in front of her?

It's a pity that Qian Renxue chose the wrong direction. Bibi Dong's dislike of her was not because of her ability, but because of her scumbag father!

"I mean, what do you think of Xue Qinghe, the Tiandou Prince?" Bibi Dong described the problem more clearly.

"Generous, easy-going, approachable, but with a sense of innate arrogance." Tang San said nice things, praising Xue Qinghe's merits.

"Yes." Bibi Dong nodded slightly, her mood was a little subtle - she didn't feel angry when Tang San praised Qian Renxue so much, and then asked: "What else? You must have been in contact with him for a while, right? Yiqin With your insight, didn’t you find anything else wrong?”

Tang San understood what Bibi Dong was going to tell him, but he really didn't want to know. When the time came, he would definitely find a way to help escape and restore Qian Renxue's identity.

Very troublesome!

As for not knowing...

It's a bit difficult to pretend in front of a peerless Douluo, and Bibi Dong has already condensed his spiritual power, which is slightly stronger than his.

"Indeed, Xue Qinghe doesn't seem to be a man." Tang San decided to tell the truth, "I even suspect that the original Xue Qinghe has been replaced."

Bibi Dong became interested and asked knowingly, "I would like to hear the details."

"Based on the information I know, it seems that Xue Qinghe disappeared for a while when he went hunting. After being found again, he rarely released his martial spirit."

Although Qian Renxue relied on her soul bones and had the ability to disguise herself, it was not safe. In order to avoid being spotted by others, she naturally would not release her martial soul as often as a soul master would.

The reasons make sense: he is mature, the prince does not need to fight, etc.

But considering that Xue Qinghe was still a young boy at that time, with a lively nature... suddenly becoming mature due to an accident, it was a bit abrupt... But if no one looked into it carefully, they would not find the flaw. After all, it was The people who hunted with Xue Qinghe seemed to have left Tiandou City or died in accidents due to various reasons.

"Secondly, men generally have Adam's apple, but the clothes Xue Qinghe wears have high collars, or they wrap their necks with scarves or the like."

"Furthermore, my Blue Silver Emperor is connected to her martial soul, which is similar to the happy light of plants, and the light is relatively pure."

When Tang San said this, he paused for a while, and then said, "I don't deny that the swan martial spirit of the Tiandou royal family may mutate into the swan martial spirit with the light element, but the light element can be said to be the ultimate attribute, usually The changes in circumstances cannot happen overnight.”

"Even the best of swans, the Emerald Swan, the element of light is just an incidental attribute."

"But the most important thing is that my mental strength is stronger than that of ordinary people. After investigation, I found that she is indeed not a man."

Bibi Dong: "..." Suddenly she became a little angry. Qian Renxue was actually seen by this bastard?

Hu Liena was more straightforward: "Can't you just say the last point?" ˆ ˆ ˆ "That doesn't show my expertise." Tang San glanced at Hu Liena and smiled disdainfully ( ̄_,  ̄), the leader liked it the most This kind of subordinate can come up with various analyses.

However, Bibi Dong ignored Tang San's "satisfaction" and continued to ask: "As for Xue Qinghe being a woman, do you think we can find an opportunity to expose it?"

Bibi Dong knew exactly why Qian Renxue went to the Tiandou Empire, but the core of Wuhun Palace had changed. When she came back, she would definitely be a different person from him.

At least, in Bibi Dong's understanding, Qian Renxue had been educated by Qian Daoliu since childhood and had a strong sense of honor for the angel lineage. If she came back, she would have a greater conflict with her.

Even in her thoughts at this time, it seemed good if Qian Renxue could be the Heaven Dou Emperor for the rest of her life... In short, she didn't want to face Qian Renxue, and she didn't know how to deal with the mother-daughter relationship.

"I don't think it's necessary."

Tang San didn't know what was Bibi Dong's mentality at this time, and he didn't want to get involved in the dispute between mother and daughter.

The best way to resolve conflicts is to have a fight after both of them become gods. For a soul master, strength means recognizing the best solution for both parties. There is nothing that cannot be resolved through a fight.

If so, fight twice.

However, if Tang San really wants to take sides, he will choose Bibi Dong. In addition to having a relationship with her due to an accident, more importantly, Bibi Dong is now a lot more "cheerful" in terms of personality and no longer As before, it was so majestic that no one could think of anything different.

At least, Tang San felt that Bibi Dong's attitude was relatively easy-going when talking to him.

"It is better for Wuhun Palace not to get involved in the disputes between the Tiandou royal family. Laying a solid foundation and developing steadily is the right path for Wuhun Palace."

Bibi Dong nodded and ignored the topic of Xue Qinghe. After all, she hadn't figured out how to express the fact that [Xue Qinghe is Qian Renxue, and Qian Renxue is her daughter].

"Sir Pope, if nothing happens, should I retreat first?" Tang San was debating, not daring to stay here any longer, otherwise God knows what questions Bibi Dong would ask.

Please forgive him, he is just a researcher and is not suitable to participate in such complex conflicts. After all, he has not yet reached the stage where he can "control" this strange mother and daughter.

"Teacher, I suspect that Tang San may know that Xue Qinghe was sent by Wuhun Palace." After Tang San left, Hu Liena expressed her opinion.

Bibi Dong said: "With his wisdom, he can naturally deduce that he is just not interested. For him, having a stable research and cultivation environment is much more interesting than this kind of struggle for power. With our methods, It’s not something that can be put on the stage, and if it is exposed, it will probably make people laugh.”

Now, Bibi Dong also has to consider a question:

How can Qian Renxue regain her original identity?

Although she didn't want to face this daughter, she still had a trace of motherly love for her and couldn't bear for her to remain anonymous for the rest of her life.

In the past, it was easy to say, but these days, all kinds of news are flying all over the sky. Take Tang San as an example. There are all kinds of scandals. There is even a private newspaper that is bold enough to say that she, the Pope, is also having an affair with Tang San.

Although it is true, the private newspaper is finished...

In short, every move of a prince like Xue Qinghe must be paid attention to by many parties. It is not a small problem to escape and return to his true self.

If her true identity is exposed, she will be despised by everyone in the world. Even if she can attribute it to the remnants of Wuhun Palace's old forces - the Angel Lineage, Wuhun Palace's reputation will inevitably be greatly affected. .

Hu Liena also frowned: "This is indeed a big problem..."

(End of this chapter)

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