Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 363 Lan Yinzi: Have I been expelled from Lanyincao?

Chapter 363 Lan Yinzi: Have I been expelled from Lanyincao?

Two days later, Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Lan Yinzi traveled more than two thousand miles and arrived at the Blue Silver Forest.

This forest is located in a huge basin and is deserted. Most of the trees in it are blue. If you look closely, you will see that they are blue silver grass!

Multiple bluesilver grasses are intertwined together, forming a shrub shape, mimicking a tree!


Tang San took a long breath, feeling relaxed all over his body, as if he had returned to his real home. The blue silver grass and blue silver trees in front of him seemed to be his real family.

"This place is still the same as before. It hasn't changed at all. Maybe the Blue Silver Grass has grown a little more vigorously. Maybe it's because I sacrificed it at the beginning, or maybe it's because your Blue Silver Emperor turned imaginary into reality, and they are also there. I received a gift from somewhere." Lan Yinzi also calmed down at this moment, and was happy to see her people again, but she was not too excited because she had seen this place for nearly a hundred thousand years in her "previous life".

"Emperor! Great Emperor! Are you back?"

At this moment, an excited voice appeared in the minds of Tang San and Lan Yinzi, like children who saw their parents and ran out happily to greet them.

"It's me." Lan Yinzi also had a smile on her face, but then the smile froze because she found that she could not transmit the voice through her mental power.


Her current body was acquired from a body, and is not the original Blue Silver Emperor. She does not have the blood factor of the Blue Silver Emperor. The reason why she can hear the Blue Silver King's voice transmission is only because of her strong mental power and the fact that her martial soul is Blue Silver. Emperor, that's all.

and so--

The Blue Silver King in the Blue Silver Forest no longer recognizes her as the King!

"What's wrong?" Tang San looked doubtfully at the Blue Silver Emperor who went from surprise to shock to contemplation and then finally regained his composure. A question mark couldn't help but appear on his head?

Is there something wrong with this Blue Silver King?

"It's nothing, it's just that I might be expelled from Lan Yincao." Lan Yinzi looked melancholy.

Tang San:"???"

Xiao Wu was also confused.

"Let's go, I'll take you there." Lan Yinzi didn't explain anything, released the Blue Silver Emperor's martial spirit, and led the way - although he no longer had the bloodline of the Blue Silver Emperor, the aura exuded by the Blue Silver Emperor's martial spirit , still making the nearby Blue Silver Grass bow their heads.

Seeing this, Tang San also released the Blue Silver Emperor Spirit, and the surrounding Blue Silver Grass actively swayed, as if cheering, dancing, and supplying their true Emperor!

There was a complex look in Lan Yinzi's eyes, but she was more relieved. After all, Tang San was her son, and if she could be recognized by her people, she had nothing to feel sad about.

The blades of bluesilver grass blocking the front took the initiative to get out of the way. When they encountered uneven ground and a small river without a wooden bridge, the blades of bluesilver grass took the initiative to extend across the blades, paving them into a bluesilver carpet and forming a bluesilver rope bridge for three people. Walking by.

"What a dreamlike scene." Xiao Wu stepped on the rope bridge made of bluesilver grass, marveling that this place was like a fairy tale kingdom. It would definitely provide a very good reference material for her writing, "And, here The blue silver grass smells very fragrant, it must taste very good."

Lan Yinzi, who was walking at the front and leading the way, almost stumbled and said to himself: "I almost forgot, this Xiao Wu is a soft-bone rabbit in the form of a soft-bone rabbit. He likes to eat blue silver grass the most, but after transforming into a human, his taste is the same as that of humans. Lan Yinzi The dried grass is good for making tea. If you eat it directly, the bitterness of the grass juice should be difficult to swallow, right?"    "By the way, after Blue Silver Grass is promoted to Blue Silver King, will the juice still be bitter?"

Ten minutes later, the three of them arrived in front of the Blue Silver King.

Compared with other blue silver grass, this blue silver king is not very tall, only about ten meters long. The leaves are wider and thicker than the ordinary blue silver grass. The veins on it are silvery white, which shows that it is unusual. of kingship.

"My Emperor, you are finally back, but you seem different. You have become stronger, and you have also changed from a female to a male..."

Listening to the voice transmitted by King Lan Yin, Tang San covered his mouth, but Lan Yinzi's face darkened and he cursed: "Don't be too ridiculous, you little brat!"

Blue Silver King naturally understood human speech, but he was very surprised by Lan Yinzi's roar, so he asked Tang San: "Great Emperor, is this little girl with the Blue Silver Emperor's martial spirit your daughter? Look? He looks a bit useless, he didn't inherit your bloodline, he just inherited your martial spirit, he is just an ordinary human being."

Lan Yinzi clenched his fists, exposing the veins, and resisted the urge to pull out the thing.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Wu didn't have the Blue Silver Emperor's bloodline, so naturally she couldn't understand the Blue Silver King's spiritual transmission. She didn't understand why Lan Silver was angry, but Tang San was snickering.

"Ahem, it's nothing. It's just that King Blue Silver misunderstood... Wait a minute, I will contact you with a bit of my mental power, and you can understand what King Blue Silver is saying." Tang Sansan released a bit of mental power. , connected with the spiritual power of Xiao Wu’s upper dantian, the two are in harmony with each other. When the spiritual power is connected, it will naturally happen naturally without any obstacles -

"Blue Silver King, you misunderstood, I am not the Blue Silver Emperor, but the Blue Silver Emperor's descendant..." After Tang San's explanation, the Blue Silver King's spiritual will was a bit incomprehensible. After all, she had not yet reached the level of After a hundred thousand years of cultivation, even if he has developed near-human wisdom in advance, he still cannot accept such a huge amount of information all at once.

However, one thing she understood was that the original Blue Silver Emperor had become a real human being, and the "Blue Silver Emperor" in front of her was the descendant of her emperor.

"So that's it~" Joy came from the Blue Silver King's mind, "You are the emperor's heir, so naturally you are also the emperor. We, Blue Silver Grass, are proud of you!"

For the Blue Silver King, as long as the opponent is the Blue Silver Emperor and has the corresponding bloodline aura, he is her emperor, and he and the rest of the Blue Silver Grass must obey his orders!

"I came here this time to ask for something." Tang San said his purpose, "Help me gather a spirit ring."

"That's no problem." Blue Silver King agreed, "I just don't know how many years of soul rings you need? I can help you condense a soul ring that is the limit that your current body can bear, and it can follow your soul power. As you continue to improve your level, your current physical fitness...are you really not a hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast incarnate? Is this the physical fitness that a human being should have?"

After using his mental power to test Tang San's physical fitness, the Blue Silver King was stunned.

Is this comparable to the Dragon Clan's [-]-year-old soul beast?

"Can't you condense it?" Tang San frowned.

"No, I am just a Blue Silver King, and the only area I can influence is this Blue Silver Forest." The Blue Silver King sighed, "Condensing the soul ring also requires energy, even if this Blue Silver Forest is exhausted All the bluesilver grass in it can only condense a soul ring that is nearly one hundred thousand years old at most."

"Blue Silver Grass is no better than other plants, its cultivation is very slow. That is to say, in recent times, the cultivation speed of Blue Silver Grass has accelerated a bit..."

(End of this chapter)

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