Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 367 The goddess of life comes again

Chapter 367 The goddess of life comes again

At the place where the Blue Silver King originally grew, Tang Sansan planted a Blue Silver Emperor plant. Its height was not as huge as the Wuhun True Body, only more than twenty meters high, but it was still comparable to a small building.

The moment it took root, all the Blue Silver Grasses in the entire Blue Silver Forest began to cheer.

Because of the Blue Silver Emperor, they can also enjoy the nourishment of the power of the earth and the light of the sun, moon and stars. In fact, the energy of heaven and earth here is becoming more and more intense.

In addition, under the influence of the Blue Silver Emperor, these Blue Silver Grasses will also mutate and evolve, becoming new varieties of Blue Silver Grass, and a new Blue Silver King may even be born among them.

"Great Emperor! You are so great!" Alan admired him endlessly, but he was even more happy that he had followed the Emperor. He would definitely be able to break through level with the Emperor in the future and become a true god.

And the true god in Alan's mouth also noticed the changes in Douluo Star at this time——

The God King of Life sensed the rich aura of life in the lower realm, and then sent out a trace of his spiritual thoughts, followed the space passage, and came to Douluo Star again.

"Here again?"

The God King of Life had already guessed where the majestic breath of life came from, but in the blink of an eye, he came to the sky above the Blue Silver Forest, looking down at the Blue Silver Emperor plant below and the people standing around it.

"This is definitely my best successor, and it also has the power of destruction...I even doubted whether it was because of destruction and me. When I was trying to give birth to a child, two strands of power fell to the mortal star and converged into the body of a fetus. On the body."

No wonder she thought so, who said Tang San's power was too coincidental?

When ordinary first-level gods and second-level gods see such a little guy, they will definitely think that she is playing in the lower world with the child born from the secret of destruction.

"It's a pity that he is unwilling to accept the inheritance of Destruction and me. Although Destruction and I really just want to experiment whether two major gods can coexist in the same person..."

While he was thinking, Tang San suddenly raised his head and saw the divine thoughts of the God of Life. The two thoughts converged, and the surrounding time and space seemed to have stopped, leaving only the two of them.

"We meet again, the beautiful goddess of life." Tang San smiled.

"Can you actually detect me?" The goddess of life was surprised. Looking carefully, she found that Tang San's soul seemed to have transformed into something similar to a divine soul, but it was different, extremely profound, like the prototype of the universe, even she could It’s hard to see clearly, “Has your soul reached the level of a god? Although it’s not as powerful as my soul, it still gives me a sense of peace as I look up at the stars...”

Tang San's soul had just been condensed. In terms of origin, it surpassed the God King, but in terms of "quantity", it was far behind. But even so, the goddess of life was still quite moved, "By the way, you really Don’t you want to inherit my position? This can save you countless training time in the future. The quality of your soul power is very high, and it has even begun to transform towards the direction of divine power. Every time you advance to a level in the future, you will need a title fight close to this world. Luo’s soul power will take a lot of time.”

"It doesn't matter." Tang San didn't care about the slowdown in his cultivation speed. After all, with the circulation of the three treasures of essence, energy, and spirit, he could already achieve complete non-graining and directly feed on the energy of heaven and earth.

What's more, even if he can't resonate with the entire universe at this time, he can still resonate with the entire Douluo Star, so that the Douluo Star can absorb more energy from the external void and convert it into the energy of heaven and earth.

In the future Douluo Star, as long as he does not leave, the energy of heaven and earth will always be in a period of vigorous growth...

Moreover, each of his own cells can also passively absorb energy from the void outside the planet to provide himself with nutrients for growth...

Therefore, his cultivation speed will not slow down, but will continue to speed up.

"In comparison——"

Tang San changed the subject, looked at this ray of divine thought from the God King of Life, and asked curiously, "Do gods also look up at the stars?"

"Of course, although I am a god, I am still small compared to the vast starry sky." The goddess of life smiled slightly, with a little expectation, "The universe has always been vast and mysterious, attracting people and gods, but gods Those who are qualified to explore are all. If a god wants to explore the starry sky, he needs to pass on his divine status to others first, otherwise he cannot leave the divine realm." "It seems that the god is a ghoul guardian." Tang San commented.

"Ghoul guard?" The goddess of life was stunned for a moment, and soon understood the meaning. She said softly, "It sounds like it, but God also represents a kind of responsibility."

Tang San didn't comment, but he felt in his heart that this so-called responsibility might also be a constraint on the civilization of the planet governed by the gods... Because gods really exist, so the root causes of all problems can also be classified as gods. On the body.

How did the earth appear?

Created by God.

How was the ocean born?

Created by God.

How did the forest appear?

Created by God.

This kind of thinking model can give birth to smart people, but the accumulation of wisdom takes thousands of years... This is really too slow!

"Is it okay for you to tell me this?" Tang San asked.

"You will definitely become a god in the future. Even if I occupy the position of life and you cannot create a god of life, you can still break through the pinnacle of cultivation in this world: level 100." The goddess of life smiled like a loving mother, "So, Will you be my child?"


Is this turn of events too sudden?

Tang San was slightly stunned, but the goddess of life continued: "Destruction and I are husband and wife, and you have the attributes of life and destruction at the same time. The last time Destruction and I came together, it was actually because of the evil among the two supreme god kings in the God Realm. The god noticed that you and your friends entered a space he created at random that was once used to fight beasts..."

Listening to the goddess of life slowly explaining the secrets, Tang San suddenly realized the power of good and evil - that arena of life and death turned out to be just a place for fighting beasts, and it was also the place where the god of evil was. manufacture.

This revealed news made Tang San even more wary of the god-king level power: he still had to be patient and not act rashly. As for the requirements of the Goddess of Life...

I already rejected the divine position last time, and if I reject it again this time...even a God-King who has always been gentle like the Goddess of Life, I'm afraid she will be angry, right?

"Okay, Mom, no problem, Mom." Tang San acknowledged his godmother unceremoniously, his attitude so sincere that the goddess of life was slightly stunned.

After all, she thought the topic was a bit serious just now and it was just a joke, thinking that Tang San would refuse without hesitation. After all, the strong always have pride...

But where has your pride gone?

Then, she saw Tang San making a lot of lists: clothes, food, soul guidance device research, travel, school, etc.

"I'm not an adult yet, irresponsible mother, please compensate me for all the expenses I've spent in the past seventeen years, so that I can fully feel maternal love." Tang San respectfully put the length of the film condensed with his spiritual consciousness into something more than years old. The list of three thousand meters was handed over.

The goddess of life feels that her fist is hard...

(End of this chapter)

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