Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 370 Xiao Wu's Fourth Soul Ring

Chapter 370 Xiao Wu’s seventh soul ring

"anything else?"

Although such a space domain is already very powerful, Tang San still remembered that Xiao Wu told him that after the Soft Bone Rabbit clan broke through for a hundred thousand years, they would be able to open up an independent space. Even if the Soft Bone Rabbit died, that Space will always exist, and it will actively pull in space debris and the like in the void.

Xiao Wu, who has awakened the space realm, can also open up a similar space, right?

With the help of the space opened up by Xiao Wu, Tang San was confident that he could use the starry sky world in the Blue Silver Emperor to connect those spaces with Xiao Wu's space, allowing Xiao Wu to control the wealth left by those Silky Bone Rabbits.

"This area of ​​mine is actually equivalent to the space that the hundred thousand-year-old Silky Bone Rabbit can open up." Xiao Wu naturally understood what Tang San was asking and didn't care, "Unexpectedly, I can sense the existence of those spaces. , or in other words, in that space, they are all gathered together.”

The small space opened up by the -year-old soft-bone rabbits of the past generations gathered together and continued to attract the space debris in the void of the universe. Its scope was so large that it was almost half the area of ​​Douluo Continent.

In Xiao Wu's perception, a wild world has formed there, with the existence of life, and there is even a large area with an environment similar to the Star Dou Forest, in which various soul beasts live.

It's just that those soul beasts only have animal nature, no different from ordinary animals, and none of them have intelligence. However, precisely because they have no intelligence, they are more powerful than real soul beasts in terms of combat power.

"It seems that it is a demiplane that has not turned virtual reality into reality."

After getting the relevant information from Xiao Wu, Tang San realized that it should be the world in the Spirit Ascending Platform in Dou San. Unexpectedly, it had already become perfect in this era. After all, according to the setting of Dou Si, that world The things in the world are shaped with energy close to the spirit of the fairy spirit, and its fragments come from the God Realm that collapsed during the battle between the Dragon God and the five god kings.

"This is your biggest gain this time!"

"Can I contact you?"

If Xiao Wu can still enter that space, the soul beasts there are the real wealth. The energy after the death of those soul beasts can increase the life of the soul ring, and even the soul bones left behind can be brought to the real space.

That’s a cornucopia!


Xiao Wu shook her head, "I can only sense it, but I can't enter it. It seems that the laws there exclude real creatures from entering... But if the mental power can be used, then the soul should be able to enter. Now I doubt that the soul beast inside It may be that after the death of the soul beast in the real world, the soul fragments floated in, thus completing the 'resurrection', but because the soul fragments are incomplete and mixed with each other, they are unable to produce intelligence and can only carry out life activities according to instinct."

This also caused Xiao Wu to not regard the spirit beasts in that space as the same kind. After all, their habits were closer to wild animals than to spirit beasts. In addition, Xiao Wu could not see the shadow of weak spirit beasts.

That is: the cute soul beasts at the bottom of the food chain, such as soft-bone rabbits and bamboo rats, do not exist among them.

"That's okay. We can study it slowly later."

Tang San was not in a hurry for success, not to mention that Xiao Wu was already connected with that world. Afterwards, he only needed to continue to explore and test, and then summarize the rules, understand the way to enter it, and then take the final step of control. .

After all, the way of space is not so easy to control. Even if Xiao Wu awakens to the space field, she can only use it instinctively at this moment. The specific principle of it is not clear to her.

"Next, let's talk about your soul skills. What will you become in the state of your martial soul's true body?"

"Won't turn into a rabbit."

Xiao Wu knew where Tang San was thinking. She must have thought that she would turn into a big rabbit, but that was not the case:

Compared with the state of the martial spirit's true body when possessed by the martial spirit, there are fewer animal-shaped parts, leaving only a pair of rabbit ears on the head and a round rabbit tail on the back of the waist. The rabbit fur on the thighs and arms also disappeared, but there were electric lights and fireworks respectively, and golden lines wrapped around the body, converging on the spine on the back.

"This is the state of my martial soul's true form. As a hundred-thousand-year-old transformed soul beast, since I chose to become a human, it is naturally the opposite of my original soul beast form."

Xiao Wu explained some secrets that Tang San didn't know, and said, "The beast soul masters among humans who have cultivated to soul saints mostly transform into beasts in order to gain stronger power, and then transform into human souls." The beast is getting rid of the beast form in the origin of cultivation step by step, and turning it into a human..."

"From the perspective of Third Brother, the body of the transformed soul beast is the same as that of a human being, except that it has not grown to adulthood; but from the perspective of our transformed soul beast, the so-called maturity period is also the period of cultivation. It is the key to transforming the origin into human form.”

"However, if it is as you once imagined, taking away the source of cultivation without harming the life of a transformed soul beast is also a way to directly turn the transformed soul beast into a human. But in that way, There won’t even be a martial spirit anymore.”

Lan Yinzi also nodded in agreement: "Yes, although after the transformation, the body is already a human being, the origin of cultivation is still a soul beast. It needs to be reached after reaching level before it can be purified as a human being and attached to it in the form of a soul ring. Regarding the martial spirit, from now on, the human body and the martial spirit will be in two different states, and the titled Douluo will no longer be able to recognize him as a transformed soul beast."

Tang San wrote it down, and then asked: "Then what is the improvement effect in this state?"

"That's amazing. In the state of the martial soul's true form, all my attributes increased by %! That's seven times higher! And when I reach Contra, I will be able to increase eight times. Titled Douluo , nine times." Xiao Wu smiled and made a fist gesture.


But in an instant, an explosion sounded, and a stream of white air shot out of the air, penetrating nearly one-third of the blue-silver forest, revealing a huge hole.

But it quickly recovered under the growth of bluesilver grass.

But Xiao Wu still made a fist gesture, as if he didn't punch at all.

"Don't just experiment here, okay?" Lan Yinzi didn't want the Blue Silver Grasses in the Blue Silver Forest to be too frightened. Even though most of them had no brains, she was shocked by Xiao Wu's punching power, " How fast were you punching just now? I didn't even see it clearly!"

That punch just now, no, a hundred punches!

Tang San could see clearly that in that short moment, Xiao Wu threw out a hundred punches in an instant, and the last punch superimposed the wind of the previous ninety-nine punches, creating such an exaggerated effect.

Of course, all this has to do with Xiao Wu's own physical fitness and the bonus of other soul rings to the martial soul.

However, Tang San knew that one hundred fists was not Xiao Wu's limit, and Xiao Wu had not used any soul skills at this time, especially the fifth soul skill Flaming Fist. If used in the true form of the martial spirit, it would definitely be able to Cause greater destructive power.

"What is your second soul skill?" Tang San was somewhat pleased when he was roughly sure of Xiao Wu's current strength, and then asked about the other skill.

"Hmph, the second soul skill of my seventh soul ring is very powerful. Once used, combined with the martial soul's true body and the martial soul's true body armor in the ring-melted state, it can compete with the Peerless Douluo!"

Xiao Wu was about to try, but was stopped by Lan Yinzi to prevent her from destroying the environment of the Lanyin Forest.

Tang San can use the Blue Silver Emperor's true form because it is the Blue Silver Emperor and will not harm any Blue Silver Grass here. Xiao Wu is obviously more destructive, so she must not be allowed here. use!

 Chapter is still being blocked



(End of this chapter)

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