Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 386 Connect Enter Increase the Life of Soul Ring Soul Bone

Chapter 386 Connect Enter Increase the Life of Soul Ring Soul Bone

"Very interesting story."

Gu Yuena is not surprised by the visitors from another world. As one-half of the Dragon God, she naturally knows that the God Realm governs multiple worlds, and even beyond this, there are other God Realms. Other worlds.

The entire universe is vast and boundless.

It is not impossible for beings from other worlds to go to another world. For example, their own strength can break away from the limitations of the planet and travel in the universe.

Another example: descending to another world through some time and space turbulence, or space channels.

The two guys in front of them are weak in strength and have small souls. They probably came to this world through the turbulence of time and space. Based on their actions, they thought they had traveled to the world of Western fantasy palace dramas, and the background was the environment of the Industrial Revolution. Down.

Gu Yuena didn't quite understand "Western Fantasy" and "Gongdou Drama", but soul-guiding movies had already been born in this world. She had also watched them and felt that they should be some kind of imaginary plot.

As for the industrial revolution, I had heard this word from Tang San. In this world, it was the research and development of soul guidance devices... Did Tang San and the two of them come from the same world?

Thinking of this, Gu Yuena was as happy as eating honey, because she discovered Tang San's secret!

Moreover, Xiao Wu and the others probably don’t know about this kind of thing, so——

I was the first to discover it!


Seeing Gu Yuena smiling a little obscenely, Xiaobai and Xiaoqing looked at each other, wondering what was going on with her, could she be a "lesbian"?

"Miss Na'er, do you believe what I say?" Xiaobai asked anxiously.

"I believe it." Gu Yuena regained her composure and looked at the two of them, "From now on, you will be my follower honestly. Don't think about what is there or not, and don't use your brain."

"Even I can see that something is wrong with you, do you think Tang San can't?"

"Don't think he's easy-going, but he won't show mercy when he gets angry——"

Although she hasn't seen it before.

But Gu Yuena believed that Tang San couldn't be just easy-going, not even gods could control their emotions in a complete sense, let alone humans?


Xiaobai lowered his head and did not dare to speak too loudly.

Xiaoqing, on the other hand, was rubbing her face with resentment in her eyes... So, she was beaten in vain?

The two of them had their own thoughts, but Gu Yuena didn't care. She walked out of the kitchen, her mental energy swept away, and her head was suddenly filled with black lines. She cursed: "That guy is such a pervert. He didn't sleep at night and did that kind of thing directly. Fortunately, I also helped him find two 'traitors'..."

After satisfying the needs of Guang Ling, Ning Rongrong, and Huo Wu, Tang San put his arms around Xiao Wu, connected with her spiritually, and took her into the starry sky world.

"What are you doing here? We are spiritual bodies, right? Do we want to try new tricks?" Xiao Wu looked at the vast stars flowing around her and couldn't help but look forward to it.

Although it is not the real universe, this is the first time to study Qi and blood in such a place... Well, they are all spiritual bodies now, so they should be studying the way of spirit.

"What are you thinking about?" Tang San knocked Xiao Wu's head and said slowly, "Understand your space realm, try it, and pull that energy plane over, I will call [Heavenly Dao] to assist you , connecting this world with that world.”

"The way of heaven?" Xiao Wu wondered, and then saw a gem that looked like a brain, but the surface was very smooth without any wrinkles.

After Tang San's introduction, Xiao Wu had an idea, released the martial spirit, and sensed the field: "This place is really strange. Even though it is a spiritual body, it can also release the martial spirit."

"This is also the peculiarity of the martial spirit. It is not only the inheritance of the bloodline, but also related to the soul." Tang San relied on the power of the soul to connect with the [Heavenly Dao] and bless it on Xiao Wu.

Suddenly, Xiao Wu felt that her mental power was a thousand times more active, as if she could control everything, immediately contacting that world and pulling it over.

Although the starry sky world is illusory, it also started to vibrate after sensing that world. [Tiandao] actively controlled the opening of the barriers of this illusory world, and was always ready to connect with it.

For this illusory starry sky world, that energy plane is the best tonic. If it can be managed, it can speed up the transformation into the real world!

At this time, Tang San's perspective came to a higher dimension. In that strange space filled with black and color, two spheres were slowly approaching, and finally——


The two collided with each other and were embedded together.

The connection is established!

After realizing his return, Tang San's soul noticed that the energy of the entire starry sky world became active, and there were nine more wrinkles on the "cerebral cortex" of [Tiandao], making it more sensitive to the speed and logic of his thinking. The strength of his mental power and control have increased nearly nine thousand times.

The original improvement was only a thousand times, but now there are nine more folds, reaching nine thousand times. This feeling is simply not too exciting!

So much so that Tang San couldn't bear it...

"Third brother, has the connection been established? I feel like the world has stopped moving?" Xiao Wu opened her eyes and asked curiously.

"It's connected." Tang San thought, and took Xiao Wu to the barrier of the starry sky world - this was Tang San's world, and he could travel to any corner with just a thought. At this time, what appeared in front of the two people was a rectangular door frame made of the purest gold. At the door leaf, there was a flowing light curtain, reflecting a vast wild world: forests, rivers, Oceans, mountains, deserts, grasslands, etc., everything is so primitive, without any trace of human activities.

Taking Xiao Wu with him, he stepped through the door.

The two came to a primitive forest. The ground was covered with withered, damp leaves, and the surrounding trees were tall, dense, and lush.

"This place is similar to the Star Dou Forest." Xiao Wu sighed as she looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar environment, but then she discovered that this place was still a little different from the Star Dou Forest.


There are no insects or ordinary birds here.


A beast roar came from the nearby bushes, and then a dark golden bear jumped out. It was more than three meters tall, with a ferocious face and two extremely sharp claws.

"Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear." Looking at the giant bear that was running toward the two of them as prey, Xiao Wu thought of the "blind little bear" at the core of the Star Dou Forest. She lost her face and kicked him out instantly. .


The bridge of the dark gold Terrorclaw bear's nose was dented and deformed at a speed visible to the naked eye. Then the whole bear was kicked out and broke more than a dozen large trees with a diameter of more than one meter before it came to a stop.

Look again, the back of the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear is rotten, and it cannot die any more.

"So weak."

As soon as Xiao Wu finished speaking, she saw the body of the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear turn into a stream of energy, gathering towards her, actively entering the martial soul, strengthening the soul ring.

Originally, Xiao Wu's soul ring was yellow, purple, black, red, and red. After absorbing the energy of the dark gold Terrorclaw Bear, the first soul ring changed from yellow to purple.

Xiao Wu's first soul ring was originally more than four hundred years old, but the energy of this dark gold Terrorclaw bear, which was about three meters long, directly raised it to a thousand years.

"After the death of the soul beast here, the energy can increase the life of the soul ring, and I can control that energy to strengthen which soul ring." Xiao Wu said her feelings, her eyes lit up, "We can increase the life of the soul ring. Keep improving! I just don’t know how many soul beasts there are here.”

For these guys without complete souls, Xiao Wu would not regard them as the same kind of soul beasts they used to be, not to mention that the soul beasts here have a rather violent temperament.

"There are infinitely many soul beasts, and while receiving energy, they will also give away their lost spiritual power." Tang San sensed that this space and the starry sky world had reached a preliminary energy cycle.

Xiao Wu is one of her own, and the foundation of this world is originally a space created by the Silky Bone Rabbit Clan. She can be said to be the manager of this world, so she doesn't have to make any sacrifices, even if she hunts too many spirit beasts. , the corresponding spiritual energy is also delivered by the starry sky world.

If other people want to obtain the energy of these soul beasts, they need to expend more mental power, that is: they cannot keep them here forever. Once the limit of mental power dissipation is exceeded, they may be mentally shaken or sluggish after leaving. After a period of time, the soul will be broken, the body will be paralyzed, and the person will become a cripple.

If this world wants to develop, it also needs a huge amount of spiritual energy.

It is inevitable to open up this world in the future!

Then, Tang San noticed that where the dark gold Terrorclaw Bear died, there was a piece of dark gold bone claw left behind. He raised his hand to grab it and took it into his hand.

Externally attached soul bone: dark gold terror claw left metacarpal bone.

Generally speaking, the right claw of the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear is more powerful. This kind of soul beast is similar to humans. Most of them are right-handed, but this one is more peculiar, it is left-handed.

"Soul bones!" Xiao Wu was shocked. She didn't expect that the soul beasts here could actually explode soul bones, but could this thing be taken out? Can it only be used in this place?

"Wouldn't you know it after experimenting?" Tang San smiled slightly, pinched his left metacarpal bone, and returned to reality with Xiao Wu. He opened his eyes, raised his hand, and saw the external appendage of the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear in his hand. Left metacarpal.

You can take it out!

Tang San knew this well. After all, soul bones are not completely material in essence, but a product of energy crystallization. The protagonist in the original work accepted the Poseidon's final test, which was to peel off the soul bones and put them Shaped into divine armor.

Moreover, he also peeled off the 100,000-year-old Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone.

These are all powerful proofs that [soul bones are the product of energy crystallization]!

"Soul bone?"

The soul bone's soul power fluctuated, awakening the attention of the other three women who were sleeping on Tang San's arms and chest, with surprised expressions on their faces——

Where did this come from?

(End of this chapter)

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