Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 398 Another two years pass by in a hurry and Tiandou is divided

Chapter 398 Another two years have passed by in a hurry - Tiandou splits

Tang San was not surprised that Bibi Dong guessed Xiao Wu's identity.

If it were said in the past that Bibi Dong couldn't see it, it would have been excusable. After all, Xiao Wu had a way to contain the soul beast's aura before she reached Soul Saint.

But after condensing the golden elixir of qi and blood, the core of soul power, and the spiritual spirit, Bibi Dong could no longer see that it was just to give herself face, but to be wise in the world.

Now Xiao Wu has become the Soul Saint and has completely become a human being.

Bibi Dong brought it up at this time, probably because she wanted to see his attitude... After all, she had hunted a 100,000-year-old soft-bone rabbit and was Xiao Wu's enemy: "My Soul-eating Spider Emperor's seventh The soul ring was produced by a 100,000-year-old soft-bone rabbit. To be honest, this soul ring was completely incompatible with the Soul-Eating Spider Emperor. Fortunately, it was used on the seventh soul ring and obtained a martial soul avatar skill. , and a physical soul skill, which I named: Spider King Eighth Stage Tight Lock."

Eight-section tight lock?

No wonder Bibi Dong never used this soul skill in the original work. This physical style is completely incompatible with a spiritual martial spirit like the Soul-Eating Spider Emperor.

Even if Bibi Dong's powerful physical ability could be used, given her status, she would not be able to use it... Wait, she seemed to have used it on herself last time?

Tang San immediately cut off these thoughts and said: "It is true that the Silky Bone Rabbit is not suitable for you."

"That's not the point." Bibi Dong stared at Tang San and asked faintly, "If your woman conflicts with me and chooses revenge from me, who will you choose to help?"

"Actually, we can reconcile." Tang San ignored this question which was equivalent to "Your mother and I fell into the water at the same time, who should be saved first?" and raised another possibility.

"Reconciliation? What's the explanation?" Bibi Dong was curious, could it be that Xiao Wu gave up on revenge?

"Actually, the remaining soul of Xiao Wu's mother has been obtained from you, and I also have the resurrection skill. She is currently being cultivated in the starry sky world, waiting for resurrection." Tang San thought for a moment and told the whole story.

"How brave!" Bibi Dong was angry and pressed on Tang San, "When did you move?"

"When I was held by you." Faced with the aura that was like the roar of thousands of innocent souls, Tang San concentrated his energy, remained unmoved, and told a little lie without changing his expression.

Capturing Xiao Wu’s mother’s broken soul is the challenge after the Continental Classic.

But this cannot be said, otherwise the nature will change...

When Bibi Dong heard what Tang San said, his aura immediately dissipated. After all, Tang San really couldn't be blamed for what happened in the first place. He noticed something and took the opportunity to take away the soul of the soft-bone rabbit... Price exchange? Did she lose or make a profit?

"Is the repaired soul still the same one as before?" Bibi Dong came back to her senses, put aside those distracting thoughts for the time being, and asked about the immortal true spirit.

"Regarding the research on the immortal true spirit, we currently only know that such a thing exists." Although regarding the immortal true spirit, Tang San and other spiritual soul masters in the Wuhun Palace have been studying the starry sky world and the good things opened by Electrolux. In the eighteen levels of hell with the Death Soul Seal Throne, the souls of the fallen were used for research, but there was zero progress.

After all, once the immortal true spirit emerges after the natural death of the soul, it will immediately escape. Currently, there is no way to capture it... It is obviously not something they should study at this stage. "For mortals with feelings, memory and soul shell It is the foundation, and the immortal true spirit should be similar to a soul-guiding battery."

Although both Tang San and Bibi Dong knew that the immortal true spirit could never be replaced by something as simple as a "soul guidance battery", but it was the foundation of a person's true self.

But currently they cannot access that level, and there is nothing they can do.

"Then, we should try our best to avoid the shaping of souls in the future, otherwise people will be like mass-produced living soul guides, except that people have memories and emotions." Bibi Dong did not say much on this topic. , which can be regarded as agreeing with Tang San's decision. "This is natural." Tang San nodded. After all, who would have thought that not only the body could be cloned, but the soul could also be copied? This is really a terrible thing.

There are too many unknowns in this universe...


Two years passed in a blink of an eye.

The six outer cities of Wuhun City have become more and more prosperous, and their area has further expanded by 0.2 times. This is mainly because the two empires have restricted the outflow of people, which has led to the decrease in the population of Wuhun City.

But development is still continuing, especially in the Soul Guidance Technology City, which already has the flavor of a real industrial revolution, with all kinds of novel soul guidance devices emerging one after another.

Two empires——

On Xingluo's side, it was still the same as before. They were fighting over whether to research weapon-type soul guides and the development was slow. Zhu Zhuqing wanted to use the relationship between his sister Zhu Zhuqing and his brother-in-law Davis to ask Dai Legao for it. An official recruited knowledgeable people and began to handle the affairs of the empire. His Lei Ling popular, no-nonsense style and serious attitude in dealing with people have gained quite a reputation.

Many young people in China regard him as an idol.

In fact, because Zhu Zhuqing did not participate in the affairs of the soul guide, some families hoped to win her over and confront Davis and Zhu Zhuyun...

As for the Tiandou Empire, after Emperor Qinghe established a firm foothold in the past two years, he began to rectify the hereditary nobles and wanted to imitate Xingluo and ban other principalities and kingdoms.

As soon as this news came out, the heads of many small countries united to form the "New Tiandou Alliance", abbreviated as: New Tiandou Federation. It was led by the Barak Kingdom and submitted letters and proposals many times, hoping that Xue Qinghe would take back the order.

However, Xue Qinghe insisted on carrying out large-scale reforms in Tiandou territory. She even thought that this was an opportunity. When she put down the rebellion, her prestige would surely reach its peak. Even if she recovered her female body, there would not be many people. Care - Anyone who dares to care is not one of our own and can be killed.

As for Emperor Xue Ye, he has been lying in bed for nearly a year and will die in a few days.

However, the sadness of the emperor is that when he is about to die of illness, even the people around him are few who are truly sad. When he really dies and is buried, there may be a lot of people who are not relatives or friends in front of him. Come to express condolences.

Regarding the split of the Tiandou Empire into the original Tiandou and the new Tiandou, Wuhundian said that he would not participate in the civil strife of Tiandou and was only responsible for resettling the displaced people.

This also made the people in Tiandou respect the Wuhun Palace even more, while they had quite a lot of complaints against both the original Tiandou and the new Tiandou. They complained more about Emperor Qinghe than the nobles of the new Tiandou.

After all, the common people didn't care what the upper-level plans were, they only knew that Xue Qinghe's orders led to the split of the empire and worsened their living environment.

In terms of propaganda methods, the methods of Xin Tiandou's old nobles are no worse than Xue Qinghe's.

If Xue Qinghe didn't stir up trouble, they would just endure it, but she not only wanted to set up an imperial examination based on merit, she also wanted to deprive them of their status as hereditary nobles.

Especially the latter, I absolutely can’t stand it!

This is to cut off their foundation!

Then we can only rebel, no, I hope Emperor Qinghe can understand that only with nobles like them, this Tiandou Empire can exist stably and long-term!

(End of this chapter)

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