Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 424 Stepping into Douluo’s territory

Chapter 424 Stepping into Douluo’s territory

"how so!"

Looking at a huge monument erected outside Xiaohai City, the text on it was carved by Marshal Ge Long. It objectively described the battle situation in short words.

Xu Huang's face was ferocious, and he tightened his fists. His momentum far exceeded that of Contra, and it was like a roaring mountain and a tsunami, overwhelming the nearly 10,000 Sun and Moon troops behind him.

No wonder Xu Huang was so angry.

Originally, he came to this land with the intention of conquering, but who would have thought that the last batch of Sun and Moon troops who came over were all captured, and You Hongchen and others who arrived three or four days in advance were all captured. Kill.

Those are twenty-six titled Douluo!

Twenty-one were below level ninety-five; three were above level ninety-five; one was at level ninety-eight; and the only peerless Douluo at level ninety-nine in the empire, You Hongchen, also died in battle!

When did Douluo Continent become so terrifying?

Even if we are defeated, shouldn't we surrender? So many titled Douluo, killed at the drop of a hat?

Through Xu Xing, Xu Huang also knew that this Douluo Continent was different from what he imagined. There were multiple time travelers, and even the "protagonist" was no longer the original Tang San, but it was clear that according to Xu Xing As said, there are still two major empires and one martial soul hall on the Douluo Continent, so the plot trend should not change too much.

But what is the situation now?

Don't tell him, in the five years since Xu Xing left Douluo Continent, earth-shaking changes have taken place here, and some people have even become gods directly.

Or was it done by the being whose soul had reached the divine level?

He is not afraid of god-level power and possesses the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation. However, if the other party accepts the inheritance of the gods of the gods and achieves the status of god, then his battle with himself will definitely fall into the eyes of the gods.

A super artifact from an alien plane, and a super artifact left behind by a creator god. Can that god be able to sit still?

Even a god king would come down to earth, right?

"Your Majesty, don't be angry. It's definitely impossible for one person to kill nearly twenty Titled Douluo instantly." Luo Qiu knew how powerful the Peerless Douluo was, but wanting to kill so many Titled Douluo instantly was just a dream. Is it possible? Those titled Douluo all stood there stupidly, unable to escape?

Unless that person's strength is extremely close to the god level.

"No, it should be true." Xu Huang also calmed down at this time. The reactions given by the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation and King Easton, the Sacred Dragon, and the Eternal Angel within it cannot be false. There is indeed a super powerful enemy here.

Reason told him that he should go back now, wait until he breaks through level 100, and truly controls the creation throne brought to him by the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, then he can set foot on this land and rule the world.

But when we first arrived in this land, we didn’t even understand the specific situation, so we just returned home. Wouldn’t it make people laugh? Although the Sun and Moon Empire has been unified by him, not everyone is convinced by him. There are still many people who hate him secretly, but they can't resist.

Moreover, there are also evil soul masters in the Sun and Moon Continent, and they have even formed a sect that has unclear connections with the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord of the Evil Forest.

"Then what should we do now?" Luo Qiu reluctantly let go of his hand stroking the thick Blue Silver Emperor rhizome on the side, "And, who is this enemy?"  "Lansilver Grass, Blue Silver Emperor, nothing The question is about Tang San that Xu Xing mentioned." Xu Huang's eyes flickered and he named a name. Only this time traveler with twin martial souls could bring the Blue Silver Emperor to such an extent and also control it. The power of creation, after releasing the soul skills, can actually allow the Blue Silver Emperor to exist for a long time.

He was also a time traveler. When he came to this Douluo world, if he hadn't even seen "Tang San" in person, wouldn't it be a waste of time?

At least Tang San's situation needs to be confirmed.

If the other party has already started a divine test or something like that, for the sake of the overall situation, you can temporarily retreat in order to look forward to the future, that is, to regain face in the future.

If the opponent did not take the divine test and relied on his own power to make his soul reach a level similar to that of a divine soul, then it would be easy to say that he could crush the opponent with the power of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation.

After all, the throne of the God of Creation is extraordinary, and its aura is extremely restrained. As long as you don't go to the places where the gods inherit, or erupt with power that can destroy the entire continent, otherwise they won't be noticed by the gods in the god world...


"Third brother, has Xu Huang arrived at Xiaohai City?" Xiao Wu's mental strength was not weak, and she also sensed it. Seeing Tang San staring in the direction of Xiaohai City, she couldn't help but say, "It's true that I'm with you." As said, there is a very strange force blocking the detection of spiritual power, as vast as the starry sky."

Not only Xiao Wu, but also Huo Wu, Guang Ling and Ning Rongrong all sensed that although the mental power of Zhu Zhuqing, Yu Tianheng and others was not as good as that of Tang San and others, the powerful martial spirits they possessed were at this moment It also gave them feedback, which made them feel an inexplicable depression.

Fairy Ju's eyes were also extremely solemn.

In her feelings, the inexplicable invisible oppression was not as powerful as the Pope, but more magnificent, like a truly noble god.

At this moment, Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer emerged from his left hand and turned into a seven-headed chimera, but it was only the size of a palm and climbed onto Tang San's left shoulder.

Austin Griffin did not appear, but the respective wills of the seven heads also showed disdain for the familiar aura, either opening their teeth, staring, exhaling, or howling.

The seven elements, fire, light, wind, water, poison, death, and darkness, plus the "gold" of the Clear Sky Hammer itself, converged together, emitting an invisible aura of destruction toward the Creator. The throne announces its own rebirth.

Among them, the dark element was the seventh element possessed by Jiuhao after Tang San's breakthrough, and it was also the attribute that Austin Griffin could initially possess.

Austin Griffin, who was reborn with the help of the Clear Sky Hammer, could not undergo blood exchange in the conventional sense. Without the influence of additional factors, the attributes of the head were naturally the power that the original God of Scourge could possess.

What's more, for Austin Griffin, the most important attribute is naturally destruction. The other attributes of the head are just icing on the cake and not worth mentioning.

After sensing the aura of destruction, the thirteen star haloes in Xu Huang's body also trembled. King Easton, the Holy Dragon, and the Eternal Angel all realized something and were all shocked.

King Easton: "The God of Scourge, who represents destruction, really exists in this plane, and is closely connected with the fate of the being who has the power to create the world!"

Holy Dragon: "How is this possible?!"

Eternal Angel: "What method did that human being use to control creation and destruction at the same time? Can even Austin Griffin control it? Or, last time, Austin Griffin was attacked by a dragon Haochen had so much influence that his personality became a lot gentler?"

(End of this chapter)

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