Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 432 The Responsibility of Being the Co-Master of Soul Beasts

Chapter 432 The Responsibility of Being the Co-Master of Soul Beasts

When Lan Yinzi saw Gu Yuena arriving and wanted to ask about that kind of thing, his expression could only be described as [subway, old man, mobile phone].


The dignified Silver Dragon King actually asked such a question. Isn't it a bit too ridiculous?

"Well, I have memory loss and can't remember it." Lan Yinzi sneered and gave this reason instead - as long as you don't think about it, you have amnesia, and there is too much pornographic garbage in the memory of the original owner, and she doesn't care. Dare to recall... For a pure woman/girl like her, it was too "dirty".


Gu Yuena didn't believe it, and felt that Lan Yinzi was just making excuses, but plant soul beasts and animal soul beasts were not the same category, and she couldn't care less about the fact that she didn't express submission in the bloodline sense.

What's more, this blue silver is a special situation?

Therefore, Gu Yuena ignored this topic and got down to business: "Didn't Tang San talk about the matter before he asked his little goblins to 'work'? Come on, come with me to the Sea of ​​Souls" I'm patrolling near the city. I'm very interested in that moonlight elf. He's not a human, but he can practice in human ways. I really should study it."

In this Douluo Continent, all non-human extraordinary creatures, that is, creatures that can cultivate, whether they are native or from other planes or spaces, will be counted as soul beasts, and they will lose their souls after death. ring.

Unless you appear in a place similar to the inheritance of gods like the Killing City, you can avoid the local rules of Douluo Continent.

But as a race of non-human blood, the Moon Night Elves can avoid the rules of this world just by looking different... This is precious research material for Gu Yuena.

If we could figure out the key and copy it to the soul beast group, it might be a possibility to prevent the soul beasts from being killed by human soul masters.

Perhaps the last two races will still compete for living space, but at least the soul beast race should be able to exist for a longer time, and she, the co-owner, can find ways to cultivate more ferocious beasts, thereby increasing the number of real races.

From Tang San, she learned a lot, that is, the foundation of the soul beast clan is indeed too poor. The only ones who can be called clan members, except for the ferocious beasts, are those hundred thousand year soul beasts.

But there are too few hundred thousand year soul beasts on land, and those guys in the ocean don't obey their orders.

Although humans have many bad habits, they have advantages that spirit beasts and fierce beasts do not have, which is the courage to explore the world and change the environment.

Soul beasts and ferocious beasts also have the power to change the environment, but they will not do that. Thousands of years of growth only allow them to adapt to the changes in the environment, and they will not have the idea of ​​​​subjectively transforming the surroundings in their minds.

The longer she stayed in the human world and the more she learned, the more Gu Yuena became worried about the future of the soul beast clan... even though she often said in her heart that it was a matter of her true nature.

But it is undeniable that the relationship between her and the real body is not that split, they are completely the same existence.

As a co-leader, it is impossible to really let go of the responsibility to the soul beast, and I am sorry for their expectations.

Sometimes, Gu Yuena would think that if Tang San didn't teach her so much and just pampered her as a cute little girl, then even if she abandoned the soul beast clan and chose to live happily with Tang San in the future, she would feel happy in her heart. There will be no guilt.

Except for Di Tian and Zi Ji, who were considered the same race, she actually didn't care much about the other soul beasts.

It’s just that I don’t want to live up to their expectations...

That's it.

after all--

Which stipulates that if they regard themselves as masters, they must help them?

Who stipulates that as one of the split bodies of the Dragon God, he must bear the responsibility for the rise of the soul beast?

Before his death, the Dragon God also stipulated that if the Dragon God does not appear, all spirit beasts cannot become gods.

The Silver Dragon King, who inherited half of the Dragon God, besides wanting to take revenge on the God Realm, also wanted to find a way to return to the God Realm after recovery in the future, take back the other half, devour it, achieve the position of Dragon God himself, and break the destiny of the previous Dragon God. According to the rules, the soul beast no longer needs to suffer the heavenly calamity and can cultivate itself to become a god. This is what Gu Yuena expected when she returned to the soul beast.

As for most of the ferocious beasts and 100,000-year-old soul beasts except Di Tian and Zi Ji, they did not willingly accept Gu Yuena as their co-master. They were just subdued by Di Tian. In their eyes, whether they were It doesn't matter who swallows whom in the end, the Golden Dragon King or her Silver Dragon King. They just hope that the Dragon God will reappear and break the curse of the catastrophe.

It's that simple.

Even if hundred thousand year old soul beasts and ferocious beasts possess human wisdom, the knowledge they have cultivated in an unchanging environment for thousands, ten thousand, and one hundred thousand years means that they are destined not to think so much.

The instinct of the weak and the strong makes them destined to succumb or surrender to stronger existences.

But in the past few years following Tang San, I have learned more things, thought about more problems, broadened my knowledge, and looked at problems from a higher perspective, and I have discovered that things are not that simple after all.

The meaning of life lies in survival, reproduction and adaptation.

Different types of soul beasts can only live in corresponding environments, which is adaptation.

Human beings modify the environment and build houses, which is also adaptation.

It's just that one passively accepted nature's adaptation, while the other took a different path and gradually allowed the natural environment to adapt to them.

Who is better and who is worse?

Gu Yuena felt that humans were superior, but Tang San said that it couldn't be seen in a short time. After all, human courage can also be labeled as "seeking death" at certain times... It needs to be viewed from a longer-term perspective. To view it dialectically...

Back to the point.

Anyway, Gu Yuena felt that if the soul beast could not drop the soul ring after death, it would at least greatly weaken the human soul master. Even if humans develop a new training system in the future, when that time comes, humans and soul beasts will The forces should be able to approach a balance, and then in the confrontation, the two major races will develop in an upward spiral.

This is from a "God's perspective."

Maybe a little arrogant.

But as a god——

Isn't it normal to be arrogant?

What a big deal!

For now, the Moon Night Elf is a very crucial research material. Even if it is killed, doesn't Tang San still have resurrection skills? Can be reused.

Tang San would not randomly experiment on innocent living people, but it didn't matter to the Fallen, and the other party was an enemy of the Sun Moon Empire and an invader from the Douluo Continent, so he should be the same as a Fallen, right?

Moreover, as the co-leader of the soul beast clan, isn't it a matter of course to protect the soul beasts from being harmed by visitors from other worlds whom you identify with?

With this thought in mind, Gu Yuena used her spiritual consciousness to observe the side of Xiaohai City, and finally found fourteen people sneaking out from there.

Not to mention, the ninety-eighth level Moon Night Elf's use of dark elements is meticulous. With those thirteen Soul Douluo, he is completely hidden in the dark night. It is difficult for ordinary ninety-nineth level peerless Douluo to do so. Discover.

If she hadn't been the Silver Dragon King and had a strong sense of dark elements, she might not have discovered it...

(End of this chapter)

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