Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 445 How to obtain fairy spirit

Chapter 445 How to obtain fairy spirit

The war is over.

After Tang San defeated Xu Huang, Ge Long organized his army and, together with the armies of the other three major forces, launched a general attack on Xiaohai City.

When the number of strong men far exceeded the enemy, even if the enemy's soul-guided weapons were more advanced, it would be of no avail. Xiaohai City was recaptured in just one day.

All the tens of thousands of Sun and Moon troops became prisoners and were detained.

Luo Qiu and the thirteen night elves followed Tang San and others. After all, they were able to win a complete victory because they sneak attacked and killed nearly thirty generals behind them.

Therefore, these fourteen people have left the Sun and Moon membership and joined the Wuhun Palace. They can be regarded as representative figures who have abandoned the dark and turned to the light.

"Thanks to Earl Yinlan for this battle, our army's losses have been minimized." Marshal Ge Long thanked him, but was helped up by Tang San and said: "Marshal, you're welcome, it's just within my ability."

Seven days later, Tang San returned to Wuhun City with the Wuhun Army. There was already a large group of people outside the city to greet them, mostly residents of Wuhun City, and the personnel of Wuhun Palace were basically maintaining order.

Only then did Tang San discover that when the war started, someone had used a soul-guided photography device to record it, especially the scene where he [sitting on the Soul Seal Throne of Wisdom and Spirit, "kneel down" in front of the enemy's command] , was even played on an open-air screen, and it was even said that some people actually knelt down after seeing the scene.

Avid fans are not advisable.

But now, Tang San still showed a different attitude from Hu Liena and others, waving to the crowd.

"Do you enjoy this?" Hu Liena's attitude was relatively cold, and she would not respond too much to people she didn't know.

"Enjoy?" Tang San shook his head and continued to wave to the people calling his name, and explained, "It's just that they shouted so enthusiastically, I have to respond to their expectations. Anyway, it's just a move of my arms. It costs Not much strength."

"Is this so?" Hu Liena thought thoughtfully, feeling that she had learned this from Tang San. She also waved to the crowd and found that her admirers were shouting even more excitedly at this moment!

"Lord Saint!"

"Lady Hu Liena!"

Hearing them shouting even harder, Hu Liena couldn't help but break out a trace of cold sweat on her forehead. If it was a soul master competition, it wouldn't matter. After all, the competition venue was far away from the auditorium, but now she was so close to the residents on the street. I couldn't accept it...but at this time I could only bravely wave and show my closeness to the people.

"It seems you are not used to it." Tang San smiled, patted her shoulder, and comforted her: "As a leader, you are more approachable to the people than me. You can't often sit in a boring studio in the future. , you need to go among the crowd more often. Whether you are practicing or working, you have to balance work and rest."

"Thank you very much for the reminder." Hu Liena said angrily, "You only need to do the research you like, but I am miserable. I need to manage the affairs of the huge Wuhun City, but I am not as free as you. Even with the assistance of the Divine Seal Throne of Wisdom and Spirit, I am still very busy every day."

After entering the inner city, Tang San went to the Pope's Palace with Xiao Wu, Guang Ling, Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing and others. However, Gu Yuena returned to Hunwu Manor first. After all, she was not going to crusade against the Sun and Moon enemies this time. one of the candidates.

After Bibi Dong praised everyone one by one, she asked Tang San and Fairy Ju to stay.

"Tell me, how do Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo separate?"

Although today's Ju Fairy/Mr. Ghost is more powerful and has two souls, when controlled by Ju Douluo, he is Chrysanthemum Fairy, active during the day; when controlled by Ghost Douluo, he is Mr. Ghost, active at night.

The division of labor between the two is clear and they can work around the clock.

But in Bibi Dong's view, one person is not as useful as two people after all.

"There is nothing we can do for the moment. The spirit bone armor avatar completely fuses the spirit with itself. It is not a simple release or possession state." Tang San shook his head, "In this case, use the spirit fusion technique. , it will not simply make the two people's martial souls compatible, but also make the two bodies intertwined." "Furthermore, his/her body is no longer a pure flesh and blood body, but presents a kind of Semi-energetic, between flesh and energy, the intertwining is very complicated."

"To put it simply, the three elements of essence, energy and spirit are completely integrated together. To separate them perfectly, I'm afraid it requires god-level power, and it also requires an accurate judgment of each person's essence, energy and spirit."

After hearing that she needed to reach god-level power first, Bibi Dong immediately stopped thinking about separating Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo. After all, she didn't want to be noticed by the gods.

What's more, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo seem to like this state very much, so keeping it as another example of practice and observing it is also a good choice.

"Then let's do this for now."

Bibi Dong waved away Ju Fairy and said to Tang San: "Didn't you say you need my help? Why did you solve it by yourself? Moreover, judging from your appearance, it doesn't seem to be particularly difficult. The strength you unleashed is better than ordinary people." A first-level god."

"Just in case." Tang San laughed twice, and then said seriously: "You must have felt the arrival of God Shura, right? Compared with him, what do you think your chances of winning are after becoming a god?"

Bibi Dong couldn't help but tighten the scepter in her hand, and said coldly: "Not even 10%..."

The aura of God Shura was extremely powerful, and the murderous intent contained in it made Bibi Dong frightened just by touching it with spiritual power, as if he would be killed at any time.

Although she has also condensed the golden elixir of qi and blood, the core of soul power, and the spiritual spirit, and the soul has also been condensed, she is still far from being able to compete with God Shura in terms of power.

The energy of the Douluo Star's heaven and earth cannot be compared with the spirit of the gods in the divine world. Even if the energy in the spirit beast illusion is similar to the spirit of the spirits, it is difficult to make up for it.

And Bibi Dong understands even more that after human beings on the mortal planet inherit the divine throne, they do not inherit all the power of the divine throne at once. They need to ascend to the divine world and absorb the energy of the immortal spirits to supplement the divine body after becoming a god. Only when there is a vacancy of energy can one truly inherit the divine throne.

God, to carry out activities, also requires energy.

The energy of heaven and earth in the lower realm can no longer meet the requirements of gods. Only the high-quality energy of fairy spirit can supplement and support the activities of gods.

This is also one of the reasons why the God Realm stipulates that people in the lower realm need to ascend to the God Realm after becoming gods.

In addition to preventing gods from having too great an impact on the human world, if they do not ascend after becoming gods, they will not be able to obtain more energy supplies and will suffer from "malnutrition". In more serious cases, they will "starve to death".

If you want to avoid "starving to death" without ascending, you must find other methods, such as occupying and replacing the core and consciousness of the planet.

After all, the planet itself contains a huge amount of energy, and it will also instinctively absorb the energy in the universe and purify it... Maybe in terms of quality, it is still not as good as the spirit energy of the gods, but it is worse than a lot, and it can feed several people. God, no problem.

In short, after becoming a god, the divine body is no longer adaptable to a low-energy environment and needs to survive in an environment with more energy and higher quality.

However, Bibi Dong could sense that Tang San's theory of the cyclic universe between the golden elixir of qi and blood, the core of soul power, and the spirit of the soul, forging the body into the universe and condensing the soul into the soul, would be a real success after At this time, it may be possible to actively absorb any energy in the universe, and it can survive in any environment without being unsuitable due to energy concentration.

"Is it 10%?" Tang San sighed, "Fairy spirit energy, this kind of high-quality energy, is really not comparable to ordinary energy, but it is not impossible for us today to obtain it."

Bibi Dong's beautiful eyes moved. It would take an unknown amount of time to truly cast the physical universe. After all, the energy transformation and circulation circuits of the golden elixir ring, the heart core ring, and the spiritual ring have not been summarized yet.

And if the spirit energy can be obtained, although it will not improve the efficiency and progress of the technique, the high-quality energy will allow her to satisfy her "empty" body in advance when she reaches level 100.

"any idea?"

(End of this chapter)

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