Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 464 The progress of the little werewolf

Chapter 464 The progress of the little werewolf

In the next three years, Little Wolfman, Xun'er, Dake and others followed Tang San and others and traveled through most of the Dragon Island, constantly challenging the strong along the way.

The little werewolf's fighting skills are also improving little by little, from being unfamiliar to being proficient, and gradually honing his own fighting method.

It is a kind of combat technique with vibration as the core, supplemented by the fighting skills of the Howling Moon Wolf lineage, forming a combat technique unique to him: the Shocking Moon Howling Technique!

A very straightforward name.

But since his debut, the little werewolf can be said to have won every battle. Seventh-level and eighth-level powerhouses have all been defeated by him. Even the ninth-level powerhouse, he can remain invincible for half an hour. defeat!

Even in a certain battle with a ninth-level one-star powerhouse, the little werewolf broke through on the spot, condensed his bloodline core, reached the seventh-level one-star realm, and remained undefeated for an hour.

At this point, the reputation of the Moon-Shocking Wolf King: Peter Jack Truss Griffin has spread throughout Shenlong Island!

A genius who transcends the level of competition!

Shenlong Island is not without them. For example, the dragon clan can fight beyond three to six stars, but they are all within the same realm, but the little werewolf is different, it is a bigger realm!

The little werewolf's previous deeds of breaking off his engagement were also revealed.

For a time, the Nether Wolf clan who had gone to the Xiao Yue Lang clan to break off the engagement lost a lot of face, especially the Nether Wolf's little princess: You Yue, who went to break off the engagement in person, was even more ashamed.

She never expected that just over ten years after the three-hundred-year promise, the other party had already broken through to the seventh level, while she was still wandering around the first level and two stars.

It’s not of the same magnitude at all!

When Youyue was thinking about whether to go to the little werewolf to apologize, the little werewolf was already immersed in the joy of becoming stronger and completely forgot about the three hundred years' agreement.


Who is that?

do not know.

He now has a more ambitious goal, which is to reach the ninth level, then break through the ninth level, and then challenge the sacred dragon.

Since this is what the God of Creation expects, then he must fulfill this expectation for the teacher and tell the God of Creation that some of the orcs who grew up under His protection are now able to be independent and no longer need to live in infancy. To explore a higher realm, a wider world, and a more distant future!

Just thinking about these "chicken soup" that Tang San instilled, the little werewolf couldn't help but be excited. After all, for a werewolf over a hundred years old, he was in the most lively, active and passionate period, full of youthful atmosphere. , full of energy.

It is precisely with this momentum that in the next twenty years, Little Werewolf seemed to have no bottleneck and continued to improve.

For Dake, Xun'er, Mengmeng and Niannian, the little werewolf is like being directly empowered by heaven and earth. There is almost no bottleneck in his cultivation. He continues to challenge and improve until his cultivation reaches the ninth level and nine stars. Stop.

Such rapid progress made the entire orc tribe unbelievable, and they all speculated whether the little werewolf had received the favor of the Dragon God. Otherwise, there was no way to explain why it was progressing so fast.

The Howling Moon Wolf clan found the little werewolf again and hoped that he would return to the clan to take charge.

With a ninth-level and nine-star strongman sitting in charge, the Xiaoyuelang lineage will surely flourish and become the strongest person in Shenlong Island and Beast King City second only to the Sacred Dragon clan.

However, the little werewolf refused. After all, the power of the family members had already chilled him.

But without waiting for further persuasion from the family members, the little werewolf launched a challenge to the three powerful ninth-order nine-stars of the Holy Dragon clan, one against three!


"Then Griffin actually wants to challenge the Holy Dragon clan. They are said to be the heirs of the Holy Dragon!"

"And he challenged the three most powerful men at the same time!"

"I think he's floating!"

"Only those who dare to challenge themselves are truly strong in fighting spirit!" "······"

After the orcs learned the news, they were either filled with admiration, ridicule, or regret.

But the little werewolf had no time to pay attention to these words, he was focused on fighting Tang San. This was his entrance examination——

"Shocking Moon Blade!"

The little werewolf leaped into the sky and let out a loud roar, and everything within a hundred miles turned into darkness. A crescent moon was suspended behind him, emitting a bright white light, and there was a strange rhythm around it. Distorting space.

If you look carefully, you can find that the moon blade is surrounded by countless silvery-white rays of light. The entanglement and beating between them are not the same kind of static energy blade.

Everything is in motion.

The little werewolf's understanding of vibration can be said to be superb, and he applied it to his attacks.

"not bad."

Looking at the blow that was shooting towards him, with a diameter of more than a kilometer, and countless vibrating energy particles on the surface of the moon blade, Tang San couldn't help but admire, "Using the law of vibration, my own domain also vibrated, and Condensing a part of the high-frequency vibration power on the moon blade, breaking through all obstacles in the air, and even using the energy in the air and the vibration frequency of the material as a counter-propulsive force to speed up its speed again... In this way , even an ordinary god-level powerhouse cannot escape this blow."

The realm was the result of the little werewolf's bloodline power inspired by the Howling Moon Wolf King after he broke through to the seventh level, and appeared spontaneously. It is not much different from Tang San's predecessor of the realm of life and creation: the blue and silver realm, both of which were inherited. ability.

After the little werewolf controlled the vibration, he also used the power of this domain in other ways.

For example, right now, Tang San not only had to face that thousand-meter-long vibrating moon blade, but the surrounding space was also beating at a certain frequency, restraining Tang San's body.

Normally, Tang San could only resist this move to shock the moon blade.

But when it comes to vibrations, Tang San is also an expert. When the little werewolf was comprehending the vibrations, Tang San was also comprehending, and with the [Heavenly Way] trick, the level of comprehension was deeper.

Facing the moon blade that seemed to cut through everything with the power of vibration, Tang San did not use his martial spirit. He drew a circle in the void with his hands, using the technique of controlling a crane to capture a dragon, twisting the invisible energy and exerting vibration, as if forming two The yin and yang fish flow around each other and shatter the vacuum.


When the vibrating moon blade touched the yin-yang fish, the vibration frequency on the moon blade seemed to be affected. It was distorted by the vibration of the yin-yang fish used by Tang San, and then the entire domain space seemed to be distorted by that The spiral yin-yang fish rotates, gradually vibrates and breaks.

"go with!"

Tang San twisted his arms, and the Yin-Yang fish was pushed out, covering the little werewolf. In addition, the vibration frequency of the surrounding space has been controlled by the spiral vibration frequency of the Yin-Yang fish, so that the little werewolf could not avoid it. Can resist this move.

Use the other person's way to return the other person's body.

"Ah! Teacher! Have mercy on me!" The little werewolf's body was frozen in mid-air by his own domain. He felt the vibrating vortex like stars exploding and exclaimed.

(End of this chapter)

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