Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 468 The Cultivation of the Universe

Chapter 468 The Cultivation of the Universe——

"Speaking of which, do you know the role of faith?"

Eternal Angel talked about this matter, "For gods, faith is the foundation for ensuring their own existence. To put it more bluntly, it is the key to ensuring that their own consciousness will not be annihilated."

Tang San shook his head and put down the tea cup: "I would like to hear the details."

"God himself is eternal, and physical immortality is as long as he has enough energy to support body movements..." The eternal angel slowly said Xin Mi, "However, God's will is not, so, in The word "nearly" is added to the description of God's eternal life because God's will does not exist eternally."

"In the vast universe, there are countless divine realms."

"Most of the God Realm exists in a special dimension. The time flow rate is different from other mortal planet planes. One day in the God Realm is one year on the mortal planet. This is often the case."

"The reason is simple. If we really go through that long time, God's will cannot bear it and he will go crazy."

"Those beasts that became gods are better off, because before they were born with spiritual wisdom, they didn't have too much self-thought. Everything was just for survival. After the birth of self-thought, if no one taught them, their habits would be the same as before they were born. The spiritual intelligence is not much different from before. Although the intelligence is no less than that of humans, they do not often use their brains to think. This is why beast gods can endure longer than human gods."

"Eternity is actually a curse."

"The creatures in the Eternal Realm may seem ignorant to you, but this is the price they must pay for their long lifespan."

“Too much knowledge and too much knowledge is not a good thing.”

Tang San listened silently, unmoved, only waited for him to finish speaking, and then asked quietly: "So, this eternal realm has existed for so long, and has been floating in the vacuum of the universe for so many years. Have you ever seen a civilization that developed technology?"

The Eternal Angel thought about the meaning of the word "technology" and asked tentatively: "Do you mean those civilizations in the world without cultivation that through research have created spaceships that can sail in the universe?"

"So you guys have met before." Tang San smiled.

"I've seen it before, but whenever I encounter that type of plane, the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation will stay away from it under the guidance of the will of the universe." When the Eternal Angel said this, he seemed to have remembered something. , a trace of fear appeared in his eyes, "Those civilizations are all violent invaders. They are obviously weak in body and do not have any extraordinary strength, but with the weapons on the spacecraft, they can blow up a planet plane with one blow."

Tang San was silent for a while, realizing that this universe was dangerous, but then asked: "Then, do you think, why does the will of the universe guide the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation to stay away from those planes when it encounters them? "

"I don't know." The Eternal Angel shook his head, "But the Lord of Eternity believes that it is the will of the universe that has given up on those planes. It is hopeless and cannot be saved."

In this regard, the Eternal Angel, the Holy Dragon, and King Easton all firmly believe that the kind of civilization that can destroy the material of a plane with weapons is the destroyer of the universe!

How can there be any future in this kind of plane?

There is no cure!

Furthermore, the three of them have unconditional belief in the Eternal Lord. Even if the Eternal Lord says that those civilizations are bullshit, they will believe it unconditionally. After another silence for a while, Tang San slowly said: "By the way, have you ever considered that the reason why the will of the universe doesn't let you save those planes is because they don't need to be saved?"

"After all, from the perspective of the entire universe, the total amount of matter and energy inside is in a constant state, but they can be transformed into each other."

"It is only for the intelligent beings within the civilization that the utilization efficiency of matter and energy is insufficient, which will lead to shortage and instability. When the development reaches a certain stage, they must look outside."

After realizing that the soul is composed of the soul shell and the immortal true spirit, Tang San guessed at the fundamental purpose of cultivation - to understand oneself.

For the current Tang San, it is important to improve his energy, spirit, and other aspects, but what is really important is to improve his soul and burn all his information into the immortal true spirit.

Perhaps only in that way can we achieve "Today we know that I am who I am"!

And based on the imitation of the universe through one's own practice, does it also require a practice to recognize the existence of the entire universe?

The way the universe understands itself needs to be carried out through the development and research of intelligent creatures on various planets——

Therefore, for those beings who want to destroy the planet and eliminate intelligent creatures, such as demons, abyss, etc., the will of the universe treats them as diseased cells, or bacteria, viruses, etc., then they naturally need "immunity" "Cell", that is, beings such as the Creator God, went to eliminate it.

After it is cleared, the Creator God needs to leave and cannot stay in that plane for too long. Is it because the consciousness of the universe is worried that the powerful power will stay for too long, so that the intelligent creatures native to the plane do not intend to develop, but only want to move towards the plane? The Creator God contributes faith to get everything they hope for?

This is absolutely no different from the development of civilization.

The more he thinks like this, the closer Tang San feels that he is closer to the truth, and those gods will set rules similar to "gods cannot interfere with the human world". Maybe they don't know these, but the will of the universe and the environment of the universe are still Through some things, he warned them, thus passively influencing them to set similar rules.

But it's okay not to be safe. After all, those gods are not ruthless and sexless, and they cannot be impartial and selfless.

After sharing his guess, Tang San ignored the surprised look on the Eternal Angel's face and continued, "The will of the universe guides the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation to save the plane, but stipulates that it cannot stay for a long time in order to allow The plane has a peaceful and stable development environment.”

"Those civilizations on the planes without extraordinary power do not need your rescue. Moreover, they can use matter to create spacecrafts that sail the universe and explore the truth of the universe. At least from the perspective of utilization efficiency and cognitive level of matter and energy, it is very important to them. The self-awareness of the will of the universe far exceeds ours."

"Creatures have a will, and the universe also has a will."

"We can cultivate, why can't the universe cultivate? Perhaps, the development of civilization is the cultivation of the will of the universe, and He himself will clean up the existence that hinders the development of civilization in His own way."

The twelve wings of the Eternal Angel trembled with excitement, excitement, and fear. Even the wings covering key parts were exposed, scattering silver-white holy light.


Perhaps for the eternal angel, this is her true pure gesture!

(End of this chapter)

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