Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 470 The Past of the Eternal Lord

Chapter 470 The Past of the Eternal Lord

"Isn't it better to be so straight to the point?" Tang San stepped forward and looked at the other party's body, "It is said that you are dead, with only a spiritual thought left. I didn't expect it to reappear in this way. It's quite strange."

The Lord of Eternity smiled, and the starlight on his face seemed to tremble, and he said naturally: "I thought you would ask questions like [Am I wearing clothes]?"

Are you wearing any clothes?

Tang San said that there was no need to ask, the Lord of Eternity was naked, wearing nothing, and even though he had a good figure, normal people couldn't afford any sexual desire with this appearance.

"Since this is what you expected, let me ask, are you wearing any clothes?"

However, Tang San still responded to the Eternal Lord's wish.

"Sorry, no." The Lord of Eternity also showed his mischievous side, then regained his composure and said calmly: "Next, let's start the final assessment. If you win, then everything here will be lost. You, the scene that has not changed for thousands of years is indeed a bit boring and boring... Come on, bring some fun to my long life."

Why does this sound like the speech of a villain?

King Easton, the Holy Dragon, and the Eternal Angel respectively stood around the Eternal Angel, each emitting three different auras——

The power of nature contains the purest breath of life.

The power of life represents divine wisdom and powerful power.

The power of the stars refers to the endless power of elements and the vastness of the universe.

At this moment, the three turned into the purest energy and injected it into the body of the Eternal Lord.


A crack appeared on his skin as smooth as glass, revealing a white light.

Then came the second crack and the third crack...

At the last moment, the Eternal Lord's whole body was covered with lines like spider webs, and then his whole body burst into white light, and a burst of energy filled with vast aura erupted, shaking away the cracked shell on the outside. Go out and turn into pieces like fragments, suspended in the air on the entire platform.

The light emitted from the Lord of Eternity slowly converged, revealing skin as transparent as crystal, and finally turned into snow-white skin, just like the skin of an ordinary woman.

And her body was naturally covered with a gauze skirt, with two orbs suspended on both sides, connecting the two sides of the gauze skirt's tail.

Above the orb, there are two pale golden butterflies, with glittering light spots emitting around their wings, like a dream.

However, what attracts the most attention is the three thousand star threads of the Lord of Eternity, dancing without wind and casually scattered behind the head, as if each one was made of the most dazzling stars in the starry sky.

Is this a woman?

Do not!

This is a work of art!

When ordinary people see this, they won't feel any blasphemy at all, they will only show a look of shame.

"The God of Creation turns out to be a girl." Tang San praised.

"Huh! What's the point? I'm a girl too!" Austin Griffin was unhappy.

"Are you also a female?" Tang San remembered that in "The Divine Seal Throne", Austin Griffin transformed into a man, but the conversation with Long Haochen did reveal a specious gender. Full of love.

"That's because I imitated Long Haochen's appearance!" Austin Griffin said angrily, "I didn't want to go against him at first. Who knew that bastard was so rigid... Forget it, let's not talk about him , now, let me out, I will kill this bastard woman who abandoned me, and treat it as if you have withstood my challenge to you, how about it?"

Facing the Lord of Eternity, Tang San had no intention of using the Clear Sky Hammer. After all, even if the Lord of Eternity at this time obtained the three origins of nature, living things, and stars from King Easton, the Sacred Dragon, and the Eternal Angel, his strength was still not as strong as at its peak. Period one two.

But conquering Austin Griffin is also necessary.

"After all, you are also one of my abilities." Tang San agreed, but he would not let Austin Griffin really appear. At most, he would appear in the form of the Clear Sky Hammer and the Purple Gold Nine Hao Battle Armor. After all, according to Austin Griffin From Riffen's description just now, it seems that the relationship between Him and the Lord of Eternity is not as simple as twins.

"Tang San, this is the real me——"

As the Lord of Eternity spoke, she raised her white arms upwards, interlocking her fingers to make a lotus shape, and the fragments suspended in mid-air on the platform were suspended behind her, turning into a strange halo of light.

This halo is divided into two parts, one is vertical and the other is horizontal. The horizontal halo wraps the vertical halo. Viewed from the front and north, it forms a "cross" shape, which is extremely special.

But Tang San could feel the strange aura emanating from this wheel of light. Among them, the horizontal wheel of light seemed to be infinitely large and infinitely small inside, with the power of the universe, and the vertical wheel of light, It seems that the sun, moon and stars are circulating, starting over and over again, endlessly.

There is no doubt that it represents space and time. The horizontal light wheel wraps the vertical light wheel, which means that time is born in space, and time is meaningful because of the existence of space.

"This is the artifact I used before I found the throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation and before I achieved the realm of creation. It's called the Time and Space Wheel."

The Lord of Eternity held up his right hand, and the light wheel with a diameter of more than ten meters behind his back turned into a meter in size, floating above the palm of his right hand, spinning leisurely.

"I am not a born God of Creation. I was once a human being like you. I received the Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation the day after tomorrow, but I can be said to be the first master."

"And the winged men, orcs, and elves are the races of the world where I was born. I brought them into the eternal realm because I didn't want to be alone after becoming a god... This was my initial thought until I found out The power of faith."

"King Easton, Holy Dragon, Eternal Angel, their angels are not outstanding. When they stayed in the previous plane, their strength only reached the ninth level. According to Douluo Continent, they are only at the Title Douluo level... After leaving the plane called the Holy Demon Continent, after countless years and absorbing part of the power through a time and space turbulence, he broke through to the god level, and then relied on the power of nature, the power of living things, The power of the stars combined with the power of faith accumulated over the years has condensed the corresponding god position, achieving the first-level god level in the god-level strength planned by the upper plane god world of this world."

"In the beginning, the sacred dragon was just an earth dragon with low bloodline. I raised him from a young age and had deep feelings..."

"The Eternal Angel is originally a winged person, and her cultivation talent is not very strong, just because she is my closest follower and has been with me since I was a child. With my encouragement, she regards me as the target to catch up with..."

"And King Easton... The original controller of the power of nature is not him, but the Elf Queen: Alice. It's just that she can't stand the eternal pain, and she doesn't want to restrict the freedom of the elves and let them force their faith in her. , so every once in a while, she erases her memory herself. For this reason, the power of nature makes King Easton, the most loyal follower besides Alice..."

At this time, the Eternal Lord was not in a hurry to take action. On the contrary, he was like an elder who wanted to share all his experiences with Tang San... No, this tone did not sound like an elder, but a friend.

Tang San did not interrupt, but acted as a loyal listener, listening carefully to the other party's story.

"To be honest, I am very happy to see someone able to find a truth that I have never imagined." The Lord of Eternity suddenly showed a smile, "If you win, can you take me to chase the realm of the universe? After all, I am just a ray of the soul of the Creator God. Although I have all his memories, he has passed away after all, and I am another independent existence... I have no relevant evidence for this, but somewhere somewhere I feel that I have lost the most important thing."

"By the way, the same is true for Austin Griffin who lives in your hammer. Although he retains the memory of the last time he is reborn after death, in fact, he is not the original one after each resurrection. ——”

"Death is a strange thing. Even if you are reborn and have the same memories, you cannot say that you are the same person."

"I'm afraid you can only understand this when you reach my level."

However, Tang San already knew the reason, which was that there was an immortal true spirit in the soul.

For the entire void of the universe, perhaps that is the true foundation of a living being, not memory, because this thing can be copied and fabricated.

Take the gods of the divine world as an example.

If a god dies, but his soul and consciousness still remain and are divided into multiple parts, and each part grows again, then each of them is an independent individual, and they all think that they are the original god.

This method is not so much resurrection as it is the preservation of memory. The immortal true spirit that represents the essence of life has already escaped into the void at the moment when the soul is broken. After the soul is resurrected, there is just another indestructible soul. The True Killing Spirit just got into it.

But the soul cannot be compared to a simple soul guidance device, and the immortal true spirit cannot be regarded as a soul guidance battery that can be replaced at any time.

Listening to Tang San describing the form of the soul shell and the immortal true spirit, the Lord of Eternity was slightly stunned, laughed at himself, and then said: "Didn't you expect that you actually know the reason?"

"I just saw the performance and made some guesses." Tang San denied that he had found absolute evidence. After all, he only saw the existence of the immortal true spirit. He didn't know its specific nature and situation, so he couldn't make a decision on his own. .

"It's too rigorous." The Eternal Lord sighed.

"Only in this way will inspiration flow endlessly, and cultivation will not encounter bottlenecks." Tang San had a different view, "In my eyes, cultivation before level 100, whether it is mental power, qi and blood, or Or soul power, they are just accumulating the amount to transform themselves."

“While not worth mentioning, it is also the foundation of the most important thing.”

"It's quite contradictory."

The Lord of Eternity smiled: "There are so many contradictory things in the world... It seems that we have a lot in common."

(End of this chapter)

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