Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 474 The right choice?

Chapter 474 The right choice?

There was a hint of expectation in Tang San's righteous words, which made the Lord of Eternity suddenly realize that human beings are really a multi-faceted race.

My former self...or my predecessor, my past life, was also a human being, but the self that had all his memories could not truly understand the diversity of human beings after all.

Choose Tang San——

That's right.

"You are overthinking and not dedicating yourself."

"Oh, it turns out it's not the case." Tang San showed disappointment.

You are so disappointed!

The Lord of Eternity secretly took a deep breath, and the stars on his body also flickered. It took him a while to calm down, and said: "After you truly refine the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, I will temporarily suppress it until you obtain it." Only after the eighth soul ring will it truly be fused with your Blue Silver Emperor and become your ninth soul ring."

Tang San wasn't too curious about the fact that the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation could be turned into a spirit ring. After all, they were all super divine weapons, and having more diversified abilities wasn't unacceptable.

But why should it become a soul ring?

"Of course it's to make it truly blend with your martial spirit."

The Lord of Eternity answered the question, "The six eternal stars transformed by the Sword of Eternity and Creation have been integrated with your Blue Silver Emperor. The main body of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation naturally needs to be so Do it, and once it is completely integrated, it will belong to you forever, and the soul ring rules of Douluo Continent can be used in any plane."

"Like you said, we don't understand technology, but we can use it."

"The Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation is a treasure independently conceived by the universe. It is one of the rules of the universe and is above all rules."

Tang San was thoughtful, and finally nodded, suddenly realizing: "So what you said before about following is exactly what you meant. Sacrifice it to me together with the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation."

"After all, I have now become the soul of the throne of eternity and creation." The Lord of Eternity said rather roguely, "According to the rules of Douluo Continent, any extraordinary creature that is not human can be recognized as a soul beast. , the soul ring can be dropped after death. By temporarily suppressing the rules of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, I let it adapt to the rules of that plane, turn it into a soul ring, and integrate it with your Blue Silver Emperor. No matter how easy it is, But that’s it.”

"At that time, the aura of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation can be completely covered up. Even if the gods of the God Realm notice you, they will only think that you are imitating."

"After all, you yourself controlled the power of creation back then, and when you fought against Xu Huang who controlled the throne, the gods also saw it, and it was easy to explain... They would not embarrass a talented person too much. Potential colleagues.”

Tang San sat on the throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation. The six eternal stars surrounding the Blue Silver Emperor's pearl emerged and disappeared into the back of the throne.

Suddenly, the ancient throne burst into holy light, revealing its true form.

The originally dark appearance turned into a white jade-like color, and the whole body released a magnificent nine-color light. When it shined, it did not appear chaotic at all. Circles of light gradually formed behind the throne, reflecting each other. There are subtle reliefs on the back of the chair, with the sun, moon and stars at the top, birds and beasts in the middle, and scenes of nature connecting the seats, giving people an unparalleled sense of beauty that connects the previous to the next.

On the armrests of a pair of seats, there are sculptures of a sacred dragon and a twelve-winged angel respectively.

As for King Easton...


King Easton: "..." I'm not worthy?

However, after control of the throne of eternity and creation truly belonged to Tang San, the statues of the sacred dragon and the eternal angel slowly dissipated into nothingness.

The Lord of Eternity said: "The power of nature, the power of living things, and the power of stars are the core of the divine power that comes with the throne of the divine seal of eternity and creation. Now you have become the master here, and these three are condensed into the divine throne. , naturally belongs to you and can be provided to your followers.”

Tang San frowned slightly and asked, "What will happen to the three of them?"

"They are followers of the God of Creation. If they lose their status as gods, they will naturally not be able to live forever." The Lord of Eternity sighed, but there was no pity. Perhaps it was because He was not the same as the original God of Creation. , even if they have memories, they don’t have much emotion towards them. “But fortunately, they have reached the level of gods. With future efforts, they may be able to gather their own gods...”

That's what he said, but the Lord of Eternity has no expectations for these three people. After all, if he can gather his own divine status, he doesn't have to stay in the eternal realm to eat and wait to die.

"Is that so? That's fine, the lifespan of gods is quite long anyway." Tang San nodded slightly. After all, these three people will still live in this eternal realm in the future, and the energy here is similar to the spirit of the gods in the world. Although it is a little worse than that, it is still enough for them to live until the end of the world.

When the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation was completely refined by Tang San, the thirteen eternal stars bloomed brightly in turn, floating around the pearl on the top of the Blue Silver Emperor, like petals holding up the pearl, and the stars arched over the moon. Generally, the pearl is enshrined in the center.

Thirteen strands of energy shot out from it, forming a huge ring with a diameter of more than a kilometer, like a flowing Milky Way, converging into a circle and enveloping the Blue Silver Emperor.

Its huge energy also caused Tang San's first seven spirit rings to emerge at that moment, and began to evolve continuously. In the end, each spirit ring reached the million-year level!

Wu Lin, Wu Tong, Ling Yun, Alan, Ji Fire Tianmeng, Ji Ice Tianmeng, Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion, etc., were all constantly improving their cultivation at this moment, reaching the god level.

Tang San could even sense that this dazzling soul ring, which was like a river of stars, had not yet truly taken shape and was in a relatively illusory state.

Apparently the Lord of Eternity suppressed the energy, preventing it from being truly absorbed by Tang San's Blue Silver Emperor. He needed to obtain the eighth spirit ring first.

In fact, it wasn't difficult to gather a spirit ring with the Eternal Lord's ability, but considering that Tang San might have his own considerations, he didn't prepare for it.

"It seems that the fusion is very successful. Your Blue Silver Emperor has a strong life force and can absorb the power of the earth and the light of the sun, moon and stars. It matches well with the attributes of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation. Even if it cannot be obtained To this throne, in the distant future, you can also become a super artifact level existence." The Lord of Eternity sighed, "Following you may be the most correct choice."

At this time, Tang San had already felt the improvement brought by this soul ring of eternity and creation, and couldn't help but smile with joy, but he still suppressed his excitement and said to the Lord of Eternity seriously: "The right choice? This is not necessarily the case. , who dares to say that he is right until he reaches the last moment?"

(End of this chapter)

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