Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 485 Discussion on Tang San’s cultivation realm

Chapter 485 Discussion of Tang San’s cultivation realm

"Tang San, did you see it? This is the true face of this woman!" The Clear Sky Hammer emerged from Tang San's left hand, split open, and transformed into Jiu Hao with nine heads.

Because Tang San's strength reached level ninety-nine, the Clear Sky Hammer that accompanied him also grew into its peak state, namely: Nine-Headed Chimera.

Fire, light, wind, water, poison, death, darkness, nirvana, destruction.

Among them, the first five attributes are inherited from the last rebirth, and the death attributes are derived from the experience of hunting down the fallen Norman and first seeing Yun Shu; destruction is undoubtedly Austin Griffin itself.

As for Nirvana, it was because Tang San's Blue Silver Emperor absorbed Feng Wutong. In order not to fall behind the Blue Silver Emperor and gain the ability to continuously evolve, Austin Griffin borrowed part of his origin to recreate Nirvana. , fixing it as the attribute of the eighth head, in order to chase the Blue Silver Emperor.

"Haha, aren't you just another me? Why are you so excited?" The Lord of Eternity didn't pay attention to Austin Griffin's ridicule. Instead, he chuckled, "Or, for Tang San, he often uses me instead of you. , jealous?"

"You're the one who's jealous!" Austin Griffin yelled, "You're just a latecomer, occupying the Blue Silver Emperor. I followed Tang San when he was young. Can you compare?"

"Tsk, tsk." The Lord of Eternity laughed contemptuously, and got back into the Blue Silver Emperor, leaving Austin Griffin roaring outside: "Asshole, why are you running away? Come out here! Damn you guy , even if he is not the original Creator God, he is still as annoying as him! Tang San, don’t believe him!"

Tang San was speechless, ignoring this, carefully looked at Austin Griffin's nine heads, and asked a question: "In you now, are your nine consciousnesses integrated into one?"

"Of course." Austin Griffin's nine pairs of eyes were all glowing purple, and he grinned together, as if he remembered something, and immediately said, "Now, although I have reached my prime, I still challenge you. We need to think about it in the long term, and you can’t directly ask me to challenge you now.”

"What I'm talking about is not a promise... By the way, can it still be divided into nine consciousnesses? I think it's still that cute." Tang San made a request that left Austin Griffin speechless.

"First of all, I am not schizophrenic. Secondly, I am not schizophrenic. Finally, I will not make the same mistake as last time." The scales on Austin Griffin's body were originally made of the Clear Sky Hammer and were pitch black, but at this moment, The expressions on the nine faces seemed to be darker, and the nine pairs of small purple eyes glared at Tang San, "Also, the nine wills are all mine."

"No." The head representing death, Tianshi, suddenly broke free and competed with the other eight heads. "I am an independent individual and only listen to my master."

Tian Shi's voice is similar to that of Austin Griffin, the only difference is that it is much softer.

This head was born by absorbing the collection of soul fragments in the cloud tree. Although it only provided the attribute of death, it usually behaved submissively, but unexpectedly it turned out to be the one with the most personality.

Immediately afterwards, the head representing darkness also became independent, then the five heads of light, fire, wind, water, and poison. Finally, the head representing the attribute of "Nirvana" also became independent again.

Although Nirvana's head was the last to be born, Nirvana was naturally close to Tang San, and was naturally dissatisfied with the ninth head of Austin Griffin, which represented destruction.

"Bastard guys! Do you want to rebel again?!" Austin Griffin was angry, trying hard to control these eight disobedient heads, but in the end he found that he couldn't control it, as if there were extra things in his brain Eight other consciousness bodies——

How can it be? !

Forget it that Long Haochen was so stubborn the last time he met him, his other consciousness was confused, making him really have a split personality... He was obviously on guard, so why didn't he obey again?

and many more!

This is not the real body, but Tang San's martial spirit: Clear Sky Hammer!

"What did you do?" Austin Griffin demanded.

"It's nothing, I just thought that you can be independent, and then, they were really independent... The martial spirit can sense my mind and change. Although the Clear Sky Hammer is not my major martial spirit, but My soul power has increased to this point, and the number of your heads has increased, which can be regarded as continuously strengthening the Clear Sky Hammer, making it closer to my heart..."

Tang San was about to make a long speech when he was interrupted by Austin Griffin, who asked: "Tell me the important point! What's going on with me?"

"To put it simply, the martial spirit belongs to me. Unless I give you freedom, I can make your other eight consciousnesses independent. That is to say, from now on, the status of the nine of you is the same. No longer will I be controlled by just one of your heads." Seeing that Austin Griffin was impatient, Tang San revealed the final result and comforted him, "Actually, this is also a good thing. At least, you two can have a good relationship with each other. Get along, divide work and cooperate.”

"Am I tying myself up in a cocoon?"

The head that represented destruction suddenly regretted throwing himself into Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer. After all, he would really become a patient with multiple personalities!

Involuntarily, Austin Griffin shed tears from the corners of his eyes, remembering the experience of being with his ex. At that time, it was also his head that rebelled against him.

But it's better now. The sub-consciousnesses of these eight heads are all new, and the memories of that life are all in his main consciousness of destruction, which is one of the reasons why he doesn't just think about destroying everything.

"Don't be so pessimistic. After all, you won't be bored anymore. You can chat more with the other eight selves. This way you won't be lonely and your mind will be healthy..."

"Chatting with myself, you can think of it! Isn't this even more lonely? I am really unlucky for eight lifetimes when I meet you!" Austin Griffin cursed, transformed into the form of the Clear Sky Hammer, and ignored Tang San. . "This guy has the gift of arrogance." Tang San muttered, ignoring the trembling of the Clear Sky Hammer, he put it back, took a step forward, and returned to Wuhun City.

So close to the end of the world!

Nothing more than that!

Having reached level ninety-nine, even if he does not use the Fusion Ring, his strength is comparable to that of a first-level god. In addition, he has absorbed the galaxy soul ring of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation. He can control space and do things like a thousand miles in an instant. However, Take it easy.

At this time in Wuhun City, the trial of the Sun and Moon Army had just ended. Emperor Qinghe, Emperor Xingluo, and Emperor Xuebeng Federation were retained by the Pope of Wuhun Palace. He hoped that they would stay in Wuhun City for a while. The reason is: It will only be about three months before the start of the continent-wide Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, and they will not have to come over again then.

The three emperors all thought about it and felt that the empire would be more stable if they stayed here for three months. After thinking about it each, they stayed and discussed the rules of this competition together.

Not to mention anything else, [with the relaxation of the number of participants and the increase in the number of participants], they need to adjust the rules, otherwise the qualifiers alone may take more than half a year.

After discussing in the Pope's Palace for a while, Xue Qinghe suddenly looked directly at Bibi Dong and asked: "His Majesty the Pope, didn't you say that Tang San would also be involved in formulating the rules of this competition? Where are the others?"

Xue Beng also asked: "Yes, where is the Holy Son of Wuhun Palace?"

Dai Legao also showed doubts.

Bibi Dong said calmly: "The Holy Son is busy with affairs. As I said, he will make the rules. He will only assist, not participate in the whole process. Besides, his soul power has reached the bottleneck stage and he is currently hunting soul beasts."

"Oh?" Emperor Qinghe looked at his mother whose expression remained unchanged and continued to ask, "The bottleneck, could it be that Tang San has already broken through to the Contra level?"

"Title Douluo." Bibi Dong glanced at this unruly daughter, said these four words, and then continued, "Honestly, I didn't expect that he would cultivate so fast... ···”

Bibi Dong also knew what happened in the Eternal Domain. After all, the moment Tang San came out of the Eternal Domain, his ninety-seventh level soul power was really dazzling.

And he also brought out two pointed-eared elves.

But Bibi Dong didn't feel jealous. Instead, she was excited about it. She even felt that Tang San was becoming more and more attractive... I wonder if it was because Tang San had stayed in the Eternal Realm for more than a hundred years and truly had the maturity to attract young women. charm.

Putting aside these personal subjective thoughts, what surprised Bibi Dong the most was that the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation actually came with the God of Creation, allowing Tang San to ignore the rule that a soul ring was needed to break through the bottleneck. .

This is simply foul to the extreme!

If a person obtains this throne at the age of six, he can first raise his soul power to the level of a titled Douluo, and then hunt soul beasts.

That way, you can get at least nine soul rings that are over 50,000 years old! And the energy contained in the soul ring is enough to increase the soul power to level ninety-five!

"Title Douluo!"

Emperor Qinghe exclaimed, and his voice even became shrill because of his excitement.

But the others didn't pay attention because they were also shocked by the news revealed by Bibi Dong.

Tang San's talent is obvious to all, and his combat prowess is even more extraordinary, but has half a month passed between the invasion of the Sun and Moon Empire and the current trial? He was still a Soul Saint before, but now he has become a Titled Douluo... something must have happened.

The most likely possibility is that they obtained something from the Emperor of the Sun and Moon Empire to achieve a rapid breakthrough in cultivation, but this was also someone else's trophy and opportunity, so why did they have to ask Tang San to hand it over?

What's more, if they really wanted to be forced, Tang San might be able to defeat the three empires by himself.

Oh, no, it’s two countries.

Emperor Qinghe of the Tiandou Empire was secretly a family member of the Wuhun Palace.

"There's no need to be so surprised. For Tang San, isn't this a piece of cake?"

(End of this chapter)

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