Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 487 Suggestions to Ren Xue: Push the Order of Grace

Chapter 487 Suggestions to Qian Renxue: Push the Order of Grace

Why does Bibi Dong have the worst attitude towards the New Tiandou Federation?

The reason is simple.

The country was split from the Tiandou Empire, and rounding it off, it was a piece of flesh taken away from her daughter. Although she had a small problem with her daughter's opinion, they were connected by blood, which made her subjectively dislike Xue Beng.

Secondly, the New Tiandou Federation is composed of multiple kingdoms within the original Tiandou territory. Xue Beng was only elected and did not control the real power.

Although the military strength of the federation is not weak, it is only comparable to the other three major forces in terms of the number of troops. In other aspects, whether it is the unity of the army or the strength of individual strong men, it is the worst.

There is a titled Douluo: Dugu Bo.

But Dugu Bo personally does not completely belong to the New Tiandou Federation. He only protects the safety of Xue Xing and does not obey Xue Beng's orders.

Therefore, among the few people present, the advice on Avalanche was the least important.

After the rules of the preliminaries were customized in detail, Emperor Xingluo and Xue Beng left one after another, leaving only Bibi Dong, Emperor Qinghe and Tang San in the Pope's Palace.

Xue Qinghe looked at Tang San, then at Bibi Dong, and asked, "Won't Tang San leave?"

"He is one of our own." Bibi Dong said this and said quietly, "You are so incompetent that you actually let the avalanche split Tiandou!"

"Hmph! I didn't expect that the kings of those kingdoms would be so decisive!" Xue Qinghe's voice changed into a clear female voice. The short golden hair under the crown also quietly grew longer, draped down to the back, and her figure became more proportionate. "The situation in Tiandou is different from that in Xingluo. There are too many kingdoms in it. They only submit to Tiandou on the surface, but secretly they have great autonomy."

"If you want to change, it doesn't happen overnight. You are in a hurry." Tang San suddenly spoke, "The imperial examination is indeed good, but it is too advanced. The interest network formed between the major nobles is enough to make you busy, and also It’s just that Tiandou’s foundation is sufficient for you to do whatever you want..."

In fact, if there was a world without demons and extraordinary beings, and Qian Renxue suddenly wanted to change the system from recommendation to imperial examination, she would have fallen into the water and died while boating in the same year.

That is to say, the Douluo Continent has extraordinary power and extremely strong soul power. Otherwise, let alone the division of the Tiandou Empire, Xue Beng would have to lead a group of ministers to force Xue Qinghe from the throne with the recommendation of the heads of those small countries. .

"Tang San, then tell me, what should I do?" Qian Renxue didn't care that Tang San knew her identity. After all, she had been so excited that she forgot that her martial spirit had a connection with Tang San, and she took the initiative. She had revealed her identity as a woman in front of him, and now... since Bibi Dong said that Tang San was one of his own, she could naturally trust him 100%.

"You should first divide the dominance among the small countries." Tang San said leisurely.

"How to differentiate?" Qian Renxue became interested.

"Before Tiandou was divided, all the kingdoms in the territory were hereditary, right?" Tang San asked.

"Yes, their sons will inherit it." Qian Renxue nodded, "What's the point?"

"So these kings only have one son?"

"of course not."

"If there are multiple sons, which son will inherit?"

"Of course he is the eldest son."

Qian Renxue blurted out, and then suddenly realized, "You mean, I can win over those heirs who cannot inherit the position of king? But how to win over them? They can't compete, and they don't have much ability in the first place. It's useless to win over them, right? "

Tang San said slowly: "You don't need to spend real money to win over me. It's enough to issue an order - the order to extend grace." Qian Renxue was stunned and asked hurriedly: "The meaning of extending grace is ?”

"To put it simply, you are telling the kings of the kingdoms in the entire Tiandou Empire that in the future, part of the family's territory can be given to other children who are not the eldest son. After all, those children are all biological, and it is impossible to leave nothing. Right?" Tang San said more straightforwardly, "When ordinary people divide their families, the furniture, houses, and land in the family also need to be equally distributed... Of course, average distribution is only the most ideal state. In most cases, the eldest son inherits. He has a lot of land, but his other descendants will inherit less land.”

Qian Renxue felt her head buzzing and started spinning rapidly——

As a result, the major kingdoms will inevitably split apart, and eventually their area will continue to shrink. When the time comes, it will definitely be easier to control them than it is now.

Moreover, this is a naked conspiracy. As long as she promulgates this decree and publicizes it, even if the kings know the problem, there is nothing they can do about it.

Even if their children are knowledgeable, most of them will definitely not give up their immediate interests to their brothers and sisters.

At that time, whether these kingdoms are inherited by the eldest son, or distributed equally among all children, it will be of great benefit to her to unify the kingdoms throughout the territory.

Let the eldest son inherit. Those children who cannot inherit will definitely feel resentment towards their father and eldest brother, and will naturally side with her, the Qinghe Emperor. Allocating a little to each child can also divide a kingdom and manage it in the future. It must be extremely convenient to get up.

More importantly, after this decree was promulgated, others could not say anything bad about her. After all, she was considering the family ties between the kings and their children!

Tweet the grace order!

What a tweet!

The more she looked at Tang San, the more Qian Renxue liked him. She wished he could keep such a talent in her arms.

"good idea!"

"It can also be used in Tiandou today. After all, some small countries and city lords are acting against me."

Bibi Dong mocked: "Having been the emperor for so long, you can't see things as clearly as Tang San. What a waste."

Qian Renxue immediately became angry: "If you hadn't struck first, I should have conquered Tang San first and unified the continent!"

Bibi Dong chuckled: "Tang San came here on his own, and he joined the Spirit Hall just to conquer for me. I can only blame you for not being as good as others."

Qian Renxue cursed: "Shameless old woman!"


Seeing that the mother and daughter suddenly quarreled, Tang San pretended to be mute after issuing the favor order, wandering in a daze until Qian Renxue woke him up and asked: "Tang San, what should I do next? what to do?"

"Sorry, dear Emperor Qinghe, I don't know much about politics." Tang San said that everything just now was just talk on paper. As a martial arts researcher, what he is best at is naturally research.

"..." Qian Renxue was silent for a while, and then asked, "So, what level has your soul power reached? My...sister said, yours has already reached the Title Douluo level?"

"Level ninety-nine." Tang San told the truth, and showed off his nine spirit rings. The first eight were all golden and had different patterns, while the last one was as if it were cast by the stars, as if it were made entirely of stars. All the stars in the sky are imprinted in it, so magnificent and mysterious that it is hard to extricate yourself.

With just one glance, Qian Renxue seemed to be fascinated——

(End of this chapter)

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