Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 500 Tang San doesn’t need to take action

Chapter 500 Tang San doesn’t need to take action

After learning the rules of the qualifiers, all participating teams were shocked.

"A group of seven teams."

"The venue is on a deserted island overseas?"

"You want us to arrive at the competition location first?"


"Is it because of the invasion of the Sun and Moon Empire that the major empires have a sense of urgency and are therefore setting their sights overseas?"

"Not good! I need to grow a brain!"

Soul masters' physical fitness is stronger than ordinary people, but they are used to using force to solve problems in the past. But once they try to think with their brains, they can also analyze and make some logical inferences based on their existing knowledge.

For example, the rules for the qualifiers are set up in this way, which is most likely related to the invasion of the Sun and Moon Continent, making the major forces vigilant.

After a while, only the audience and some outstanding teams were left in the entire venue. They all watched the running teams displayed on the big screen showing off their magical powers, and listened to the Wuhun Palace referee's actions based on the screen. Passionate explanation——

"Therefore, during the competition, your every move will be in front of the eyes of the entire mainland audience. Therefore, if some people want to make small moves, it is best to consider whether their reputation can withstand the condemnation of the entire mainland residents."

"Okay, without further ado, the participating teams can set off now." Tang San shouted loudly, "By the way, the audience doesn't need to worry about not being able to see the picture. Those photographic soul guides in the sky are It was developed by the soul guide research master of 'Zhu Ri', and with the help of part of my martial soul's ability, the picture can be clearly displayed on the big screen."


The horse might not be able to run as fast as them, let alone riding a carriage.

After saying that, the screen standing above the center of the big fighting arena lit up, showing the multiple teams on the field. Even after the screen was enlarged, it was still clearly visible.

"Of course, carriage rides are also allowed."

"We have cleared all the obstacles on the road. From Wuhun City to the island of competition, it is estimated that it will take three months for ordinary people, but you are all soul masters and soul sects. If you engage in a long-distance race, you should be able to do it in two days. Is it done?”

Some people even drove a soul-guided steam locomotive, leading a whole team, raising gusts of wind and sand, which was extremely cool.

"Now, let's go and reach the competition venue within two days!"

As for riding a horse-drawn carriage?

After the words fell, many participating teams quickly left the venue, running towards the participating islands along the direction of the photography soul guides in the sky.

Some people turned into wild lions, got down on all fours, jumped or ran, and constantly surpassed the players in front.

Someone stretched out his wings and soared into the sky, overlooking the thick smoke below, with disdain and ridicule in his eyes.

There are also people riding bicycles, pedaling like hot wheels, using all their strength, and the speed is not slower than the soul sect in the state of martial soul possession.

It can be said that those who have the advantage of martial souls will use this advantage, while those with brains will use the soul-guided transportation vehicles that have appeared in recent years.

Those who have neither of these can only run hard and honestly. Although the picture effect is a bit messy, this novel scene is indeed refreshing to Bibi Dong, Xue Qinghe and others. Even some of the items, such as bicycles, if this method is used to set up a competition alone, Maybe it will also have a good viewing effect.

Moreover, the bicycle is pedaled. Under the pedaling of the soul master, the speed of this thing is much faster than that of a horse, and it is also easier to control than a horse.

The only drawback is that bicycles are only suitable for traveling on relatively flat ground and are not suitable for appearing on ever-changing battlefields...

"I think this rule is torturing people!" On the Haotian Sect side, the seventh elder suppressed his anger, but everyone else accepted it, and they could not object. They could only say to Tang Xiao, "Sect Master, should we also Let the Haotian disciples take part in the competition?"

Tang Xiao withdrew his eyes from the screen and said to the Haotian disciples participating in the competition: "Let's go! Catch up with them! Then -"

"Beyond them!"

"Beyond them!" X7

The participating Clear Sky disciples raised their right hands high, released the Clear Sky Hammer, and shouted in unison.

This sound almost overwhelmed the noise of the entire venue, and also attracted the attention of Tang San, Bibi Dong and others.

Xue Beng felt that this was a good opportunity to create discord between Tang San and Wuhun Palace and Tiandou Empire, so he smiled and asked: "Your Majesty the Holy Son, it is said that you are from the Haotian Sect, is this true? "

Tang San glanced at Xue Beng, who seemed to be giving eye drops to Bibi Dong, Xue Qinghe and others, and said calmly: "Rumors? Of course they are not credible. As we all know, I was born in Holy Soul Village. Why does the Federation Master not believe the facts and insist on listening to them?" What about a groundless rumor? This is unbecoming of a monarch."

Xue Beng was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "But the Clear Sky Hammer martial spirit owned by His Excellency the Holy Son is the ancestral martial spirit of the Clear Sky Sect."

"How do you know His name is Clear Sky Hammer?"

Tang San raised his left hand, and a purple-black hammer slowly emerged, then split and turned into a nine-headed chimera, only the size of an ordinary pet cat. It was sitting calmly on Tang San's thigh, barking at Xue Beng. The nasal sound seemed to be mocking the other party with disdain.

"Does this look like the Clear Sky Hammer?"

"Federal Lord, please don't tell nonsense."

Looking at the nine-headed Chimera, which was as cute as a kitten, Xue Beng couldn't tell that it was the Clear Sky Hammer. After all, he was not a master of martial arts training, and what the other party said was authoritative.

Realizing that he could not continue, Xue Beng stopped the topic and said with a smile: "It is true that I was careless. I hope Your Majesty the Holy Son will not care about it."

After this little episode, the others didn’t ask any more questions and continued to watch the participating teams on the screen doing their best, but Jiuhao couldn’t bear it and secretly sent a voice message: “Master, do you want me to teach you a lesson? A malicious guy?"

"That's all, he won't be able to bounce around for long." Tang San stroked the sky light in Jiuhao and smiled calmly -

Moonlight Elf Luo Qiu has returned from investigating the news and told Tang San about the New Tiandou Federation. From this, he can deduce:

As far as Xue Beng is concerned, he is just a puppet who cannot control the real power of the New Tiandou Federation. If he disguises himself as a playboy like he did in the Tiandou Empire, he may be able to live a long life in the future.

But he has shown his political ambition and ability, and the heads of the New Tiandou Federation will definitely be wary of him. If there were no other "orthodox" candidates, Xue Beng would have been replaced long ago.

After this competition is over, Qian Renxue's disguised Emperor Qinghe is bound to be cruel to the New Tiandou Federation. However, the New Tiandou Federation does not say that "the emperor and his ministers are of different minds". Each country still operates on its own, and there may be few major conflicts. But if small disputes continue, they will not last long.

Therefore, Tang San didn't need to take action at all!

(End of this chapter)

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