Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 508: The existence of the original "human" is inferred from the multiple awakening

Chapter 508: The existence of the original "human" is inferred from the multiple awakenings of the original martial soul.

"What a wild idea."

Gu Yuena sighed and suddenly felt that since humans can imitate the appearance and energy flow of soul beasts to create cultivation methods and invent soul guides, can soul beasts also imitate humans?


The transformation of the soul beast seems to be a complete imitation of human beings, even transforming its own race into humans.

However, this is due to the rules of Douluo Continent. After all, before the soul beast transforms, it can at most know what a person looks like on the outside, but the inner human organs are not clear.

After transforming, the body's organs are no different from those of humans.

This must be the corresponding rules in the Douluo Continent plane that have set everything.

Speaking of this, Tang San suddenly thought that Tianmeng Ice Silkworm had also reversed the "transformation" process, completely transforming Huo Yuhao's body into an Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion.

I also asked the Tianmeng Ice Silkworms at the beginning, and they only said that they borrowed the majestic energy and used the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion Martial Spirit given to Huo Yuhao to reverse the energy path flowing through the transformation.

In this regard, what Tang San was interested in was not the fact that "human beings transformed into soul beasts", but that in the process of transformation, whether a soul beast transformed into a human being or a human being transformed into a soul beast, it was necessary to transform into a soul beast in its original body shape. To change the body, whether to compress a huge body or to expand a small body, the first step must be to completely energize the body. Otherwise, a slight physical collision can make an originally strong body The creatures are in agony and even die directly.

Martial spirits are between energy and matter, so they are perfect for research.

After all, they have no attributes, so there is no need for balance.

What's more, the kind of transformation that changes the body structure?

The first step is to energize the whole body!

However, Tang San still doesn't understand how a power that is not god-level can be energized?

The plane rules of Douluo Continent?

But rules are rules, energy is energy, and cannot be generalized.

Tang San had a guess, for example: during the process of transformation, the energy of the outside world condensed around the body, forming some kind of special environment.

It's just that there are less cases of martial soul fusion.

Second, they do not have any element attributes.

Other martial spirits with different attributes need to have their attributes balanced to a certain extent before fusion, but this is not required for the main martial spirits.

In a sense, the fusion of martial spirits is also "transformation". It is just the "transformation" of two different martial spirits into one, which is a fusion of energy.

All in all, there is no natural conflict in any integration.

There must be other reasons for this.

But when Tang San studied the original martial soul, he found that there was not much obstacle to the fusion of this type of martial soul. Currently, he can only summarize two reasons:

One, they are all part of a complete body.

If you want to understand the concept, you will definitely need experiments, but it is indeed inhumane to transform people into soul beasts, so the only way to start is with martial soul fusion.

When Huo Yuhao transformed into the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion, the energy from the outside world was indeed chaotic and continued to converge on him. But all in all, the energy was not comparable to that of a ninety-level quasi-titled Douluo.

After all, if a soul master has been practicing for a long time, the meridians in his body will become swollen and painful, and in severe cases, they will burst.

Of course, not all martial spirits can be fused with each other.

such as:

The left martial spirit cannot be directly fused with the left foot martial spirit, but it can be fused with the left arm. And when six people with left hands, left arms, chests, waists, left legs, and left feet held hands and stood close together with their soul powers flowing through each other, they actually had the ability to fuse their martial souls with each other. induction.

But among these six arrangements, remove the one in the middle of the three immediately adjacent to each other——

With the left arm, left arm, and chest removed, the left hand and chest no longer have the feeling of martial soul fusion.

Pull away the left arm, chest, and waist from the chest, then there will be a feeling between the left hand and the left arm, and there will be a feeling between the waist, the left leg, and the left foot.

This phenomenon provides an argument: the martial souls of the original body can be fused with each other, but this fusion has continuity. Once a certain part is broken, the induction of fusion will disappear.

In addition, for soul masters who have their own souls, the fusion of soul power is much easier than those of weapon souls and beast souls. Their own soul power attributes are extremely stable. In most cases, , will not be affected by the attributes of the soul ring.

It is also difficult to fuse the soul power between soul masters who have the same beast soul and weapon soul, mainly because when their souls are attached with soul rings, their own attributes will be affected by the soul rings.

Even in the same big family, the soul rings of the soul masters within the clan are all produced from the same series of soul beasts, but the years of cultivation of the soul beast will also have a stronger or weaker impact on the martial soul obtained after absorbing the soul ring. attribute bonus.

However, the main body martial soul does not have such defects, or in other words, this defect is reduced to a negligible level, so that the soul ring can only provide soul skills, and most of the energy in it is transformed and stored by the main body martial soul. Used for the second awakening, third awakening, etc. in the future.

This is an extremely pure martial spirit. In a sense, it is purer than those pure elemental martial spirits. After all, those elemental martial spirits will also change when they absorb soul rings.

This overturned Tang San's previous speculation about the original martial spirit: the original martial spirit was the result of the original martial spirit in human beings solidifying in the shape of the human body's own organs in the early ancient times.

If this theory is correct, then there should be no essential difference between the original martial soul and other martial souls. They will all be affected by the elements, attributes, and blood of the foreign soul rings and change.

But in fact, the original martial soul is not. On the contrary, it is refining and accumulating the energy in the soul ring, with the hope of launching two or more awakenings at some point in the future.

In Tang San's understanding, this kind of awakening does not mean releasing the martial spirit from the body in that sense, but restoring its true form.

Take the Blue Silver Emperor as an example. Its predecessor was the Blue Silver Emperor. Before it showed its true form, it was in the form of an ordinary Blue Silver Grass. When it transformed into the Blue Silver Emperor, it can be said to be the second awakening. In fact, It is restored to its original posture.

In the same way, the same should be true for the original martial soul.

But Tang San was very happy.

After all, theories are meant to be overturned!

Moreover, the original martial spirit seems to be more pure. Before it returns to its original form, it will not undergo any external changes due to the bonus of the spirit ring like Blue Silver Grass.

This kind of purity made Tang San curious——

What kind of existence was the original "human" that could resist the influence of the bloodline in the soul rings of various spirit beasts... Tang San was sure that this could definitely be traced back to an era earlier than the golden civilization.

The so-called Dragon God, perhaps in the eyes of the original "human", was just a larger lizard.

"Give me some face and don't say that the Dragon God is a lizard, okay?" Gu Yuena rolled her eyes. Regarding the Dragon God, her senses are actually quite complex. After all, if he hadn't messed around in the first place, he wouldn't have been chopped in two. Half... Of course, if it hadn't been cut in half, there wouldn't be a Silver Dragon King like her.

Perhaps, the growth of the soul is far more important than the improvement of cultivation...

(End of this chapter)

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