Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 510 Game 2: Soul ring configuration of the Wuhundian team!

Chapter 510 Game : The soul ring configuration of the Wuhundian team!

In the miasma formed by the volatilization of "urine", Dai Mubai shed tears and shouted: "Xiao Ao, you have the guts to do it with real swords and guns, don't use such little tricks!"

"Boss Dai, this is my soul skill, which is a real sword and a real gun. You can't let me, a food type, fight with you, a beast soul master, in hand-to-hand combat, right?" Oscar, as the releaser of soul skills, is naturally immune. The toxin of the miasma, but his complexion was actually not very good-smelled by the smell of urine produced by his own soul skills.

He couldn't stand the smell himself.

In order to finish the battle quickly, Oscar used his third soul skill while Dai Mubai was weak, spraying out white sticky threads and binding him tightly.

Suddenly, the fishy smell of the water, the nausea of ​​the white threads, and the toxins they both carried mixed together, making Dai Mubai unable to bear it any longer, and fell to the ground with hatred.

Before he finally fainted, Dai Mubai secretly swore that if he had a chance in the future, he would find a way to cut off the other party's lifeblood!

This brotherhood——

No matter what!

On the other side, Ma Hongjun and the other six people were indeed not very optimistic. They were beaten back by the remaining members of the White Tiger Sect, and three of them had even lost their ability to fight.

As a last resort, Oscar joined them, and with the movement skills brought by the Eight Spider Spears, he quickly injected the toxins mixed with the Man-Faced Demon Spider and other insects into their bodies, causing them to fall one after another.

Suddenly, the entire venue booed.

As everyone knows, the truth is in the hands of a few people!

In fact, some people know those members of the Wuhundian team and know their previous soul ring configurations: two yellow and one purple, two yellow and two purple.

However, in the second game, among the participating teams was the Wuhundian team. The revealed soul ring ratio made Yu Xiaogang's pupils shrink sharply!

Just because this group of Wuhun Palace personnel are all in the first, second, and third thousand-year rings, and even the fourth ring is ten thousand years old!

The fourth ring of ten thousand years was revealed in the previous session. It is not surprising that the Wuhun Palace of this session appears, but what Yu Xiaogang and the others cannot understand is how this group of people achieved the first soul ring. Just reach the thousand-year level?


Poison always makes people look bad when they hear it.

Is it possible that Tang San developed a way to discard the soul rings without any side effects, allowing the soul master to peel off the absorbed soul rings and then hunt the soul beasts again?

As his disciple, Oscar is just something that people in the world cannot understand.

Yu Xiaogang was calm. After all, guys with extraordinary talents are always vulnerable to criticism from the world.

But now, they are all three purple and one black, three purple and two black.

In the end, Team Shrek emerged as the winner of the first qualifier.

Flanders, Zhao Wuji and others from Shrek Academy were also a little embarrassed, but Oscar's victory was within the limits allowed by the rules. At most, his soul skills were a little shabby.

As for Tang San and others...

Yu Xiaogang had automatically excluded them from the scope of comparison, and if he really wanted to compare, Yu Xiaogang dared to use his reputation as a guarantee. In terms of lethality and concealment, Tang San was definitely not as good as Oscar's toxin.

For example, he himself, Yu Xiaogang, is a theoretical master of martial arts cultivation. He has such profound knowledge and world-wide talents, but he is not understood by others and has been criticized a lot.

This idea is indeed very tempting, but the consumption of soul beasts is too great, so Tang San will not study this "unsustainable" method, at least not at this stage.

Outsiders cannot imagine "increasing the life span of a soul ring". After all, this touches on their knowledge blind spots.

"Xiao Gang, how do you think the people from the Wuhun Palace did it?" Looking at the Wuhun Palace personnel on the screen releasing their soul rings and showing their crushing power over other teams, Flender's tone deepened, " Judging from the current situation, if our team meets the Spirit Hall team, it may not be able to get into the top three." Oscar is good, but the soul ring configuration of the Spirit Hall personnel is really terrifying.

Yu Xiaogang did not answer, but carefully looked at the effects of the soul skills performed by the Wuhun Palace personnel, frowned slightly, and said: "The power of their first two soul skills does not seem to be equivalent to the thousand-year level... Judging from the current situation , it seems that the soul power consumption is less, and it can be released multiple times."

Flanders also had some understanding of the theory of martial soul cultivation, and said: "The higher the age of the soul ring, the stronger the effect of the soul skills obtained after absorption. However, the power of their soul skills is not equal to the age of the soul ring, but it can Multiple releases...that's really weird."

"Unless—" Yu Xiaogang's eyes flashed, "Their soul rings were not replaced, but the life span was increased based on the original ones!"

"That's right! This is the only possibility!"

"When I was in the Wuhun Hall, I read a miscellaneous article, which was related to the legendary gods: accept the test of the gods, pass it, get the gods' rewards, and increase the life of the soul ring - the power of the soul skill. It remains unchanged, but when used, the soul power consumed is reduced... These people in the Wuhundian team have definitely increased the life of the soul ring."

"This is a new theory that came to my mind: the higher the age of the soul ring, the more powerful the soul skill will be. But after being absorbed by the soul master, if the age of the soul ring is increased, the power of the soul skill will not be increased, but the use of soul skills will be reduced. The soul power consumption of the skill!"

After taking out a pen and paper from the storage soul guide and quickly writing down this theory, Yu Xiao just breathed a sigh of relief, and then became nervous again: "These people in the Wuhundian team have increased their soul ring life. , he should have accepted the divine test, there is a god in Wuhun Palace..."

Speaking of this, Yu Xiaogang looked at Bibi Dong, who was sitting in the center of the VIP auditorium——

That is the successor of God!

[Wait a minute, Bibi Dong, I must train Oscar to become a god! Even if he cannot pass the test of God, he has the Eight Spider Spears that can evolve infinitely and can continuously swallow energy to strengthen his body and enhance his soul power. He will definitely be able to quickly break through the realm and reach the legendary level 100! 】

[As long as it breaks through level 100! Even if Oscar's skills are still obscene, the world will still admire him and redefine "obscene"! 】

In the VIP auditorium, Xue Beng was also curious about the colors of the soul rings of the Wuhun Palace team, so he compared them with Bi Dong and asked: "His Majesty the Pope, what is the matching of the soul rings of the Wuhun Palace team members? That kind of soul ring configuration breaks the best soul ring ratio again, right?"

Best soul ring ratio?

After Tang San's "Evolution Theory of Optimal Soul Ring Configuration" came out, its value gradually disappeared, especially inside Wuhun City, the life of a soul master's soul ring can be determined by hunting soul beasts in the illusion space. The beast comes to ascend.

"This is not a secret." Bibi Dong knew that the moment the Wuhundian team showed off their soul rings, countless people would want to investigate. Instead of hiding it, it was better to tell it openly.

After all, even if these people find out, it doesn't matter.

Without the authority given by Tang San, one would never be able to enter the spirit beast fantasy space.

When people from other empires want to enter the spirit beast illusion space, they must allow Tang San's martial spirit to be planted in their empires, thereby expanding the scope of the Blue Silver Network.

As the Blue Silver Network expands, the starry sky world will also expand. With more users, the spiritual energy gained every day will also increase... This is extremely beneficial to the development of Wuhun Palace.

As for the final control over the starry sky world, Blue Silver Network, [Heavenly Way], etc., it is Tang San... Bibi Dong is not worried that Tang San will betray the Spirit Hall.

The development of Wuhun Palace to this day is mostly due to Tang San's guidance in the general direction of theory——

If Tang San knew that Bibi Dong was praising him so deeply in his heart, he would definitely be embarrassed. After all, Wuhun Palace could develop to this point only because Bibi Dong was willing to listen to Tang San's suggestions and boldly experiment.

Perhaps at the beginning, Bibi Dong implemented Tang San's experimental suggestion with the intention of "destroying the Spirit Hall", but it was not until later that she gradually changed her mind...

But it is undeniable that Wuhun Palace cannot do without Tang San!

"The spirit ring configuration of the Wuhundian team is mainly due to Tang San's development and utilization of his Wuhun..."

(End of this chapter)

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