Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 517 Space Teleport: Coordinates

Chapter 517 Space Teleport: Coordinates

"Lord Pope, is this too sudden?" Xue Beng asked, "Why don't the finals be postponed? Even if the seven teams rush over now... Wuhun City is not close to Xiaohai City, and it is not close to Xiaohai City. The distance to the island where they participate in the qualifiers is different. It will take at least seven or eight days to get there, right?"

"It doesn't matter, Tang San will send them there, and viewers don't need to be disappointed. The filming will not end, so you can watch it with confidence." After Bibi Dong said this, she looked at Tang San who happened to be walking slowly.

"Everyone, get ready." Tang San walked to the platform, and nine spirit rings appeared one after another, eight gold and one chaos. Such a configuration of spirit rings made all the audience present wide-eyed.

Golden soul ring?

What years is that?

And the last ninth soul ring is as gorgeous and mysterious as the starry sky. What level of soul ring is it?

But the most shocking thing is that Tang San actually has nine spirit rings!

He is already a titled Douluo!

"Uncle Bones, what level has Tang San's soul power reached?" Ning Fengzhi couldn't help but ask Bone Douluo next to him via voice transmission.

"I don't know, I can't feel any fluctuations in soul power, but the sense of oppression on his body is no less than that of the Pope of Wuhun Palace. He has probably reached that level." Bone Douluo's eyes were filled with wonder, and he sighed. Extremely, "He is only close to twenty years old, right? He has already reached the peak of a soul master, and with the color of the soul ring, I estimate that he has also embarked on the same path as Bibi Dong——"

"Become a god!" X2

Ning Fengzhi and Bone Douluo looked at each other, both excited.

Ning Fengzhi, in particular, was overjoyed. If this was not a public place, she would have laughed three times.

Who called Tang San his good son-in-law?

"It's true that Rongrong is hiding this kind of thing from us."

"It really can't be stopped. At the Soul King level, he can explode with strength no less than the Pope of Wuhun Palace..."

"I have already opened a space passage leading to Xiaohai City. As long as you step in, you can reach your destination from Wuhun City in just a moment."

Everyone was amazed again.

"Is Tang San afraid of being disturbed? In the last Continental Classic, he was afraid that others wouldn't know his talent and talents, but can anyone stop him from progressing?"

"By the way, when will Rongrong and Tang San officially get married?"

At this time, Tang San slowly raised his right hand, drawing a circle in the void, and a whirlpool-shaped portal with a diameter of about fifty meters appeared in the center of the venue.

The two are already discussing in secret what to name the next generation.

I saw the Wuhundian team walking in first. At the same time, an illusory screen appeared in the sky, recording the figure of the Wuhundian team:


"Perhaps he is worried about being disturbed by others in Tang San's progress."

Surrounding them were various ruined buildings, charred and withered, with no other life except the blue silver grass.

Looking further into the distance, we can see the vast ocean with boundless waves.

There is no doubt that the personnel of Wuhun Palace have arrived at Xiaohai City!

"Such a teleportation method——" Xue Beng trembled, unable to imagine how to deal with an enemy like Tang San.

It would be fine if he could shrink to an inch, but he could still open the teleportation channel and send others there... As long as Tang San was around, Wuhun Palace's combat method was very flexible.

Just imagine, the New Tiandou Federation is about to go to war with Wuhun Palace, and they are discussing in the combat conference room. Wuhun Palace suddenly opens a portal in their base camp, and the Wuhun Palace troops attack Huanglong. How should they respond?

If this ability is used to cooperate with spies and assassins, even if Xin Tiandou can elect countless emperors, it will not be enough for Wuhun Palace to assassinate!

"May I ask the Holy Son of Wuhun Palace, how do you open up space?" Xue Beng wanted to find out the details of this ability in order to find countermeasures.

Although he is not as good as those talented wizards in his cultivation as a soul master, he still understands some principles, such as: any ability has corresponding weaknesses, and as long as the weaknesses are found, they can be targeted.

Xue Qinghe reminded: "Avalanche, this is against the rules."

"Huh!" Xue Beng snorted coldly. He doesn't need any older brother now. Their statuses are equal!

"It doesn't matter." Tang San nodded slightly towards Xue Qinghe, and then explained to Xue Beng, "As long as you control the spatial elements, understand how they operate, and then set the coordinates, that's it."

Xue Beng: "..." I understand, but I don't seem to understand.

Not to mention him, even Xue Qinghe didn't quite understand. Bibi Dong's cultivation level was getting closer and closer to the god level, and he could sense the power of space elements, so he felt a little enlightened by these words.

The key to spatial teleportation is to control the spatial elements. Secondly, it is to understand how the spatial elements operate and be able to utilize them. Finally, it is to set up coordinates to establish a complete channel for perfect teleportation.

For Bibi Dong, the first two conditions are already under control. Only the coordinates are convenient and I don’t know how to set them up...

In fact, Tang San's coordinates were Blue Silver Grass. After all, the Blue Silver Emperor controlled all Blue Silver Grass and most plants, so as long as Tang San could sense it, he could open the teleportation channel.

But there is another prerequisite, that is, [Tiandao] helps to deal with the large number of messy coordinates, otherwise Tang San's own soul and brain will not be able to process so much coordinate information.

Under normal circumstances, even a god cannot remember so many coordinates, and he cannot waste his brain power and soul's computing power on memorizing these unimportant contents.

Therefore, Tang San handed everything over to [Tiandao]. Isn't this external brain that can record all information and grow continuously to help him remember information that is changing and born every moment?

"May I ask Lord Holy Son, how old is the golden soul ring? How many years is the soul ring with the color like the starry sky?" Xue Beng planned to ask some actual content.

"Gold, usually, lasts for millions of years." Tang San did not hide it, which helped the world's respect and yearning for Wuhun Palace, "And my ninth soul ring is more special and can no longer be used. Measured by simple years, it is as eternal as the starry sky."

On the Haotian Sect side, Tang Xiao secretly clenched his fists, regretting more and more that he had given up A Yin to Tang Hao. If he was not a good old man, an outstanding child like Tang San would definitely become the backbone of the Haotian Sect's rise. They don't even need to rely on grandpa, Tang San will surpass grandpa!

This is the disciple that Haotian Sect should have!


Brother Hao, what messy things have you done?

The Seventh Elder opened his mouth, wanting to ridicule, but as a titled Douluo, he would also give a certain degree of respect to other titled Douluo: "Tang Hao gave birth to a good son, but it's a pity that he doesn't know how to raise him..." ···”

All of this is Tang Hao's fault!

(End of this chapter)

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