Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 530: Shura is not the only one who has the final say in the divine world.

Chapter 530: Shura is not the only one who has the final say in the divine world.

"As expected of the contemporary Pope of Wuhun Palace, he is much more courageous than Qian Daoliu." Faced with Bibi Dong's aggressiveness, Tang Chen didn't take it seriously. Instead, he praised him and then said, "However, it's just as you said. , I have become a god, so I naturally don’t have to abide by the rules of mortals. To be honest, that’s——”

"In this world where strength rules the roost, I am the strongest, so I have the final say in everything."

Tang Chen's tyranny was clearly visible at this moment!

Bibi Dong sneered: "Really? Have you inherited the position of Shura God?"

Tang Chen's pain was touched, and he also remembered that Bibi Dong succeeded the Rakshasa God, and might know something about the Shura God, so he said: "The Shura God is the God King of the God Realm. I am not talented enough to inherit it, but I have also exceeded a hundred. Level up and become a killing god under his command."

"I didn't expect that old guy Qian Daoliu is afraid of a guy like you who failed to inherit the divine throne. He is really getting better and better as time goes by. No wonder he can't break through the hundredth level and can only be a priest of the angel god." Bibi Dong expressed his disdain for Qian Daoliu, and then said to Tang Chen, "And you, Tang Chen, don't think that you can do whatever you want after breaking through to level 100. If you don't leave an explanation today, don't think of leaving so easily."

"Young girl, you are not old, but your tone is not young." Tang Chen laughed angrily, but he did not want to fight with her, because if they really fought, the noise caused would affect Wuhun City.

It's not that Tang Chen is kind-hearted, but that gods can't cause large-scale extinction events. Once the movement is too big and the gods notice it, God Shura can't protect him.

What's more, because he can't inherit the Shura God's position, the God King Shura doesn't seem to have very good senses towards him...

If the woman in front of him is easy to win, then that's it. But the opponent's strength is infinitely close to the god level, and there seems to be some kind of magnificent power in his body. If it breaks out, it will not be easily dealt with.

"You will find that my strength is not small." Bibi Dong smiled coldly, and nine hundred thousand year soul rings slowly emerged, and the breath of death was like maggots on the tarsus, entwining towards Tang Chen.

"Hmph!" Tang Chen snorted coldly, and his divine power filled the air. The murderous aura condensed into substance in an instant, covering almost the entire Wuhun Mountain. The grass and trees trembled, and birds and insects fled.

Wuhun Palace has indeed developed well in recent years, but it definitely cannot provide the faith that can condense the divine position. The broader the scope of people's cognition, the less pure the faith, and Bibi Dong's divine position is death... How many people worship the concept of "death"?

The Angel God can reach level 100, relying on the beauty, holiness, and sublimity of angels; the Poseidon can reach level 100 because the faith he draws mainly comes from the creatures in the vast sea, which is a new approach.

Tang Chen, who was at level 100, unexpectedly fell at a disadvantage immediately during a field confrontation with Bibi Dong.

", Rakshasa shouldn't have such a strong aura of death. Could it be that you also created your own god of death?" Tang Chen used his divine power, and the fields condensed with murderous aura collided instantly and dispersed. Bibi Dong's death aura, and looked at Bibi Dong in horror, "It looks like you succeeded in creating it yourself, but how is this possible? Where did you get so much power of faith?"

What does Bibidong have?

How was the god of death condensed? Could it be that he had used some method to steal the faith accumulated by the angel god?

"This is a secret." Bibi Dong found it difficult to talk about this past incident, and would not tell Tang Chen. He just said quietly, "In other words, from just now to now, you have never taken the initiative to attack. Tang Chen is rumored to be domineering. , when did you become so good-tempered?"

The realms of death and murderous aura collided with each other, and for a moment they were evenly matched. Even death was corroding the murderous aura, slowly shrouding Tang Chen.

The power of faith cannot be provided by people pursuing a certain person, but requires human beings to respect that person from the heart and be willing to contribute everything they have, including body and soul, to the other person.

Tang Chen's expression changed and he asked, "Is this why you chose to suppress your breakthrough?"

Becoming a god means not being able to interfere in human affairs.

Is it possible that Bibi Dong knew this a long time ago, so she tried her best to suppress her breakthrough, and would rather be a mortal before accomplishing a certain goal?

"Gods can't interfere with people." Bibi Dong chuckled, "Not only am I suppressing it, but Tang San has also slowed down the progress of his cultivation. As a result, the gods in the God Realm can't do anything to us... maybe Said, they don’t pay that much attention to us two mortals. Just like most people don’t pay attention to the ants on the ground, the same goes for the gods in the divine world.”

Tang Chen suddenly laughed: "This is just your guess, right? Aren't you afraid that I will really challenge the Spirit Hall?"

"If you really had this ability, you wouldn't ask such questions, nor would you secretly come to Wuhun Hall to catch up with your old friends." Bibi Dong calmly put away the soul ring, "Tsk, tsk, it's really It's pitiful that a dignified level 100 expert actually has to worry about the existence of the God Realm and doesn't dare to act rashly." Gods are as powerful as gods.

Everyone has freedom.

At this moment, Bibi Dong faced Tang Chen without the slightest fear or even a trace of respect. Instead, she mocked the other party, fearing that the other party would not take action.

"I can still kill someone." Tang Chen said angrily.

"But you can't kill me within three hundred moves." Bibi Dong said without hesitation, "There will be a big movement, which will alarm the God Realm. The only person who will be punished is you, the god, and I, the innocent mortal, will be punished." .”

"Although God Shura is a powerful man at the level of a God King, he does not have the final say in the God Realm alone, and this Douluo Continent is not his back garden."

"As the god of death under his command, if you know the law and break it, you will probably be guilty of an extra level of crime, right?"

Tang Chen clenched his fists, making a crackling sound. The air around him vibrated and the air flow was turbulent. The entire space seemed to freeze in an instant, but Bibi Dong was not afraid. A huge black and purple scythe appeared in his hand. It is the artifact left to her by the Rakshasa God: the Rakshasa Magic Scythe.

With a casual wave of Rakshasa's training, the solid space was split open, and the purple-black stream of light flew straight towards Tang Chen.


A bloody giant hammer covered with strange lines appeared in Tang Chen's hand, and he swung away Bibi Dong's blow at will, "Sacred weapon! The sacred weapon of Rakshasa God, you actually want to inherit two divine positions at the same time!?"

Bibi Dong held the Rakshasa Demon Scythe and did not pursue him, but said in a normal tone: "Are you surprised? This is the benefit of having two martial spirits, and you-"

"If my prediction is correct, your martial soul, the Clear Sky Hammer, should also be in the form of the divine weapon Shura Sword, right? If you inherit the Shura God and cannot obtain the ready-made Shura Divine Sword, you need to recast the martial soul and condense it into Shura God. Sword, you failed to inherit the throne of Shura God, but the form of Shura Sword should be retained, right?"

"Don't you need to come out?"

Tang Chen stepped forward in the void, put away the Clear Sky Hammer, and hummed: "To deal with this junior, there is no need to use the Shura Sword, and I'm not here to fight you."

After that, Tang Chen left an invitation and ran away without a trace.

Originally, he wanted to go find Tang San and chat with his great-grandson, but at this time Bibi Dong had already noticed his presence, and it was not easy to get into trouble, so it was better to leave first...

(End of this chapter)

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