Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 532 This world of gods will come to an end sooner or later!

Chapter 532 This world of gods will come to an end sooner or later!

After Yang Wudi retreated, only Tang San and Xue Qinghe, or in other words, Qian Renxue were left in the palace.

At this time, she did not maintain her identity as a man and showed her truest side, saying: "Being an emperor is really tiring, especially when you have to disguise your gender, which is even more tiring."

"The path you have chosen, you have to walk with tears in your eyes." Tang San continued.

Qian Renxue was a little speechless: "...Just think of yourself as encouraging me...Tell me, what happened to you just now? I don't believe you would lose your mind during communication."

"Someone has broken through level 100." Tang San told the truth, "Looking at the situation, it's Tang Chen from the Haotian Sect..."

"Tang Chen!" Qian Renxue naturally knew that this peerless expert of the same generation as her grandfather had unexpectedly broken through level 100. Her eyes were solemn, but she quickly relaxed, "It's good that you have become a god. You can't interfere in the human world." It’s a matter of fact, he just put a restraint on himself.”

"What if he doesn't know the rules of the God Realm?" Tang San asked.

Those who don’t know are stupid.

Qian Renxue was stunned for a moment, but then she shook her head and said, "That's better. The God Realm will handle it. At that time, we can also verify whether your and mother's guesses about the gods are correct."

However, when his grandfather only longs for him to become a god, and his mother is cold and violent, and has learned to pretend to be a man since he was a child, it is only logical that no matter how normal he looks on the outside, there is something "perverted" in his heart...


At the same time, after Tang Chen left Wuhun City, he headed straight for Poseidon Island. His unabashed fluctuations in divine power and swaggering figure immediately attracted the attention of the guardians of the sacred pillars of Poseidon Island.

Tang San sighed in his heart and came up with a bad idea: "How about you find a way to offend Tang Chen, and then slowly change into women's clothes afterwards, and finally 'become' a woman, and then declare to the outside world: You have been raped by the Haotian Sect." Tang Chen was punished and turned into a woman."

Because Tang San himself is the general trend!

"Why does it sound's not mine?" Tang San looked strange. He didn't have much contact with Xue Qinghe, right. Does the other party's "collecting desire" be so strong?

"Ahem, I guessed it." Tang San changed the subject rather bluntly, and then talked about another matter, "I heard that you want to resume women's clothing... ah, no, you want to resume your identity as a woman?"

Qian Renxue narrowed her eyes: "It sounds like they want to use me for an experiment to see if Tang Chen will interfere in the situation on the mainland... Also, if I really get in front of him, I can't hide my identity at all, right?"

"So~ I don't have any political talent." Tang San spread his hands, expressing that he was powerless.

Qian Renxue nodded: "If possible, as a woman, I would not want to pretend to be a man. It would be very troublesome, especially in certain aspects of life."

Even beautiful angels still need to eat, drink and defecate.

"Don't try to alienate me from you in this way."

Because the man in front of him, Tang San, has always used upright schemes - to make himself stronger, so that no matter what kind of schemes the poisonous snakes in the darkness use, they are of no avail, and in most cases, those people are still You have to rack your brains to "think twice before leaping", or even give up the original plan directly after "thinking twice" and continue making new plans.

Qian Renxue realized that Tang San said this on purpose, and it was a joke, but more importantly he hoped that she would not think about asking him for advice on country governance, city construction, economic development, and various personal issues.

Tang San stared at Qian Renxue for a long time, until the other person's face turned red and asked: "Is there something on my face?"

Although she also knew that Tang San was only an armchair strategist in these aspects, and was best at the study of martial soul cultivation, the study of the human body, and soul guidance devices; but the more she couldn't get it, the more she wanted, and Tang San herself was extremely powerful. As long as they were willing to stand on her side, even if other people in the world wanted to oppose her policies, they would not be able to succeed.

But just as they were about to take action, they were crushed by Tang Chen's invisible domineering momentum.

"I heard from the Pope that after you became sensible, you never called her 'Mom' or 'Mother'. You always referred to her as 'her', 'that woman', 'sister' and the like." Tang San revealed The aunt laughed, feeling that the "plot" of his change was a bit big, but personally, it seemed to be pretty good?

Unexpectedly, Qian Renxue seemed a little bit amused when she heard Tang San describe it so clearly: "Oh, that woman trusts you quite a bit. She tells you such a thing?"

Then Tang Chen rushed directly to the center of Poseidon Island, to the Poseidon Temple. On the island within the island, there was a pyramid-like building with a thousand and one steps leading to the palace on the top—— Poseidon Temple.

Facing the Poseidon's light, Tang Chen was not afraid at all and stepped forward. Just relying on his momentum, he squeezed away the light that was as steady as the sea and went upwards easily.

The light of Poseidon is just the use of the power left by Poseidon before ascending to the divine world. How can it compare to a real god?

"Tang Chen!" In the Poseidon Temple, Bo Saixi felt the vibration of the Poseidon's light and walked out. When she saw an old acquaintance, she was filled with shock and surprise.

Seeing Bo Saixi, Tang Chen couldn't help but quicken his pace and said, "Xixi, I have fulfilled my promise, I have exceeded level 100, and I am here to find you!"

Bo Saixi suppressed her excitement and said with a dark look, "You are such a fool. Don't you know that I was rejecting Qian Daoliu back then?"


Tang Chen had already reached the top of the stairs and smiled honestly, "It's just that at that time, the three of us had a good relationship. We couldn't embarrass Qian Daoliu alone, and I also prided myself that I could definitely break through to level 100. Realm, no, after all these years, I finally succeeded."

"Now that I have fulfilled the conditions for agreeing to you, will you marry me?"

Bo Saixi, who has been a stay-at-home girl for many years and has never seen the turbulence of the outside world, has the same temperament and experience as an ordinary teenage girl. She naturally nodded in agreement: "I have been waiting for this day for a long time. I thought it was hopeless. But who would have thought that you would actually reach that level, so of course I am willing."

After three days and three nights of intimacy between the two, Bo Saixi said goodbye to the seven guardian Douluo of Poseidon Island and left Poseidon Island with Tang Chen - even though Bo Saixi was the high priest of Poseidon Island and the most loyal to Poseidon. Believer, but Tang Chen is a hundred-level god, and the rules here cannot bind him. The Poseidon in the God Realm can only watch his own sacrifice being abducted.

"Brother, isn't this authentic?" Poseidon found Shura God angrily and wanted to ask him clearly. Such an excellent priest in his family was responsible for offering sacrifices to the inheritors and opening the key to the final inheritance door. So gone... Even if someone is qualified to inherit his position in the future, who will open the final door to inheritance?

Will he go down in person?

Then the mystery is gone!

And he personally opened the door for the inheritor... Doesn't he, the sea god, have no face? He is much stronger than other first-level gods in the God Realm, and his strength is second only to the God King!

God Shura said slowly: "Why are you so excited? Didn't Tang Chen remove the mark of Poseidon from the center of Bo Saixi's eyebrows? Anyway, Tang Chen was only a priest-level being. He had no divine status and was not qualified to lead him a hundred years later. When people return to the God Realm, if they want to stay together with Bo Saixi forever, they can only find a way to find an excellent successor for you, and then let Bo Saixi sacrifice at the end, and his soul will enter the God Realm and be reunited with your help. Shape the body.”

Poseidon suddenly asked: "Is this a loophole in the rules stipulated by the God Realm in bringing people to ascension by gods from the lower realms?"

God Shura raised his brows and asked: "What? Do you want to block it? Then I guess that after Tang Chen comes up, he will fight you desperately. Although he can't survive the relationship and inherit the position of God Shura, he is full of talents and talents. It's not weak. As long as you supplement your fairy spirit and lay a solid foundation in the God Realm, I'm afraid you can reach the level of the main god in terms of combat power, and even hope to be comparable to the god king level. The only difference from gods like you may be that you don't have a god position. , it’s just that you can’t really control the law.”

Being unable to control the laws does not mean that you are weak.

God Shura knew about Tang Chen's past, and was able to create explosive rings, chaotic cloaks, and the Nine Jue of Haotian. If he knew that Poseidon would not open the back door for him, he would definitely form a rift with him. Under that hatred, Tang Chen's talent Talent can once again take over the brain that is blinded by emotion.

Poseidon's breath was stagnant, and he could only accept the loss, and said: "So, I still have to thank you?"

"Naturally, after all, Tang Chen can only stay in the lower world for a hundred years. He must also find a way to find a satisfactory successor within a hundred years... In the final analysis, it is because I am generous and did not inherit my divine throne after he failed. Just throw it away." God Shura nodded proudly, and then became worried, "It is difficult to find my successor. The second guy who is qualified to start the inheritance is Tang Chen's grandson. According to the feedback he brought back from the killing field , he also seems to be an infatuated guy... This family is really amazing."

Involuntarily, God Shura thought that the guy who borrowed his power was also Tang Chen's great-grandson.

"Speaking of this, the core of the artifact I left in the mortal world, the divine will of Poseidon's Heart, was wiped out, and part of my power seemed to have been borrowed." Poseidon mentioned the matter of Poseidon's Heart, "I can't sense it. How is it true? Are you the same person as the guy who borrowed part of your power?"

"It should be." After asking Poseidon about his detailed perception process, God Shura made a guess and said in surprise, "That guy's martial spirit is quite powerful. He can actually borrow the power of multiple gods at the same time. Will he be able to achieve the goal of nine gods in the future?" In one body?”

"It shouldn't be that scary, right?" Poseidon's scalp was numb, and the nine gods were one. Thinking about it, it felt outrageous.

"It really shouldn't be that outrageous, but if it's just a borrowing, it's okay... Well, that guy can be used as an alternative for you and me, but after the corresponding aura is captured by her, it really becomes her own thing. We can’t determine its coordinates, but as long as she doesn’t die in the future, she will definitely ascend to the God Realm. At that time, we will find out about her situation and see her situation. If possible, we can just throw the god status to her." God Shura said rather irresponsibly.

Poseidon: "..." That's it? Return to the God King? Sooner or later this world of gods will come to an end!

(End of this chapter)

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