Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 544 What does it mean to have seen the world?

Chapter 544 What does it mean to have seen the world?

"Without such a blood relationship, you wouldn't be able to contact me."

Tang San told a fact that Tang Yuehua could not refute——

If Tang San was not Tang Hao's son, no matter how outstanding he was, he would not move Tang Yuehua. Even if he still refused to deal with the Haotian Sect, he would still find ways to collect his information, pass it on to the sect, and then let the sect's The man secretly killed him.

After all, before she could untie her knot, she was a blind stubborn person who was brainwashed by the Haotian Sect's proud education. She worshiped her second brother Tang Hao and followed the Haotian Sect's dogma and rules.

"That's how unlovable you are. You don't know how to give in to aunt." Tang Yuehua's eyes turned resentful, "Come to think of it, you haven't even called me aunt."

In response, Tang San calmly changed the topic and brought up Yuexuan's tax issue, which made Tang Yuehua roll her eyes even more. After all, the tax collector (Hu Liena) was still sitting next to her.

Hu Liena couldn't figure out what the situation was between these two people at this time, but she was quite envious of this atmosphere - although Bibi Dong was her teacher and equivalent to her mother, she had never experienced this as an orphan. This kind of atmosphere can be called "home"...

Sensing Hu Liena's depressed mood, Tang San said: "As a saint, while looking high enough, you also need to go deep enough. You can't be so decadent and work hard to build this big family."

"Big family?" Hu Liena was stunned, then her face suddenly turned red, and she said a little shyly: "What are you talking about? What big family? Still in front of your aunt."

Although she usually went to talk to Tang San when she had free time, and he always suggested that she go for a walk among ordinary people, she didn't try too much.

Tang San didn't say whether it was correct or not, and then asked: "So, what is the lowest level situation you saw?"

She has seen, imagined, and experienced the end of the soul master, the future of the Wuhun Palace, the fall of the evil soul master, and so on. In addition, she is still the saint of the Wuhun Palace and checks all kinds of information passed down from below. It deserves to be said:

Well informed.

After returning home, it’s time to talk to Bibi Dong to increase Hu Liena’s workload so that she won’t keep thinking about these male-female love affairs and delay her work.

"Not bad, but for you, the next pope of Wuhun Palace, it's not enough, far from enough." Tang San nodded first, then shook his head, and continued: "I ask you five questions, if you can Only when you tell the answer can you truly be able to stand alone.”

"What's the problem?" Hu Liena became interested.

"Can you take care of the feelings of ordinary people?"

After all, there are enough things to deal with every day, so where can I have the mental energy?

If you don't talk to the one you have a crush on... ah no, you want to catch up with someone and relax, how can you persevere?

Hu Liena was dumbfounded. After thinking for a while, she couldn't come up with a reason. She just said: "This requires experience and standing in a certain position."

Hu Liena was stunned, then immediately maintained a serious look, nodded seriously, and said, "That's what I was thinking, and I think I have enough knowledge."

"What is the highest goal you see?"

Hu Liena did not answer and responded with silence... Although Wuhun Palace has changed a lot, soul masters still have an inexplicable arrogance when facing ordinary people.

"The bottom class?" Hu Liena realized that Tang San didn't seem to be talking about the cultivation of soul masters, but she still said: "Ordinary people who can't cultivate, degenerates massacred the village, and it was tragic."


"Saint of Wuhun Palace." After answering this question, Hu Liena felt a little heavy, because she knew that she had a great responsibility, for the development of Wuhun Palace and for the future of the mainland.

Tang San smiled and said: "That being the case, can we summarize 'what is knowledge'? It's boring here anyway, so I'll just test you."

Tang San asked the third question: "Do you know where you are?"

Dealing with those things is boring!

"Last question, what should you do if there are a lot of things you need to do but you can't finish them in one day?"

"I'm talking about the knowledge of the superior."

Tang San: "..." Come on, this girl is thinking wrongly, but it seems quite normal for teenagers of this age to think about this kind of thing, that is -

"In terms of soul master training? That's level 100, that is, God." Hu Liena thought without thinking, and then thought for a while, and said: "If we talk about people's livelihood, we should let them live and work in peace and contentment without going through war. Our Spirit Hall wants to What we do is to maintain long-term stability on the mainland."

"This, work overtime, even if you don't eat or drink, you still have to complete it."

Hu Liena said categorically, after all, before there was no Blue Silver Network in Wuhun City, and before she had the assistance of the Soul Seal Throne of Wisdom and Spirit, this was what she did, mainly to avoid disappointing the teacher.

"How is it? Am I qualified?" "Just barely." Tang San gave his own evaluation, "But I have indeed seen a little bit of the market."

"Then tell me what you have learned about the world?" Hu Liena was a little annoyed, and she also wanted to hear what fantastic things Tang San could say.

"Seeing the world, in general, can be divided into four levels -"

Tang San stretched out four fingers and said to Hu Liena.

“On the first floor, you know how high the sky is.

Know where the top of this world is, the best food, the most expensive clothes, the richest people, what the most luxurious life is like, how beautiful the farthest places are, and where is the end point of a soul master's training.

Most people's "experience of the world" stays at this level, whether they are soul masters, ordinary people, officials, or disciples of sects. This is also the simplest, just look up. .

The second level is to know how deep the pit is.

Know where the deepest pit in the world is, the poorest places, the darkest hearts, the poorest families, and how humid the darkest corners are.

At this point, most people can no longer do it.

Because you can't see from a distance in a dark place, you need to walk on it personally, stay in other people's quagmire to understand the suffering of others, and know that the lower limit of this world is not what you can know from the information and information written on it. It's about those desperate people who have no way out in the fireworks of the world.

The third level is knowing where [I] am.

The sky is thirty thousand feet high, the earth is thirty thousand feet deep, and a human body is less than seven feet. Where do we stand between heaven and earth?

This question seems simple, but it is actually very difficult because we will be confused by ourselves.

Sometimes we are inflated by the achievements in front of us and forget that we are just standing on a high place and cannot fly. Even if we have flying skills, we will fall to the ground one day; sometimes we are suppressed by the difficulties around us. Become blindly inferior and turn a blind eye to those who live at the lower levels of the world.

"Know where I am" has actually answered one of the three ultimate questions in life.

"Knowing where I am" means knowing your starting point, and it also means knowing your boundaries.

Life will no longer blindly pursue illusions, nor will we self-exile everywhere;

Don’t pursue the highest, don’t give up on yourself, know how to live and practice, and get the results that best suit you.

The fourth level, knowing that the world is still around.

This world is not only divided into upper and lower realms, but also all living beings in the three thousand worlds.

This world is not only high and short, not a one-dimensional line, but an infinite three-dimensional world, that is, it has width.

All living beings in this world are different. They are not above and below us, but around us. Every world has its reasons for existence, and every existence has its darkness and beauty.

Fully tolerate everyone's differences, fully understand every existence, rejoice in the joy of others, and be saddened by the sadness of others.

No longer pursue heights, but pursue seeing all this prosperous world, immersing yourself in the fireworks of the world, and saving all sentient beings. "

Having said this, Tang San paused for a while, looking at Hu Liena who was deep in thought, and then continued: "What does it mean to have seen the world?"

"Actually the answer is very simple——"

“Try to look up high enough;”

"Go down as far as you can;"

"I try my best to know where I am as a mirror;"

"Be fully understanding of all living beings on your left and right."

"Do as much as you can."

(End of this chapter)

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