Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 558: The Son of Luck in the Star Forest

Chapter 558: The Son of Luck in the Star Forest

"Why did you ask me to come with you?"

Looking at the Star Forest not far ahead, Xiao Wu looked at Gu Yuena with a strange expression, "Now I have no relationship with the spirit beast at all, but a complete human being."

"Although I have had the idea of ​​letting Da Ming and Er Ming transform into humans, I haven't implemented it yet, right? There's no need for a soul beast co-master like you to be so petty, right?"


"You also have a crush on Tang San, so you want to steal my position as the eldest sister?"

Seeing Xiao Wu's words getting more and more outrageous, and even looking serious, Gu Yuena's face darkened, and she said: "If you make a joke again, I will really steal it."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, Tang San is getting stronger and stronger, and I almost can't stand it anymore." Xiao Wu stretched out and told dirty jokes, which made Gu Yuena's head full of black lines.

After taking a few deep breaths to calm down, Gu Yuena said, "Didn't you get your ninth soul ring? It just so happens that I will take you to get one this time."

Xiao Wu's eyes became even weirder: "With the help of Third Brother's Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, I am not bound by planes, and without soul rings, my soul power can still break through. Now my soul power has reached level ninety-eight, is there any The ninth soul ring is not a big problem, right?"

"Could it be that--"

"You want to please me, the eldest sister?"

"Hehe, then you can only be the seventh child."

Gu Yuena raised her middle finger towards Xiao Wu, and then said calmly: "Tang San has the blood of both humans and spirit beasts, and is a bridge of peace between the two races. Under the worst situation, I still Want to try to make the two races coexist peacefully? As a 100,000-year-old soft-bone rabbit, you were the first to come into contact with him, and you continued to transform, reaching a point where even I can't defeat you now. ...At least, you can be regarded as representing the destiny of the Star Dou Forest."

"Therefore, I have a plan, or in other words, an experiment, to sacrifice a very special soul beast in the core area to you, so that you can become the son of luck in the Star Dou Forest."

Xiao Wu was surprised, thought for a while, and asked: "Doesn't this show disrespect for that soul beast? Will it be willing?"

Gu Yuena said: "It was her own decision, and she also wanted to take a look at the human world... Don't worry, after she sacrifices, she will show a state similar to that of a soul, and even be able to perfectly retain her body. Similar to your mother Xiaorou."

This is naturally not something special about that soul beast, but Gu Yuena has followed Tang San for many years and has learned about the existence of souls. She feels that with her own strength, she can completely make a soul beast exist as a soul.

In fact, thanks to Gu Yuena herself being a god, she was able to energize the soul beast's body and truly become a part of the soul ring.

Moreover, that soul beast is indeed extremely special. Unnecessary accidents may occur in the future. It is better to sacrifice it to Xiao Wu, Tang San's spouse who will definitely achieve immortality in the future, and use this ride to get there together. That realm also saves countless hours of practice on its own.

How could he not be willing?

"In that case, I am going to take that soul beast away." Xiao Wu was speechless, suspecting that Gu Yuena just wanted to find a bodyguard for that soul beast, "By the way, what kind of soul beast is it?" Okay, if the difference between you and the rabbit is too big, I will turn around and leave without saying anything."

Gu Yuena raised her eyebrows, thought for a while, and said: "It's not a rabbit, but according to the classification, it can be regarded as a distant relative of the soft-bone rabbit. At a rough look, the similarities are quite big, that is, her hair is golden, right Yes, her ears are quite long too.”

According to Gu Yuena's description, Xiao Wu imagined a large golden-haired rabbit, and said thoughtfully: "It's a bit like a variant of the Flaming Rabbit."

However, when Xiao Wu followed Gu Yuena into the core of the Star Dou Forest and saw the spirit beast, she was immediately dumbfounded: "Isn't this the three-eyed golden tiger?" Is this thing distantly related to the soft-bone rabbit?

What a fool!

"They are indeed distant relatives. The soft bone rabbit evolved from the extinct dragon rabbit, and the dragon rabbit has the blood of the golden dragon, as well as the three-eyed golden leopard." Gu Yuena said that it was a reasonable and well-founded statement, which made everyone present The ferocious beasts all nodded frequently, and one ferocious beast even caught a soft-bone rabbit and compared it with the three-eyed golden leopard.

They found that if they looked at it roughly, the facial expressions of the soft-bone rabbit and the three-eyed golden cat were really very similar. Moreover, the three-eyed golden cat's ears were also quite long, and they were just hidden by the hair on the back of its head and neck. It's just that you can't see it.

"You are really 'beast talents'!" Xiao Wu snatched the soft-bone rabbit from Mr. Xiong's paws, held it in her arms, and mocked these guys.

"What does beast mean?" Mr. Xiong asked the King of Ten Thousand Demons beside him.

"Smart people among humans seem to be called talents." The King of Demons said proudly, "This is to praise us for our intelligence."

Mr. Xiong suddenly realized it and said to Xiao Wu: "Oh, little rabbit, there is no need to praise us like this."

Xiao Wu: "······"

These guys are hopeless.

Gu Yuena also held her forehead. If she had not left the Star Dou Forest and gone to the human world, she might have been like these guys, so she said: "Okay, let's skip this matter, Xiao Wu, and the three-eyed golden beast be prepared."

"Wait, before that, I want to establish my identity." Xiao Wu looked at Gu Yuena and suddenly laughed out loud, "I am making contributions to everyone in the Star Dou Forest. Do you need to call me "Little"? Dancing sister?"

"You rabbit, you are too presumptuous!" Di Tian's eyes were unkind, and he was about to teach Xiao Wu a lesson in front of his superior. But as soon as he poked his head, the space above his head began to distort, and a huge hand emerged from it. He pinched Di Tian's neck and pinned the entire dragon to the ground, preventing him from moving at all.

Bi Ji, Zi Ji, Xiong Jun, Ten Thousand Demon King and other ferocious beasts looked at the big hand that pressed Di Tian's body to the ground in shock, and then looked at Xiao Wu doing the same action, all swallowing their saliva.

The soft-bone rabbit, Xiao Wu, can actually crush Di Tian!

What kind of trick does this big hand use?

While the Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape were shocked, they were also overjoyed. They calmly walked behind Xiao Wu and cheered for her: "Sister Xiao Wu is so powerful!"

"Damn rabbit!" Di Tian was angry. As a strong man with pure dragon blood, when had he ever suffered such humiliation? He was actually suppressed by a hand of a rabbit that turned into a human, and it was in front of the Lord.

Is this an attempt to snatch the position of Lord?

However, no matter how hard Di Tian tried, he could not move his neck at all. Even the energy in that big hand invaded his body, creating obstacles in some important energy circulation routes, making it impossible for him to use his huge cultivation.

This is naturally because Xiao Wu has a detailed understanding of the physical body of the Dragon Clan——

How do you know?

Naturally, it was through Gu Yuena.

Moreover, Xiao Wu has also cultivated Yuanshen. With a little exploration, she can see through the flow, transformation and operation principles of all the energy in Di Tian's body. Unexpectedly, Di Tian was instantly killed by her one move. Come out, otherwise if a fight breaks out, Xiao Wu will probably beat Ditian, a thick-skinned guy, until he screams, and it will take three to five minutes.

(End of this chapter)

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