Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 574 Invasion of the Nether World

Chapter 574 Invasion of the Nether World (Part )

Half a month later, all the major forces on the Douluo Continent discovered that Wuhun Palace seemed to be busy, and was also purchasing large amounts of metal minerals, apparently to make weapons.

For a time, all the major forces suspected that Wuhun Palace was going to launch troops against the Tiandou Empire and the Star Luo Empire. But what was even more puzzling was that of the two major empires on the mainland, only the Star Luo Empire had launched defensive operations. , Tiandou Empire seemed to be unable to see the actions of Wuhun Palace at all, and was still proceeding according to the original reform and evolution, as if it did not care about Wuhun Palace's actions.

"Does Empress Renxue of the Tiandou Empire not care about the Spirit Hall?" Davis was also puzzled after learning the corresponding information, "Or is it that the Empress Renxue has already taken refuge in the Spirit Hall?"

"Maybe. After all, she was already close to Wuhun Palace when she was still Xue Qinghe. The Tiandou Empire was able to develop because of Wuhun Palace's help." Zhu Zhuyun brought tea and snacks to Davis, " Up, my sister seems to be heading towards Wuhun Palace, hoping that Tang San's Wuhun will be introduced into the empire for planting, the convenience of the Blue Silver Network, the value of the spirit beast fantasy space, and so on, our Star Luo Empire is already lagging behind Wuhun Palace and Wuhun Palace. Tiandou.”

"A naked conspiracy." Davis pondered for a moment, and finally sighed helplessly, "

That guy Tang San didn't play any conspiracy at all. Instead, he presented his interests openly and attracted people to pursue them... He had a very thorough understanding of people's instinct to seek advantages, avoid disadvantages, and pursue interests. "

"By the way, according to him, it is: people's pursuit and yearning for a better life are the source of motivation."

"He is open and aboveboard, and his conspiracies and intrigues really cannot be brought to light in front of him."

Zhu Zhuyun did not refute, but just said: "How about we agree? Since the Haotian Sect came out of the mountain, it has not clearly stated that it will support our Xingluo, and the Haotian disciples have not come to us. That... God , seems to be not interested in anything secular, and only cares about teaching the disciples within the sect."

"Traders from the Sun and Moon Empire have also come to our territory." Upon seeing this, Zhu Zhuyun stopped mentioning the two things just now, "They said they were communicating with us, but in fact, they were exploring the two empires and the Spirit Hall. Case."

But Tang Chen is a god.

"According to the reply from the intelligence personnel there, there has been no action. It seems that they don't care about these merchants in the Sun and Moon Empire at all." Zhu Zhuyun simply said the collected intelligence, "With the power of Wuhun Palace, there is really no need to care. Tang San alone can probably suppress the entire Sun Moon Continent from lifting its head."

There was a time when I still had the desire to catch up.

"Although I don't want to admit it, the Star Luo Empire is really incomparable to the Wuhun Palace. We still need to strictly investigate the merchants from the Sun and Moon Empire." Davis took a deep breath, made a decision, and was about to summon When the ministers were discussing this matter, they received a message from the junction of the Empire and the Star Dou Forest——

have no choice--

"Has Wuhun Palace taken any action on this?" Davis asked.

As an emperor, he naturally does not want anyone to stand above him.

But now, he can no longer think of any comparison. He can't cross the ravine like an abyss no matter what, and he has no confidence.

The disparity in strength made Davis feel deeply powerless.

"No words." Davis was serious. No matter what, Tang Chen was a level 100 powerhouse and a god. If someone criticized him behind his back, he would not be punished by the gods.

[Monsters appear in the northwest, similar to soul beasts, but can walk upright, and those who are scratched will be invaded by strange energy and be assimilated into monsters... The Star Luo border has fallen! Danger! Danger! Danger! 】

"Danger", in the Star Luo Empire's intelligence office, means that the situation is serious and a war is about to break out, and at the end of this message, there are actually three words "danger".

This means that the Star Luo Empire has encountered a crisis that may lead to the destruction of the country! "Snapped!"

Davis immediately threw the letter in his hand on the desk and rushed to the palace hall to summon the ministers to discuss the monster at the junction of the northwest of the empire and the Star Dou Forest...

In the blink of an eye, another half month has passed, and a desert has formed at the junction of the Star Luo Empire and the Star Dou Forest. The trees are scorched black, the land is scorched yellow, and no normal living creatures can be seen.

The aura from another plane corroded everything within a hundred miles, and even formed a gray-black miasma at the edge. Any creature that was contaminated, whether it was a human soul master or a soul beast, would be corroded by it.

If you can't survive it, it will naturally turn into a pool of pus.

And if you survive it, you won't survive, but will be transformed into an abyssal creature.

Some of the abyss creatures possess wisdom and lead the rest of the transformed creatures in a certain sacrificial pattern, as if summoning a certain existence to come.

As a jet-black light beam burst out from the plane space, a blood-colored egg shuttled through it.


Along with the strong heartbeat, a baby grew rapidly in the transparent blood egg, and continued to plunder the energy of the world of Douluo Continent.


The blood egg shattered, revealing a man with long blood-colored hair. His blood-colored eyes were full of indifference: "Douluo Continent, I, Xu Huang, am back!"

"The strength of level ninety-nine, but according to Dou San's detailed classification of level ninety-nine: quasi-demigod, demigod, and quasi-god, my Blood God Son clone should have reached the realm of quasi-god."

"And there are three thousand such clones, plus me!"

"Haha, Tang San, so what if you are strong alone? How can you fight with me? Not to mention that my original self is already close to the realm of the God King... It's a pity that the original self and the other clones are fighting against the Abyss Saint Lord and other beings in order to prevent God Realm reconnects the space channel of the mainland and builds the Nether World together, otherwise, if we come together, Douluo Continent will be unable to resist."

As he spoke, the Blood God Son's clone looked at the native creatures of Douluo Continent that were infected by the abyss' aura and were kneeling down to him and contributing their little faith. He sneered and wiped out a large area in the blink of an eye.

This is a grand feast of flesh and blood to congratulate him on his return to Douluo Continent!

Those abyssal creatures are not afraid of this, but are extremely fanatical. They wish they could be a member of the flesh and blood fireworks, contribute everything they have, and cheer for the arrival of the great master!
"Ahead is the human city. Come on, kill them all, expand our race, occupy this world, and bring eternal silence and peace to the continent!" The Son of Blood God waved his hand, and countless abyssal creatures howled fanatically. Then, they charged towards the newly established border of the Star Luo Empire in the past half month.

So what if the Star Luo Empire has advanced soul guidance devices?

While they haven't yet developed a device that can protect them from the abyss' aura, they can directly attack them. As long as they are contaminated by the abyss' aura, they will die or be assimilated.

Under the endless resentment, hatred, and hatred, the corrosive power of the abyssal breath is strange and terrifying!
And the Blood God Son himself opened up the plane passage even wider, and led a strange existence with nine heads, thousands of eyes, thousands of arms and eight legs to come to Douluo Continent...
(End of this chapter)

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