Wednesday, morning.

Chen Tao put on a shirt and walked into the elevator with his briefcase.

Qu Xiaoxiao said happily: "Are you too self-conscious today! I didn't even invite you, so you took the initiative to come to the company?"

Andy, Fan Shengmei and Guan Juer were all curious after hearing this.

Because Chen Tao's usual dress has never been so formal.

Either sweats and shorts, or a set of sportswear, whichever is more comfortable.

Chen Tao shook his head and said: "I have other things to deal with today. I won't go to the company. If you have any questions, please call me."

Qu Xiaoxiao pouted: "You are my lawyer, how can you not come to the company to work all day long?"

Chen Tao pretended to be disgusted: "With the little salary you gave me, I can only drink the northwest wind from now on. Moreover, you also make me feel a little dangerous, that is, I may lose my virginity at any time!"

As soon as these words came out, it immediately aroused laughter.

Qu Xiaoxiao was also laughing and denied with a smile:

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm not interested at all in your chastity that I don't even know exists yet!"

Despite what she said, anyone could tell from the look on her face that she was particularly interested.

And what she did was actually to show off to Guan Ju'er.

Andy is not worried. How could a young man under 24 years old come to her?

As for Fan Shengmei, a prostitute, she didn't even care. Unless Chen Tao was blind and his brain was broken, how could he choose her?

Fan Shengmei said curiously: "I heard from Xiaoguan that the girl who sat in your car last time was your sister?"

Hearing this, Chen Tao glanced at Guan Juer, who had his head lowered, and introduced with a smile:

"Yes, she is my aunt's baby daughter. After my parents' accident, my aunt treated me very well. Not only did she care about me, but she also gave me a car and a house. So every weekend I would go over and teach my sister how to paint and do my best. To repay them."

What he said sounded like Natsuki talking about her uncle.

And the girls, like Takumi, didn't think of that aspect.

Andy felt the same way. Her life experience was as rough as Chen Tao's. She was later brought to the United States to be raised. Now she returns to China just to find her brother He Xiaoming.

Fan Shengmei was also very touched. She was particularly envious of Chen Tao's family situation.

Look at this family, even if both parents unfortunately passed away, there is still an aunt who loves him, gives him a house and a car, and he is almost like a biological son.

And what about herself? She is obviously her parents' biological daughter, but she has to act like a cow and a horse to contribute to the family.

There are also brothers and sisters-in-law who seem to owe them something, which is really uncomfortable just thinking about it.

Why can't her lazy brother, like her, learn from lawyer Chen and love her sister more? !

Qu Xiaoxiao was also envious. After all, her brother is nothing.

She smiled and suggested: "Invite my sister over to play when you have time, okay?"

If you want to deal with Chen Tao, you must first deal with your sister-in-law. Qu Xiaoxiao thought very clearly.

However, Chen Tao did not agree:

"No, my sister is still young and ignorant, and is not suitable for contact with fairies. Otherwise, how can I explain to my aunt if she is led astray by you?"

Qu Xiaoxiao hummed: "If I were really a goblin, I would eat you right now!"

As he said that, he glanced at Guan Ju'er secretly again, and saw that she was smiling reluctantly, which made her feel happy again.

Things are divided into priorities. What she has to do now is not to please her sister, but to prevent Guan Juer from disrupting the situation.

Amidst the laughter, the elevator reached the first floor.

Fan Shengmei went out first. She and Andy were not on the same road, so she couldn't give her a ride.

When they arrived at the basement, the four of them first walked to Qu Xiaoxiao's Polo.

Chen Tao couldn't help but complain: "Before we officially talk about the GI project, can you change to a high-end car? Change to a Mercedes-Benz. This can show your strength. Otherwise, who would be willing to cooperate with a person who drives a grocery cart?"

"As long as you have it, I can take your car to discuss business in the future."

After saying that, Qu Xiaoxiao smiled and rubbed against Chen Tao.

Chen Tao put his hand on her head and said:

"Are you too stupid? In addition to showing your strength, buying a luxury car can also be used to deduct taxes and mortgage loans. It's really a small amount of cleverness, but no great wisdom. It's better not to do business in your situation, as soon as possible Stop and get ready to get married!"

Not only was Qu Xiaoxiao not annoyed, but the snake followed the stick and became more and more obsessed with it:

"It's just because I'm stupid that I can't live without you who are smart~"

Andy and Guan Ju'er looked on with their eyelids twitching.

I was shocked by Qu Yaojing's initiative, but also admired Chen Tao's unwavering attitude.

In their opinion, Qu Xiaoxiao is the top succubus, and no man can resist her charm.

Just like Manager Bai, he couldn't help but make a phone call that night.

"Can you please stop rubbing against me? My clothes are all wrinkled by you. After I finish my business, I will go find you and give lessons to your employees."

The main thing Chen Tao has to do is actually apply for visas and passes.

There is nothing to say about this. Chen Tao estimates that he will have to stay in this world for a hundred years, and it is unrealistic not to start a career.

As for his career, he is used to making quick money. Even as a venture capital investor, he feels that money comes slowly.

You still have to rely on speculation.

When Wang Shiyu was on vacation, Chen Tao took their mother and daughter out to play and make more money on the way.

"I also want to take your classes. You teach them during the day and teach me at night, okay?"

Qu Xiaoxiao really couldn't help it. Since returning to China, she has restrained herself a lot. The pressure has been building up and she urgently needs Chen Tao's help to vent.

How could Chen Tao dare to "bully his subordinates and offend his superiors" and take action against Hai Hou? He quickly refused and said:

"No, I'm going to my aunt's house for dinner tonight and tutoring my sister in English."

Qu Xiaoxiao finally stopped pestering, curled her lips and said, "It's really boring."

Next, make your own way.

Qu Xiaoxiao’s yellow polo led the way, followed closely by Chen Tao’s S450L, and finally Andy’s red 911.

According to the plot, Andy will soon be replaced by Paramela, so that the little sisters can sit more comfortably. The gate of the community.

Watching the three cars whizzing away, Fan Shengmei sighed in her heart. She was particularly envious of Andy who drove a small sports car.

Because Andy was one year older than her, he didn't have any troubles with her at all.

Andy doesn't have to hate getting married, quality men will naturally flock to her.

Wei Wei, a rich man in foreign trade, and Bao Yifan, a second-generation rich man, both are Fan Shengmei's ideals, but they are Andy's love dogs.

Moreover, financial tycoon Tan Zongming is also particularly concerned about Andy.

Therefore, among the Five Beauties of Joy, Andy is undisputedly at the top.

Next is Qu Xiaoxiao, a rich girl.

Then there is Guan Ju'er. Her parents are both members of the system and they don't have to worry about life at all.

Then there is Qiu Yingying, her family is quite ordinary.

Her father seemed to be mentally ill, and he expected his daughter to succeed and refused to allow his daughter to return to his hometown to develop.

To be honest, with the money he earns every month, can his daughter afford a house in Shanghai?

Talking about struggle and hard work, why didn’t you work hard back then?

Oh, you didn't have the conditions back then, but your daughter has the conditions now?

Being an ordinary cashier and earning thousands of dollars a month is enough to do in Shanghai.

Still taking the exam? Qiu Yingying doesn't work in an accounting firm or does auditing, so why take the exam? With her brain, how many years will it take to pass the exam?

After passing the exam, go to a firm as a kid in your thirties and learn auditing from scratch? Various business trips and field work?

It's really better to go back to my hometown and take the civil service exam or the public institution exam.

Of course, no matter how ordinary Qiu Yingying is, she is not comparable to Fan Shengmei.

This Sister Fan's salary is okay, but her family is a black hole.

My brother Fan Shengying is not very talented, but he is very capable, and my sister-in-law is also a pure beast.

As for my parents, they can no longer be considered patriarchal.

In their eyes, Fan Shengmei is probably not a daughter, but a donkey.

Just bite her when you're hungry and don't care about her feelings at all.

As for Fan Shengmei herself, she prefers not to cut ties with her family as if she has an obligation.

What makes people even more speechless is that she still wants to find a rich man despite her conditions and being 30 years old?

Well, that makes sense, reality is more magical after all.

Afternoon, half past one.

Chen Tao went to Zhengxin Company and took a look at Qu Xiaoxiao's work, and then held a short meeting with those employees.

At half past two, he drove to Wang's house.

Aunt Wang's relatives came. Instead of doing business with Chen Tao, they told him some interesting things about their daughter.

Chen Tao listened with great interest.

There is no way, Aiwujiwu.


A family of three is eating out.

Wang Shiyu scored well in the exam, so she was naturally in a good mood and had a better appetite.

So we were too full, so the family of three went shopping again.

Not long after shopping, Chen Tao picked up a tie, two shirts, and a pair of white running shoes.

Wang Shiyu also got a beautiful dress and a pair of sunglasses that Chen Tao bought for her, which looked quite classy when worn.

As for Aunt Wang, Chen Tao also gave her a necklace, and her daughter put it on her.

There is no doubt that she will let Chen Tao wear it for her again tonight.

Speaking of her baby face, she already looks young, but thanks to Chen Tao's plug-in, she lost a few years. When I walk with my daughter, I feel more like a sister than a mother and daughter.

Their eyebrows and eyes were exactly cast from the same mold, they were so similar.

at night.

Chen Tao went to the master bedroom on the second floor and did not let Aunt Wang go downstairs.

The moonlight was like water, and the mist was like a dream. The little Aunt Wang nestled in Chen Tao's arms, sighing with joy and contentment:

"A Tao, it's great to have you. Don't leave me in the future."

Chen Tao responded softly: "Well, I won't leave you."

"When you look for a wife in the future, you have to let me check it for you first."

"If I don't find a wife, I will be a non-marriageist."

"What is non-marriageism? It's obviously because you don't want to be responsible."

"You also know this? Then I want to be responsible for you, are you willing?"

"...No, that's not possible. I'm already over thirty, so I can't delay you. I'll find a good wife for you in the future."

"Yes, but you have to give me a daughter as cute as Shishi."

"I...I gave birth?"

"Can't you? I'm going to let you have the baby when Shishi goes to college, so that you won't be bored at home alone."

"But, but..."

"No buts."

"But I, I, I, I plan to write Shishi..."

Chen Tao doesn't want to shut up Ju'er anymore. From now on, he will just watch the show and occasionally participate until the end of the play and everyone leaves.

At this point, the five beauties of joy, everyone has escaped from the hands of the scumbag, and it is a joy to congratulate.

(End of this chapter)

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