Zhutian: Since I was a child, I have been happy to be a father

Chapter 467 Easier than finding a boyfriend

Half past nine in the morning.

1901, study.

Due to her extremely high talent for painting, Wang Shiyu has entered the learning stage of sketching.

After breakfast, she consciously went to the study room to practice today's plaster head sketching exercise, drawing from various angles.

Teacher Chen sat next to her and patiently guided her, just like when he was guided by her.

Aunt Wang was also very interested and sat opposite and watched.

Mainly to watch the interesting interactions between A Tao and her daughter.

When it was almost eleven o'clock, she went to the kitchen to prepare lunch.

Wang Shiyu also ended her practice and asked Chen Tao to accompany her to the living room. Now she had nothing to hide, so she just leaned in Chen Tao's arms and played with her mobile phone, while the bloody drama on TV became the background sound.

After playing with her mobile phone for a while, Wang Shiyu felt a little bored and wanted to play with Chen Tao's. She was not playing a game, but wanted to see what nonsense a certain goblin said to him.

However, the goblin didn't say anything today and only sent a car rental information form.

The person who rented the car was none other than Sister Fan's suspected boyfriend - Wang Baichuan.

An hour and a half ago, Qu Xiaoxiao went downstairs to have breakfast and happened to bump into Fan Shengmei and Wang Baichuan chatting at the gate of the community. Driven by curiosity, she couldn't help but take a photo of the license plate number and asked Yao Bin to go there. check.

As a result, a result was found that made Fan Shengmei unable to hold back.

In Fan Shengmei's eyes, Wang Baichuan would still be a small boss no matter how bad he was. Even if he can't buy a house in Shanghai right away, he should still have a car of his own, even if it's an entry-level BBA like this, or even if he pays a down payment and has to repay the car loan every month!

But he could only rent... This simply broke through Fan Shengmei's bottom line.

What is the difference between the current Wang Baichuan and the man she dated before?

There is no difference between him and a white scumbag! The white scumbag deceived Qiu Yingying's feelings, and the king's scumbag deceived her feelings and asked her to rent an office and a single apartment for him. In the end, he was nothing.

"Wang Baichuan, rent a car, you said that Sister Fan attaches great importance to material conditions, Naqu Yaoji sent this picture... wouldn't she have already sent it to Sister Fan?!"

Wang Shiyu reacted quickly.

Although she is young, her little mind can move very fast as long as she is interested in something.

Chen Tao hummed: "If she didn't want to post it or see Sister Fan's jokes, then she wouldn't investigate Wang Baichuan."

Now, although Qu Xiaoxiao was chatting and laughing with Fan Shengmei, she looked down on this prostitute in her heart.

Because seeing Fan Shengmei reminded her of those nasty mistresses she had fought with her mother.

It would be strange not to laugh at her!

"Want to see Sister Fan's jokes? Do they have any festivals?" Wang Shiyu asked in confusion: "What's wrong with them? They look fine? What festivals do they have?"

"Who knows this? I heard that you girls like to form small groups. Four of you form five chat groups. You smile in front of your face, but behind your back you slap all kinds of belittling, pure plastic sisters. So, Qu Yaoxing and Sister Fan This is probably the case!”

Chen Tao said irresponsibly.

"Nonsense!" Wang Shiyu handed her cell phone to Chen Tao and said angrily: "If you don't believe me, see for yourself. I don't have that many chat groups in WeChat."

Her mobile phone is also a Fruit 6. It is said that the sales of this generation are really good.

Chen Tao took the phone and before he looked at it carefully, the girl reached out and grabbed it:

"You really are looking at it! I won't show you my phone!"

Chen Tao had quick eyesight and quick hands, so he hurriedly leaned up and lifted the phone back.

When Wang Shiyu saw this, she threw herself at him with all her strength, but he wrapped her waist around her and held her in his arms, clinging to him.

As a result, her left arm was suppressed by Chen Tao's arm, and her right arm could not reach back as far as the left.

Chen Tao's left hand can hold her mobile phone and browse it casually.

"Brother~ let me go, I don't want my phone anymore."

"I won't let you go until I finish reading."

"Don't look!"

"I've already opened WeChat."


No matter how coquettish she acts, she can't stop Chen Tao.

Chen Tao didn't let her go until he read her chat history with Qu Yaoxing and Guan Ju'er.

But she did not leave. Instead, she held Chen Tao's shoulders, looked into his eyes, and pouted: "Brother, you are not allowed to look at my phone in the future, you promise."

Chen Tao said seriously: "I can guarantee it, but there is an additional condition."

Wang Shiyu deliberately pretended to be stupid: "What are the conditions?"

Chen Tao smiled and said: "You can't look at my phone in the future. Is this fair?"


Wang Shiyu said rationally: "I look at your phone because I care about you. You can't refuse me. If you care about me..."

"Just looking at your phone?"

"You can't look at my phone, otherwise I'll be unhappy."


Chen Tao pondered for a long time before suggesting:

"How about I secretly look at your phone at night? That way you won't be unhappy if you don't know, and I can care about you. It's like killing two birds with one stone."

Wang Shiyu thinks it makes sense...

Well, she didn't mind showing her brother the phone at all.


afternoon. Guan Juer works overtime at the company.

After all, she was not thick-skinned. When she rejected Senior Brother Lin yesterday, she still used the excuse of working overtime.

After all, if you really think about it, Senior Brother Renlin hasn't confessed his love to her yet! If she directly said that she was not interested in Senior Brother Lin, how narcissistic would she appear?

Andy also works at Shengxuan. She returned to China for two things. One was to help Shengxuan acquire a company called Red Star; the other was to find her younger brother.

Although there is no good news on the younger brother's side, there is at least some clues. Then she should pay more attention to her work.

Fan Shengmei also went out.

Although Wang Baichuan had changed from a quasi-boyfriend to a rent-a-car guy, based on the principle that it is better to go out on a date than to be moldy at home, she still agreed to Wang Baichuan and would accompany him to dinner with a man named Mr. Lang.

By the way, ask him for some favors, such as a Hermès scarf? It’s time to fish!

Qu Xiaoxiao's ankle was not injured, and she knew that she couldn't date Chen Tao on the weekend, so she went to the bar to have fun with Yao Bin.

It's not just fun, you can also ask Yao Bin to help with business.

Yao Bin admits it, and his idea of ​​​​licking the dog is very classic, which is: If you Qu Xiaoxiao doesn't like me, then do you like money? I have an order here, you should always come to me!

It's a pity that licking dogs is just being sentimental!

Even if he has more orders and Chen Tao gives him a beating, the fairy Qu Xiaoxiao will only care about whether Chen Tao's hand is injured and will not care about his best friend since childhood.

Finally, there is Qiu Yingying.

She came back today, but she only took away some clothes and had no intention of staying.

The two sisters who lived together were really not as good as her prodigal boyfriend.

Yes, in Qiu Yingying's opinion, the white scumbag is the prodigal son who has returned... at least he's better than before, right?

However, this is just an illusion.

The white scumbag's computer and tablet were all smashed by him, so Qiu Yingying no longer had to feel uncomfortable and have conflicts because she couldn't see the little secrets in his computer.

As for his mobile phone, although Qiu Yingying still wanted to see it, she didn't dare to make such unreasonable requests again.

She was once again confused by the white scumbag's sweet words.

Her low IQ has plummeted because of so-called true love.

As for the white-scumbag man, he was already preparing to break up with her.

Before the official breakup, he still had to do something, which was to let Qiu Yingying leave the company voluntarily.

This silly girl is too straightforward and doesn't like to use her brain. She also knows his secrets of falsely reporting invoices and embezzling the company's finances. It's very dangerous to stay around.

That night.

The white-scumbag man drank some wine, returned to the small rented room, and said to Qiu Yingying:

"Yingying, let's break up! Office romance is not allowed in the company. What's more, my position is very sensitive. If we are found out, we will both be fired."

Qiu Yingying looked confused.

She also wanted to slowly move her things here before the end of the month, leave her two sisters, and live with a white scumbag, but this guy wanted to break up with her again?

And the white scumbag's reason for breaking up was also hard for her to accept.

She cried sadly: "We can't have an office romance, I can find another job! Why did you break up? You just don't love me, don't find other reasons."

Manager Bai shook his head, as if he had a hard time, and sighed:

"How easy are you to say this? It's much harder to find a job now than to find a boyfriend! It's better to break up! From now on, if you work seriously, I will also take good care of you for the sake of this relationship."

What he said was just what he said.

Because he knew very well that Qiu Yingying would quit her job for him.

Sure enough, just listen to this silly girl say:

"Don't break up with me, I will resign the day after tomorrow."

The white-scumbag man laughed secretly in his heart, but his face was noncommittal, with a sullen look on his face.

There is no doubt that Qiu Yingying will remain in this bad shape until he actually quits his job.

Qiu Yingying held his hand and said firmly: "It's settled. I'm going to resign the day after tomorrow. Don't break up with me."

The white-scumbag man sighed again.

Qiu Yingying thought he agreed, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

In this silly girl's eyes, it's just another job. What's so difficult about it?

Much easier than finding a boyfriend.

Who would have thought that the scumbag in front of her wanted her to lose her job and not get anyone!

9 p.m.

Today is Saturday. Wang Shiyu has already studied all day, so naturally he has to relax in the evening, and watching movies is a good pastime.

Chen Tao and Wang Shiyu held hands and walked home after watching a movie at a theater near the Ode to Joy community.

In fact, Wang Shiyu wanted her brother to take her back to the villa.

Because her mother is here, she must be in the same room with her, and cannot sleep with her brother hugging each other... Is it really not possible?

When they arrived at the gate of the community, they saw an acquaintance again - Wang Baichuan.

Fan Shengmei has already entered the community. She drank a lot today and her steps were messed up. But she was still conscious and knew that she could not let Wang Baichuan send her back to 2202.

Standing next to the car and watching Fan Shengmei leave, Wang Baichuan felt very complicated.

He really didn't understand what Fan Shengmei thought of him?

Just when he was lost in thought, a sweet female voice came from behind: "Sister Fan's old classmate, do you still know me?"

(End of this chapter)

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