The mountain behind the academy is another world.

It's just that this unknown land is never open to outsiders. Only those who are destined can enter.

Ning Que knew extremely well that he was the destined person from the academy.

Stepping onto the stone steps of the back mountain, mist rises and light and shadow intersect, turning into a strange world of colorful clouds and brilliant clouds.

In such a world, the five senses are confused and the light is swallowed up.As time goes by, even practitioners will find it difficult to survive in such an environment.

"The fog is really heavy." Ning Que touched his nose and then stretched out a finger.

An invisible whirlpool of thought power formed at Ning Que's fingertips.

The moment the vortex took shape, Ning Que's thoughts centered on the vortex and spread out in all directions, encompassing the seemingly endless sea of ​​fog.


The next moment, the whirlpool of thought power at Ning Que's fingertips screamed like thousands of birds, and then there was boundless mist, like tired birds returning to the forest and mud flowing into the sea, gathering towards Ning Que's fingertips.

Wisp after wisp, the fog was as thick as a mountain. Finally, like a whale sucking water, it was quickly pulled away from the world and disappeared at Ning Que's fingertips.

As the last trace of fog disappeared, the scenery of the mountains behind the academy came into Ning Que's eyes.

The forested peaks, the moss-covered cliffs, and the countless dense cinnabar-colored lines hidden under the moss.

"The work of the Talisman Master, it is indeed a Talisman Array." In the world of Jiang Ye, the Talisman Array is a very powerful method.

For example, the Shocking God Formation in Chang'an City, after being infused with human power by Ning Que in the original work, can even be compared to the temple master who holds the seven volumes of heavenly books and wants to change the heavens.

In comparison, the talisman formation on the mountain behind the academy is much more ordinary, but even if it is an ordinary talisman formation, after all, it is set up by the magic talisman master, and it is extremely difficult for even a well-known master to break it.

From the moment he stepped onto the steps, Ning Que felt an invisible pressure coming from all directions, as if it was going to overwhelm him. However, Ning Que's cultivation level had already reached the fifth realm. The power of such a talisman array , not enough to pose any threat to him.

So after breaking through the fog in the formation, Ning Que did not hesitate, protected Sangsang, and walked quickly towards the top of the mountain.

"The first formation has been broken." Yu Lian said calmly.

"It's such a great feat to actually pull out all the fog in the entire magic circle and break it!" Jun Mo's eyes were full of excitement, and he was quite eager to try.

"I said, Huang He can't stop him." Yu Lianshi walked back to his cases and started copying the book again.

"Don't you want to look again?" Jun Mo asked.

"The outcome has been decided, so there's no need to wait any longer." Yu Liang said without raising his head.

Jun Mo wasn't angry either. He was very aware of the tempers between his brothers and sisters, so he was used to it.

"I'll go take a look at the back mountain." Jun Mo left these words and left the old library directly.


Ning Que climbed the mountain all the way, and encountered the whirling leaves and dancing springs again, which turned into a terrifying attack.

The leaves are like knives that cut people's hearts, and the clear springs are like waterfalls that wash away people's souls.

However, neither being in front of Ning Que, nor the scattered leaves, nor the spring water hanging upside down like a waterfall, could shake his progress.

He moved forward, still so unhurriedly, as if all obstacles in his eyes could be ignored.On the mountain behind the academy, to ordinary practitioners, the nameless formation was extremely terrifying, but in Ning Que's eyes, it was actually no threat at all.


In a pavilion on the roadside about ten miles away from the mountain behind the academy, a monk stood facing each other, silently looking in the direction of the mountain behind the academy without saying a word.

"That man, he climbed a mountain." said the old Taoist priest who usually looked very solemn.

This old Taoist priest is Li Qingshan, the current headmaster of the South Gate of Haotian Dao. At the same time, he is also the Imperial Master of the Tang Dynasty who was personally conferred by the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty to lead Tianshu.

Not long ago, he was drinking tea and talking with the monk in front of him in the Wanyan Pagoda in Chang'an City.

But because of an important piece of information from the spies at Tianshu, he dragged the monks around him and hurried to the back hill of the academy.

"Are you sure this person is related to the case that year?" The monk said with an extremely solemn expression on his face: "The fog in the back mountain has dispersed. You should know what this means."

This monk, who is in his thirties, has a handsome and peaceful appearance, and naturally has the desire to escape from the world. He is qualified to stand side by side with Li Qingshan, and his background is naturally unusual.

He is Master Huang Yang. Legend has it that he went to the wilderness and practiced for a period of time in the Hanging Temple, an unknown place of Buddhism. A few years ago, by chance, he met the current Emperor of the Tang Dynasty and became brothers both inside and outside. He was honored as the Imperial Disciple of the Tang Dynasty.

"Of course I know." Li Qingshan smiled bitterly and said: "This little guy who just broke through the formation at the back of the academy visited General Xuanwei's Mansion in the south of the city two hours ago. Do you think this is a coincidence?"

"The case from back then has been deemed a solid case by His Highness the Prince. Lin Guangyuan collaborated with the enemy and treason, and his crime is unforgivable." Master Huang Yang said: "But since you are in charge of the Tianshu Office, you should know the hidden secrets, right?"

On the surface, the Tianshu Office was an institution where the Tang Dynasty had jurisdiction over all practitioners in the Tang Dynasty. In fact, due to the special nature of its functions, it was also the eyes, ears and mouthpiece of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. It had no power to supervise the world, but it had the power to supervise the world.

"Back then, His Majesty the Emperor visited Daze in the south and ordered His Highness the Prince to supervise the country. The Great Priest of Light, Wei Guangming, received the oracle of the Apocalypse. Darkness had fallen on Chang'an. Therefore, the Great Priest of Light joined forces with His Highness the Prince and ordered General Xiahou to take action and destroy the people. The entire General Xuanwei Mansion.”

Li Qingshan explained: "But later, news came from the Xiling Divine Kingdom that Wei Guangming disrespected Haotian and was detained in You Pavilion to confess his crimes. The events of that year became complicated and confusing."

As the leader of the South Gate of Haotian Dao, Li Qingshan is very knowledgeable about all kinds of secrets.It was just that Lin Guangyuan's family had already been executed, and the matter also involved the emperor's most trusted prince, so the matter was settled.

I thought that this old case had long been a thing of the past, but Ning Que's appearance made the case resurface.

General Xuanwei Lin Guangyuan was wrongly accused. Everyone knew this, but no one was willing to offend His Highness the Prince and reverse his case.

Originally, this was nothing. There were many unjust, false and wrong cases in the world for thousands of years. However, when not all people in the Lin family died, and even a great cultivator emerged, this became serious.

Li Qingshan and Master Huang Yang are both great practitioners. Of course they know how terrifying a great practitioner can be if he attacks with all his strength.

Not to mention, Ning Que, who was suspected to be an orphan from General Xuanwei's mansion, had just broken the talisman formation on the back hill of the academy.

They knew that it was the work of the Talisman Master who lived in seclusion in the academy.Looking at it this way, Ning Que is by no means an ordinary great practitioner.

If this matter is not handled well, it may immediately trigger a crisis in the Tang Empire.

This is a very fast bird, like a red flame, shooting into the pavilion.

Li Qingshan took the confidential note from the red bird and unfolded it, his face was ashen.

"What happened?" Master Huang Yang asked.

"Ning Que's last stop in General Xuanwei's Mansion was the small courtyard of Lin Tao, the gatekeeper of the General's Mansion. It is said that Lin Tao had a son who disappeared after the incident." Li Qingshan said.

"We need to enter the palace immediately to face the saint!" Master Huang Yang said decisively. (End of chapter)

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